Azure资源图KQL – 过滤具有给定前缀标签的虚拟机

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Azure Resource Graph KQL - filter virtual machines having tags with given prefixes





  • VM1:{name: "vm-1", tags: {"bingo-1":1, "tringo-2":1, "key1": "value1"}}
  • VM2:{name: "vm-2", tags: {"tringo-2":1, "key2": "value2"}}
  • VM3:{name: "vm-3", tags: {"bingo-1":1, "key3": "value3"}}



  1. resources
  2. | where type =~ 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines'
  3. | where resourceGroup =~ 'test-resource-group'
  4. | where bag_keys(tags) hasprefix "bingo-"
  5. | where bag_keys(tags) hasprefix "tringo-"
  6. | project name



We have a lot of virtual machines that we create in azure. Each virtual machine has tags. Keys for some of these tags are dynamically constructed. Such keys have a fixed prefix and a dynamic suffix. We wanted a way to filter all virtual machines which have 2 or more keys with given prefixes.

Consider the following Virtualmachines:

  • VM1: {name: "vm-1", tags: {"bingo-1":1, "tringo-2":1, "key1": "value1"}}
  • VM1: {name: "vm-1", tags: {"tringo-2":1, "key2": "value2"}}
  • VM1: {name: "vm-1", tags: {"bingo-1":1, "key3": "value3"}}

Expected Output: vm-1 as that is the only VM which contains both the tag-key-prefixes.

I got this working but this does not seem to be optimal as it calls bag_keys function twice.

  1. resources
  2. | where type =~ 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines'
  3. | where resourceGroup =~ 'test-resource-group'
  4. | where bag_keys(tags) hasprefix "bingo-"
  5. | where bag_keys(tags) hasprefix "tringo-"
  6. | project name

This works as expected but at the cost of invoking bag_keys twice. Is there a more idiomatic and optimal way to achieve the same without calling bag_keys twice?


得分: 0

  1. 与使用两个 `where` 操作符不同,首先我使用了 [mv-expand]( 操作符将标签合并为一条记录,然后使用 `and` 来检查和过滤两个前缀的标签,以优化您的代码。
  2. ```ps1
  3. resources
  4. | where type =~ 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines'
  5. | where resourceGroup =~ '<resourcegroup>'
  6. | mvexpand tags
  7. | extend tagKey = tostring(bag_keys(tags)[0])
  8. | extend tagValue = tostring(tags[tagKey])
  9. | where tagKey hasprefix "creat" and tagKey hasprefix "cr"
  10. | project name, tags, tagKey, tagValue


根据评论提供的信息,您可以使用 extend 操作符。它会创建一个包含标签对象中所有键的新列,如下所示。

  1. extend tagKeys = bag_keys(tags)
  2. | where tagKeys hasprefix "bingo-" and tagKeys hasprefix "tringo-"

Azure资源图KQL – 过滤具有给定前缀标签的虚拟机

请参考 @John Kilmister 撰写的资源图探索器查询 文章 获取更多相关查询示例。

  1. <details>
  2. <summary>英文:</summary>
  3. Instead of using two `where` operators, firstly I included
  4. [mv-expand]( operator to join tags into one record and then used an `and` to check and filter the tags of both prefixes to optimize your code.
  5. ```ps1
  6. resources
  7. | where type =~ &#39;Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines&#39;
  8. | where resourceGroup =~ &#39;&lt;resourcegroup&gt;&#39;
  9. | mvexpand tags
  10. | extend tagKey = tostring(bag_keys(tags)[0])
  11. | extend tagValue = tostring(tags[tagKey])
  12. | where tagKey hasprefix &quot;creat&quot; and tagKey hasprefix &quot;cr&quot;
  13. | project name, tags, tagKey, tagValue


As given in comments, You can use extend operator. It creates a new column that contains all the keys in the tags object in this way.

  1. extend tagKeys = bag_keys(tags)
  2. | where tagKeys hasprefix &quot;bingo-&quot; and tagKeys hasprefix &quot;tringo-&quot;

Azure资源图KQL – 过滤具有给定前缀标签的虚拟机

Refer resource graph explorer query article by @John Kilmister for more related query samples.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月13日 14:44:53
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