
huangapple go评论86阅读模式

match values in both row and columns from another dataframe


I understand your request, but let's first clarify what you want to do in code. You'd like to create a new column in the "d" dataframe. This new column should be populated with values from the "L" dataframe based on the values in the "quantity" column of "d" and the corresponding "fli" values. Is that correct?

    L <- c(0, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 50000);
fli.1 <- c(0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 0.9, 1, 1.2, 1.8);
fli.2 <- c(0, 0.11, 0.21, 0.42, 0.84, 0.95, 1.05, 1.26, 1.89);
fli.3 <- c(0, 0.11, 0.22, 0.44, 0.88, 0.99, 1.1, 1.32, 1.98);
fli.4 <- c(0, 0.12, 0.23, 0.46, 0.93, 1.04, 1.16, 1.39, 2.08);
fli.5 <- c(0, 0.12, 0.24, 0.49, 0.97, 1.09, 1.22, 1.46, 2.19);
data <- data.frame(L, fli.1, fli.2, fli.3, fli.4, fli.5);

d <- data.frame(quantity = c(300, 368, 568, 20, 1000, 37659, 45000, 2500, 4500, 78453, 1200, 1589), fli = c("fli.1", "fli.1", "fli.4", "fli.5", "fli.2", "fli.2", "fli.5", "fli.1", "fli.2", "fli.2", "fli.3", "fli.4"));

i need to create another column in the dataframe d such that for each of its entry it takes value from the table L.
it should select row which is less than the quantity.
it should select column based on the fli.
for e.g. 37659 it would be 8th row and 2nd column which is 1.26.

I have tried using matrix, but it takes too much time. note that it is sample data i need to apply it to a very large dataset.


得分: 1


"如 Ldata 中已排序,您可以使用 findInterval 获取行,使用 match 获取列,然后使用 cbind 组合这些索引并用它们来子集 data

d$value <-
  data[cbind(findInterval(d$quantity, data$L), match(d$fli, names(data)))]

#   quantity   fli value
#1       300 fli.1  0.00
#2       368 fli.1  0.00
#3       568 fli.4  0.12
#4        20 fli.5  0.00
#5      1000 fli.2  0.21
#6     37659 fli.2  1.26
#7     45000 fli.5  1.46
#8      2500 fli.1  0.40
#9      4500 fli.2  0.84
#10    78453 fli.2  1.89
#11     1200 fli.3  0.22
#12     1589 fli.4  0.23

"Jon Spring" = {d |>
  left_join(tidyr::pivot_longer(data, -L, names_to = "fli"), 
            join_by(fli,  closest(quantity >= L)))},
GKi = cbind(d, value=data[cbind(findInterval(d$quantity, data$L), match(d$fli, names(data)))]))
#  expression      min   median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec` n_itr  n_gc
#  <bch:expr> <bch:tm> <bch:tm>     <dbl> <bch:byt>    <dbl> <int> <dbl>
#1 Jon Spring   5.22ms   5.29ms      188.    21.4KB     8.45    89     4
#2 GKi        198.77µs 207.86µs     4742.      480B    10.3   2313     5
在这种情况下,GKi 比 Jon Spring 快约 25 倍,并且分配的内存较少。


As *L* is sorted in *data* you can use `findInterval` to get the row and `match` for the column, `cbind` the indices and use them to subset *data*.

d$value <-
data[cbind(findInterval(d$quantity, data$L), match(d$fli, names(data)))]


quantity fli value

#1 300 fli.1 0.00
#2 368 fli.1 0.00
#3 568 fli.4 0.12
#4 20 fli.5 0.00
#5 1000 fli.2 0.21
#6 37659 fli.2 1.26
#7 45000 fli.5 1.46
#8 2500 fli.1 0.40
#9 4500 fli.2 0.84
#10 78453 fli.2 1.89
#11 1200 fli.3 0.22
#12 1589 fli.4 0.23



"Jon Spring" = {d |>
left_join(tidyr::pivot_longer(data, -L, names_to = "fli"),
join_by(fli, closest(quantity >= L)))},
GKi = cbind(d, value=data[cbind(findInterval(d$quantity, data$L), match(d$fli, names(data)))])

expression min median itr/sec mem_alloc gc/sec n_itr n_gc

<bch:expr> <bch:tm> <bch:tm> <dbl> <bch:byt> <dbl> <int> <dbl>

#1 Jon Spring 5.22ms 5.29ms 188. 21.4KB 8.45 89 4
#2 GKi 198.77µs 207.86µs 4742. 480B 10.3 2313 5

In this case GKi is about 25 times faster than Jon Spring and allocates less memory.


# 答案2
**得分**: 0


library(dplyr) # v1.1.0+
d |>
  left_join(pivot_longer(data, -L, names_to = "fli"), 
            join_by(fli,  closest(quantity >= L)))


   quantity   fli     L value
1       300 fli.1     0  0.00
2       368 fli.1     0  0.00
3       568 fli.4   500  0.12
4        20 fli.5     0  0.00
5      1000 fli.2  1000  0.21
6     37659 fli.2 20000  1.26
7     45000 fli.5 20000  1.46
8      2500 fli.1  2000  0.40
9      4500 fli.2  3000  0.84
10    78453 fli.2 50000  1.89
11     1200 fli.3  1000  0.22
12     1589 fli.4  1000  0.23

Modifying from my answer to your prior question to which this seems like a minor revision. (It's best practice to promptly edit your question if you realize it's unclear or not what you meant to ask.)

library(dplyr) # v1.1.0+
d |&gt;
  left_join(pivot_longer(data, -L, names_to = &quot;fli&quot;), 
            join_by(fli,  closest(quantity &gt;= L)))


   quantity   fli     L value
1       300 fli.1     0  0.00
2       368 fli.1     0  0.00
3       568 fli.4   500  0.12
4        20 fli.5     0  0.00
5      1000 fli.2  1000  0.21
6     37659 fli.2 20000  1.26
7     45000 fli.5 20000  1.46
8      2500 fli.1  2000  0.40
9      4500 fli.2  3000  0.84
10    78453 fli.2 50000  1.89
11     1200 fli.3  1000  0.22
12     1589 fli.4  1000  0.23


得分: 0





data_DT <- melt(data, id = "L")
names(data_DT) <- c("L", "fli", "value")



d_DT <- data.table(d)
d_DT[, quantity_group := cut(quantity, c(data[, "L"], Inf))]
d_DT[, L := as.numeric(gsub("^.","",gsub(",.*","",quantity_group)))]

d_DT <- merge(d_DT, data_DT, by = c("L", "fli"))

Here, I provide a slightly different approach.

First, I changed the data from wide format to long format, and renamed the columns for merging the tables later.


data_DT &lt;- melt(data, id = &quot;L&quot;)
names(data_DT) &lt;- c(&quot;L&quot;, &quot;fli&quot;, &quot;value&quot;)

Then, I divide the quantity into groups, using breakpoints based on the values of L in data. The groups will be something like (0,500], (500,1000], and so on. Using simple regex matching, I can then obtain the value of the lower bound, this will be used to merge with the first table.


d_DT &lt;- data.table(d)
d_DT[, quantity_group := cut(quantity, c(data[, &quot;L&quot;], Inf))]
d_DT[, L := as.numeric(gsub(&quot;^.&quot;, &quot;&quot;, gsub(&quot;,.*&quot;, &quot;&quot;, quantity_group)))]

d_DT &lt;- merge(d_DT, data_DT, by = c(&quot;L&quot;, &quot;fli&quot;))

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月13日 12:47:33
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76461765.html



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