(BigQuery) 左连接以收集左表中大于右表数据的最低数据

huangapple go评论54阅读模式

(BigQuery) Left join to gather lowest data from Left table that is greater than data from right table









| User_id | Date |
| 1       | 1    |
| 1       | 2    |
| 1       | 3    |
| 1       | 4    |
| 1       | 5    |
| 1       | 6    |


| User_id | Date | Action.id |
| 1       | 1    | 1         |
| 1       | 2    | 2         |
| 1       | 5    | 3         |
| 1       | 6    | 4         |


| User_id | Date | Action1.Date | Action1.id |
| 1       | 1    | 2            | 2          |
| 1       | 2    | 5            | 3          |
| 1       | 3    | 5            | 3          |
| 1       | 4    | 5            | 3          |
| 1       | 5    | 6            | 4          |
| 1       | 6    |              |            |



I need to LEFT JOIN a table with only the lowest values in the right table that are greater than other values in the left table.

I can do this with ROW_NUMBER and Subqueries but the issue is that I need to do the same with about 5 Actions from 5 different tables and I dont want a 10-page long query that is difficult for my coworkers to audit.

I have Table.Users that measures when a user does an action. I want to left join it with Table.Action1 to gather the first incident of action1 that occurs after the action in Table.Users.

Users can appear multiple times in both tables.

Is there any way to gather only one row each from multiple LEFT JOINs without multiple subqueries?

I cant use aggregations as there is a lot of info I need from the action tables that is connected to the specific actions.

My data would look like:

| User_id | Date |
| 1       | 1    |
| 1       | 2    |
| 1       | 3    |
| 1       | 4    |
| 1       | 5    |
| 1       | 6    |


| User_id | Date |Action.id|
| 1       | 1    |1|
| 1       | 2    |2|
| 1       | 5    |3|
| 1       | 6    |4|

Ideal Result:

| User_id | Date |Action1.Date| Action1.id
| 1       | 1    |2           |2|
| 1       | 2    |5           |3|
| 1       | 3    |5           |3|
| 1       | 4    |5           |3|
| 1       | 5    |6           |4|
| 1       | 6    |            | |

I have solved this before with multiple subqueries and ROW_NUMBER but I have many more tables that need joining now and dont want a very long query that is difficult for a co-worker to understand.


得分: 0

假设在 actions 表中不存在重复的 (user_id, dt),如您提供的示例数据所示,一种选项是使用 left join 来获取匹配的操作(如果有的话),然后使用窗口函数 last_value() 和选项 ignore nulls 来检索相关的操作日期和id。关键是要仔细调整窗口子句:

select u.*, 
    last_value(a.dt ignore nulls) over w as last_action_dt,
    last_value(a.id ignore nulls) over w as last_action_id
from users u
left join actions a on a.user_id = u.user_id and a.dt = u.dt
window w as (
    partition by u.user_id 
    order by u.dt desc
    rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding
order by u.user_id, u.dt

顺便提一下:我在查询中将列名 date 重命名为 dt,以避免与相应的SQL关键字冲突。


Assuming no duplicate (user_id, dt) in the actions table, as shown in your sample data, one option uses a left join to bring the matching action (if any), and then window function last_value() with option ignore nulls to retrieve the relevant action date and id. The trick is to carefully adjust the window clause:

select u.*, 
    last_value(a.dt ignore nulls) over w last_action_dt,
    last_value(a.id ignore nulls) over w last_action_id
from users u
left join actions a on a.user_id = u.user_id and a.dt = u.dt
window w as (
    partition by u.user_id 
    order by u.dt desc
    rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding
order by u.user_id, u.dt

Side note: I renamed column date to dt in the query, so it does not clash with the corresponding SQL keyword.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月15日 04:17:04
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76477237.html



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