Plotly生成的ggplot geom_tile中的工具提示

huangapple go评论92阅读模式

Tooltips in plotly generated from ggplot geom_tile






  • 我使用geom_tile生成条形,因为我需要能够反转轴,而使用其他几何图形时遇到了困难。我基于[这个SO回答][3]采用了geom_tile
  • 需要从ggplot对象生成Plotly图,而不是直接生成Plotly图。这是一个大型Shiny应用的一部分,我需要将ggplot对象存储在另一个位置,并进一步进行其他操作。




# 用于垂直轴y1(左侧)
df1 <- data.frame(ID = c("A", "A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "B", "B"), 
              Date = structure(c(19078, 19085, 19092, 19099, 19078, 19085, 19092, 19099), class = "Date"),
              Val = c(236, 221, 187, 136, 77, 100, 128, 180))

# 用于垂直轴y2(右侧)
df2 <- data.frame(ID = c("J", "J", "J", "J", "K", "K", "K", "K"), 
              Date = structure(c(19078, 19085, 19092, 19099, 19078, 19085, 19092, 19099), class = "Date"),
              Val = c(478, 500, 549, 479, 73, 5, 15, 74))



# 准备y2缩放数据
ylim1 <- rev(range(df1$Val))
ylim2 <- range(df2$Val)
scale_y2.1 <- function(y, ylim1, ylim2) {
  ylim1[1] + (ylim1[2] - ylim1[1]) *(y - ylim2[1])/(ylim2[2] - ylim2[1])
dfAll <- full_join(df1, df2, by = c("ID", "Date"), suffix = c("1", "2"))
y2.scl <- scale_y2.1(dfAll$Val2, ylim1, ylim2)
dfAll <- dfAll %>% mutate(Val2_scl = y2.scl)

# 准备y2刻度和缩放的刻度线
labs2 <- pretty(ylim2)
brks2 <- scale_y2.1(labs2, ylim1, ylim2)

# 生成ggplot
ggp1 <- ggplot(dfAll) +
  geom_point(aes(x = Date, y = Val1, color = ID, group = ID), na.rm = TRUE) +
  geom_point(aes(x = Date, y = Val2_scl, group = ID, color = ID), na.rm = TRUE, shape = 4, stroke = 0.6) +
  scale_y_continuous(trans = "reverse",
                     sec.axis = dup_axis(breaks = rev(brks2), labels = rev(labs2), name = "Val2")) +
  coord_cartesian(ylim = rev(ylim1))

# 生成Plotly图
yaxis2 <- list(overlaying = "y", range = rev(ylim2), ticks = 'outside', side = "right",
               title = "Val2", zeroline = FALSE, showgrid = FALSE, automargin = TRUE,
               tickfont = list(size = 11.8), titlefont = list(size = 14.6))
ply1 <- ggplotly(ggp1) %>%
  add_lines(x = ~Date, y = ~Val2_scl, yaxis = "y2", data = dfAll, inherit = FALSE) %>%
  style(showlegend = FALSE) %>%
  layout(yaxis2 = yaxis2)

# 插入工具提示
tlTips <- paste0("Value: ", c(df1$Val, df2$Val), '\n',
                 "Date: ", dfAll$Date, '\n',
                 "ID: ", dfAll$ID)
for (i in seq_along(ply1$x$data)) {
  aName <- ply1$x$data[[i]]$name
  if (!is.null(aName)) {
    aTags <- grep(aName, tlTips, value = TRUE, fixed = TRUE)
    ply1$x$data[[i]]$text <- aTags

# 显示图形


# 生成ggplot
ggp2 <- ggplot(dfAll) +
  geom_point(aes(x = Date, y = Val1, color = ID, group = ID), na.rm = TRUE) +
  geom_tile(aes(x = Date, y = (ylim1[1] +  Val2_scl)/2, height = ylim1[1] - Val2_scl, fill = ID, group = ID),
            na.rm = TRUE, stat = "identity", position = position_dodge(preserve = "single")) +
  scale_y_continuous(trans = "reverse",
                     sec.axis = dup_axis(breaks = rev(brks2), labels = rev(labs2), name = "Val2")) +
  coord_cartesian(ylim = rev(ylim1))

# 生成Plotly图
ply2 <- ggplotly(ggp2) %>%
  add_lines(x = ~Date, y = ~Val2_scl, yaxis = "y2", data = dfAll, inherit = FALSE) %>%
  style(showlegend =


I&#39;m trying to produce an interactive plotly graphic with two vertical axes and on-hover tooltips. The plot should have y1 data as points and y2 data as bars. **Everything works just as needed when I use points for data in both sides, but when I use bars for y2 I cannot get the tooltips to display the correct information.**

With points at both sides tooltips display fine:


With `geom_tile` bars at the right side, every bar&#39;s tooltip displays the information of all the bars of the same ID:


Some complementary information that could be relevant:

 - I&#39;m using `geom_tile` to produce the bars because I need to be able to reverse the axes and I was having difficulties doing that with other geoms. I adopted `geom_tile` based on [this SO answer][3].
 - It is necessary to produce the plotly graphic from a ggplot one, not directly the plotly one. This is part of a large Shiny app that I got to work on, where the ggplot object is stored apart and further manipulated for other purposes.

### MRE

**Note:** I&#39;m not sure if my example is minimal because I don&#39;t know well what part of the process is messing up the tooltips. Thus, I prefer to include all elements of my application case here: two vertical axes, reversing and two different geoms including the problematic bars.

** Data

    # for vertical axis y1 (left)
    df1 &lt;- data.frame(ID = c(&quot;A&quot;, &quot;A&quot;, &quot;A&quot;, &quot;A&quot;, &quot;B&quot;, &quot;B&quot;, &quot;B&quot;, &quot;B&quot;), 
                  Date = structure(c(19078, 19085, 19092, 19099, 19078, 19085, 19092, 19099), class = &quot;Date&quot;),
                  Val = c(236, 221, 187, 136, 77, 100, 128, 180))

    # for vertical axis y2 (right)
    df2 &lt;- data.frame(ID = c(&quot;J&quot;, &quot;J&quot;, &quot;J&quot;, &quot;J&quot;, &quot;K&quot;, &quot;K&quot;, &quot;K&quot;, &quot;K&quot;), 
                  Date = structure(c(19078, 19085, 19092, 19099, 19078, 19085, 19092, 19099), class = &quot;Date&quot;),
                  Val = c(478, 500, 549, 479, 73, 5, 15, 74))

** **Working case** with points at both sides


    # prepare y2 scaled data
    ylim1 &lt;- rev(range(df1$Val))
    ylim2 &lt;- range(df2$Val)
    scale_y2.1 &lt;- function(y, ylim1, ylim2) {
      ylim1[1] + (ylim1[2] - ylim1[1]) *(y - ylim2[1])/(ylim2[2] - ylim2[1])
    dfAll &lt;- full_join(df1, df2, by = c(&quot;ID&quot;, &quot;Date&quot;), suffix = c(&quot;1&quot;, &quot;2&quot;))
    y2.scl &lt;- scale_y2.1(dfAll$Val2, ylim1, ylim2)
    dfAll &lt;- dfAll %&gt;% mutate(Val2_scl = y2.scl)
    # prepare y2 ticks and scaled breaks
    labs2 &lt;- pretty(ylim2)
    brks2 &lt;- scale_y2.1(labs2, ylim1, ylim2)
    # generate ggplot
    ggp1 &lt;- ggplot(dfAll) +
      geom_point(aes(x = Date, y = Val1, color = ID, group = ID), na.rm = TRUE) +
      geom_point(aes(x = Date, y = Val2_scl, group = ID, color = ID), na.rm = TRUE, shape = 4, stroke = 0.6) +
      scale_y_continuous(trans = &quot;reverse&quot;,
                         sec.axis = dup_axis(breaks = rev(brks2), labels = rev(labs2), name = &quot;Val2&quot;)) +
      coord_cartesian(ylim = rev(ylim1))
    # generate plotly
    yaxis2 &lt;- list(overlaying = &quot;y&quot;, range = rev(ylim2), ticks = &#39;outside&#39;, side = &quot;right&quot;,
                   title = &quot;Val2&quot;, zeroline = FALSE, showgrid = FALSE, automargin = TRUE,
                   tickfont = list(size = 11.8), titlefont = list(size = 14.6))
    ply1 &lt;- ggplotly(ggp1) %&gt;%
      add_lines(x = ~Date, y = ~Val2_scl, yaxis = &quot;y2&quot;, data = dfAll, inherit = FALSE) %&gt;%
      style(showlegend = FALSE) %&gt;%
      layout(yaxis2 = yaxis2)
    # insert tooltips
    tlTips &lt;- paste0(&quot;Value: &quot;, c(df1$Val, df2$Val), &#39;\n&#39;,
                     &quot;Date: &quot;, dfAll$Date, &#39;\n&#39;,
                     &quot;ID: &quot;, dfAll$ID)
    for (i in seq_along(ply1$x$data)) {
      aName &lt;- ply1$x$data[[i]]$name
      if (!is.null(aName)) {
        aTags &lt;- grep(aName, tlTips, value = TRUE, fixed = TRUE)
        ply1$x$data[[i]]$text &lt;- aTags
    # display

** **Broken case** with bars at right side

    # generate ggplot
    ggp2 &lt;- ggplot(dfAll) +
      geom_point(aes(x = Date, y = Val1, color = ID, group = ID), na.rm = TRUE) +
      geom_tile(aes(x = Date, y = (ylim1[1] +  Val2_scl)/2, height = ylim1[1] - Val2_scl, fill = ID, group = ID),
                na.rm = TRUE, stat = &quot;identity&quot;, position = position_dodge(preserve = &quot;single&quot;)) +
      scale_y_continuous(trans = &quot;reverse&quot;,
                         sec.axis = dup_axis(breaks = rev(brks2), labels = rev(labs2), name = &quot;Val2&quot;)) +
      coord_cartesian(ylim = rev(ylim1))
    # generate plotly
    ply2 &lt;- ggplotly(ggp2) %&gt;%
      add_lines(x = ~Date, y = ~Val2_scl, yaxis = &quot;y2&quot;, data = dfAll, inherit = FALSE) %&gt;%
      style(showlegend = FALSE) %&gt;%
      layout(yaxis2 = yaxis2)
    # insert tooltips
    for (i in seq_along(ply2$x$data)) {
      aName &lt;- ply2$x$data[[i]]$name
      if (!is.null(aName)) {
        t1 &lt;- grepl(&quot;(&quot;, aName, fixed = TRUE)
        t2 &lt;- grepl(&quot;,&quot;, aName, fixed = TRUE)
        t3 &lt;- grepl(&quot;)&quot;, aName, fixed = TRUE)
        if (all(t1, t2, t3)) {
          aName &lt;- strsplit(sub(&quot;(&quot;, &quot;&quot;, aName, fixed = TRUE), &quot;,&quot;, fixed = TRUE)[[1]][1]
        aTags &lt;- grep(aName, tlTips, value = TRUE, fixed = TRUE)
        ply2$x$data[[i]]$text &lt;- aTags
    # display



# 答案1
**得分**: 2

# Option 1:



在`else`中,我提取文本,它看起来像这样:`&quot;Date: 2022-03-27&lt;br /&gt;(ylim1[1] + Val2_scl)/2: 166.8759&lt;br /&gt;ylim1[1] - Val2_scl: NA&lt;br /&gt;ID: J&lt;br /&gt;ID: J&quot;`。

首先我按`&lt;br /&gt;`(换行符)拆分。然后第二个断点(`&quot;(ylim1[1] + Val2_scl)/2: 166.8759&quot;`)按`:`拆分。接下来,我按标记中使用的顺序重新构建提示(值,日期,然后ID)。

#### 代码


#----------- 这部分与您的代码相同 ------------
# 生成plotly图
ply2 <- ggplotly(ggp2) %>%
    add_lines(x = ~Date, y = ~Val2_scl, yaxis = "y2", data = dfAll, inherit = FALSE) %>%
    style(showlegend = FALSE) %>%
    layout(yaxis2 = yaxis2)

#----------- 我的修改开始的地方 -------------
# 这在很大程度上与问题中的for()语句的内容基本相同
invisible(lapply(1:length(ply2$x$data), function(i) {
  if(ply2$x$data[[i]]$mode == "markers") {  # 所有内容都来自于您的for()语句
    aName <- ply2$x$data[[i]]$name
    if (!is.null(aName)) {
      t1 <- grepl("(", aName, fixed = TRUE)
      t2 <- grepl(",", aName, fixed = TRUE)
      t3 <- grepl(")", aName, fixed = TRUE)
      if (all(t1, t2, t3)) {
        aName <- strsplit(sub("(", "", aName, fixed = TRUE), ",", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][1]
      aTags <- grep(aName, tlTips, value = TRUE, fixed = TRUE)
      ply2$x$data[[i]]$text <<- aTags               # <--------- 这里有改动!
  } else {                    # 否则模式不是markers(瓷砖/线)
    if(!is.null(ply2$x$data[[i]]$text)) {           # 如果存在文本
      # 按换行符拆分当前多行字符串的工具提示
      aName <- strsplit(ply2$x$data[[i]]$text, "<br />", fixed = T)
      l2 <- strsplit(aName[[1]][2], ":")           # 拆分 'Value' 行
      # 根据标记提示中的顺序重新构建瓷砖的工具提示
      #    和绘图数据
      aTag <- paste0("Value:", l2[[1]][2], "<br />", aName[[1]][1], 
                     "<br />", aName[[1]][length(aName[[1]])])
      ply2$x$data[[i]]$text <<- aTag               # 注意 <<-

[![enter image description here][1]][1]

Option 2:

感谢Kat的建议,我能够实现一种适用于geom_point() - geom_tile()geom_line() - geom_tile()组合的方法,它在每个条形上安装了正确的Value、Date和ID。Kat的意见对于开发我的版本非常重要,所以我决定将这段代码作为答案的附加部分添加,而不是发布新答案。

  • 为了简单起见,我回到了使用for循环。无论如何,这只涉及到几次迭代。
  • 这次我使用了geom_line()geom_tile()的组合来说明一种情况,其中ply2$x$data[[i]]$mode无法区分线和瓷砖跟踪。然而,该代码足够通用,也适用于geom_point()geom_tile()的组合使用。
  • 我准备了两个不同于条形的凹面和一个用于条形的凹面的工具提示向量。



# 生成ggplot图
ggp2 <- ggplot(dfAll) +
  geom_line(aes(x = Date, y = Val1, color = ID, group = ID), na.rm = TRUE) +
  geom_tile(aes(x = Date, y = (ylim1[1] + Val2_scl)/2, height = ylim1[1] - Val2_scl, fill = ID, group = ID),
            na.rm = TRUE, stat = "identity", position = position_dodge(preserve = "single")) +
  scale_y_continuous(trans = "reverse",
                     sec.axis = dup_axis(breaks = rev(brks2), labels = rev(labs2), name = "Val2")) +
  coord_cartesian(ylim = rev(ylim1))

# 生成plotly图
ply2 <- ggplotly(ggp2) %>%
  add_lines(x = ~Date, y = ~Val2_scl, yaxis = "y2", data = dfAll, inherit = FALSE) %>%
  style(showlegend = FALSE) %>%
  layout(yaxis2 = yaxis2)

# 准备工具提示
# - 用于与凹面和线条相关的其他图元
tlTipsOthers <- paste0("Value: ", df1


# Option 1:

This modification modifies your `for` statement that you used to modify the tooltips. I used the *plotting* data for the tooltips. I&#39;m not sure if that is the value or ID you wanted for the tiles, but you&#39;ll at least see how I changed it.

The `lapply` starts with `if(`...the trace is `markers`. This part of the code is mostly identical to the content in your `for` statement. Note the comment indicating the only thing I changed (`&lt;&lt;` instead of `&lt;`).
The `else(`... is if the trace is *not* markers (lines/tiles). 

In the `else`, I extract the text, which looks like this: `&quot;Date: 2022-03-27&lt;br /&gt;(ylim1[1] + Val2_scl)/2: 166.8759&lt;br /&gt;ylim1[1] - Val2_scl: NA&lt;br /&gt;ID: J&lt;br /&gt;ID: J&quot;`.

First I split by `&lt;br /&gt;` (linebreaks). Then the second break (`&quot;(ylim1[1] + Val2_scl)/2: 166.8759&quot;`) is split by the `:`. Next, I rebuild the tip in the order used in the markers (value, date, then id). 

#### The Code

This starts with the object `ggp2` from your question.

#----------- this is unchanged from your code ------------

generate plotly

ply2 <- ggplotly(ggp2) %>%
add_lines(x = ~Date, y = ~Val2_scl, yaxis = "y2", data = dfAll, inherit = FALSE) %>%
style(showlegend = FALSE) %>%
layout(yaxis2 = yaxis2)

#----------- where my mods start -------------

this is mostly the same content as in you the question's for statement

invisible(lapply(1:length(ply2$x$data), function(i) {
if(ply2$x$data[[i]]$mode == "markers") { # all in if is from your for() statement
aName <- ply2$x$data[[i]]$name
if (!is.null(aName)) {
t1 <- grepl("(", aName, fixed = TRUE)
t2 <- grepl(",", aName, fixed = TRUE)
t3 <- grepl(")", aName, fixed = TRUE)

  if (all(t1, t2, t3)) {
aName &lt;- strsplit(sub(&quot;(&quot;, &quot;&quot;, aName, fixed = TRUE), &quot;,&quot;, fixed = TRUE)[[1]][1]
aTags &lt;- grep(aName, tlTips, value = TRUE, fixed = TRUE)
ply2$x$data[[i]]$text &lt;&lt;- aTags               # &lt;--------- this is changed!

} else { # else the mode is NOT markers (tiles/lines)
if(!is.null(ply2$x$data[[i]]$text)) { # if text exists
# split the current multiple stringed tooltip by line break
aName <- strsplit(ply2$x$data[[i]]$text, "<br />", fixed = T)
l2 <- strsplit(aName[[1]][2], ":") # split 'Value' line

  # rebuild tooltip for tiles based on the order in markers tips
#    and plotting data
aTag &lt;- paste0(&quot;Value:&quot;, l2[[1]][2], &quot;&lt;br /&gt;&quot;, aName[[1]][1], 
&quot;&lt;br /&gt;&quot;, aName[[1]][length(aName[[1]])])
ply2$x$data[[i]]$text &lt;&lt;- aTag               # note the &lt;&lt; for envir assign


[![enter image description here][1]][1]
# Option 2:
*Thanks to Kat&#39;s suggestions, I was able to implement an approach which (i) works for combinations of `geom_point()` - `geom_tile()` and `geom_line()` - `geom_tile()`; and (ii) installs the correct Value, Date and ID on each bar. Kat&#39;s input was fundamental to have my version developed so I decided it was better to add this code as an addition to this answer rather than posting a new one.*
- I got back to a for loop for simplicity. Anyway it only involves a few iterations.
- This time I used `geom_line()` in combination with `geom_tile()` to illustrate a case where `ply2$x$data[[i]]$mode` doesn&#39;t let one differentiate between lines and tiles traces. However, the code is general enough to work also if `geom_point()` is used in combination with `geom_tile()`.
- I prepared two separate tooltip vectors, one for other geoms different to bars and one for bars.
#### The Code
Starting from the `ggplot` object definition.
# generate ggplot
ggp2 &lt;- ggplot(dfAll) +
geom_line(aes(x = Date, y = Val1, color = ID, group = ID), na.rm = TRUE) +
geom_tile(aes(x = Date, y = (ylim1[1] +  Val2_scl)/2, height = ylim1[1] - Val2_scl, fill = ID, group = ID),
na.rm = TRUE, stat = &quot;identity&quot;, position = position_dodge(preserve = &quot;single&quot;)) +
scale_y_continuous(trans = &quot;reverse&quot;,
sec.axis = dup_axis(breaks = rev(brks2), labels = rev(labs2), name = &quot;Val2&quot;)) +
coord_cartesian(ylim = rev(ylim1))
# generate plotly
ply2 &lt;- ggplotly(ggp2) %&gt;%
add_lines(x = ~Date, y = ~Val2_scl, yaxis = &quot;y2&quot;, data = dfAll, inherit = FALSE) %&gt;%
style(showlegend = FALSE) %&gt;%
layout(yaxis2 = yaxis2)
# prepare tooltips
# - for geom_point and geom_line related traces
tlTipsOthers &lt;- paste0(&quot;Value: &quot;, df1$Val, &#39;\n&#39;,
&quot;Date: &quot;, df1$Date, &#39;\n&#39;,
&quot;ID: &quot;, df1$ID)
# - for geom_tiles related traces
tlTipsTiles &lt;- paste0(&quot;Value: &quot;, df2$Val, &#39;\n&#39;,
&quot;Date: &quot;, df2$Date, &#39;\n&#39;,
&quot;ID: &quot;, df2$ID)
# insert tooltips
tilePivs &lt;- c()
for (i in seq_along(ply2$x$data)) { # tooltips for traces other than tiles
# i &lt;- 0
# i &lt;- i + 1
aName &lt;- ply2$x$data[[i]]$name
if (!is.null(aName)) {
t1 &lt;- grepl(&quot;(&quot;, aName, fixed = TRUE)
t2 &lt;- grepl(&quot;,&quot;, aName, fixed = TRUE)
t3 &lt;- grepl(&quot;)&quot;, aName, fixed = TRUE)
if (all(t1, t2, t3)) {
aName &lt;- strsplit(sub(&quot;(&quot;, &quot;&quot;, aName, fixed = TRUE), &quot;,&quot;, fixed = TRUE)[[1]][1]
# determine if this is a geom_tile() trace, else insert others&#39; tooltips
if (any(grepl(aName, tlTipsTiles, fixed = TRUE)) &amp;&amp; ply2$x$data[[i]]$hoveron == &quot;fills&quot;) {
tilePivs &lt;- c(tilePivs, i)
} else {
aTags &lt;- grep(aName, tlTipsOthers, value = TRUE, fixed = TRUE)
ply2$x$data[[i]]$text &lt;- aTags
for (i in seq_along(tilePivs)) { # tooltips for tiles traces
ply2$x$data[[tilePivs[i]]]$text &lt;- tlTipsTiles[[i]]
# display
[![lines tooltip ok][2]][2]
[![tiles tooltip ok][3]][3]

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月14日 23:53:50
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
