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Programming practice in a loop of array, declaring the value as variable or accessing the value directly?



for ($i = 0; count($array) > $i; $i++) {
  $variable = $array[$i];
  $price = $variable->price;


  $price = $array[$i]->price;





Given a complex for loop (very long, lots of thing going on), just wondering, what's the best practises to loop through it?

for ($i = 0; count($array) > $i; $i++) {
  $variable = $array[$i];
  $price = $variable->price;


  $price = $array[$i]->price;

Above is just a sample, the real code of the loop is rather long (lots of things going on, and lots of different keys being accessed).

Just wondering, which is the better practise, or is it solely a preference thing? There will be no updates on the array's values, just referencing it and unsetting it.

I know that a foreach-loop solves this "issue" with key-value pairs, but I would like to know the best practise for a for-loop. I mainly code in Javascript & PHP, if that matters.


得分: 2


  1. 缓存数组的长度 在您的 for 循环中,count($array) 在每次迭代中都被调用,您可以将该值存储在变量中,如下所示:
$len = count($array);
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
  1. 使用描述性的变量名称,例如,不要使用 $variable 这样的名称,而是使用像 $product 这样的名称,因为这更有意义,有助于其他人阅读您的代码时更容易理解。

至于访问变量值,例如 $variable = $array[$i];$array[$i]->price; 之间在性能方面不应该有明显的差异,因为像PHP和JavaScript这样的高级语言具有自动内存管理。


Given your question, it boils down to style and preferences, but there are some best practices that might help optimize performance and readability.

  1. Cache the length of the array in your for loop count($array) is called in every iteration, you might store the value in a variable like so:
$len = count($array);
for ($i = 0; $i &lt; $len; $i++) {
  1. Use descriptive variable names, e.g. instead of $variable use a name like $product as it would make more sense and it helps the code to be more readable for others who might be reading your code.

In terms of accesing the value of a variable like $variable = $array[$i]; vs $array[$i]-&gt;price; there shouldn't be any noticeable difference in terms of performance because languages like PHP and Javascript being high level languages have automatic memory management.


得分: 1



$length = count($array);
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
    $item = $array[$i];
    $price = $item->price + $item->tax;
    $tax = $item->tax;
    $shipping_cost = $item->shipping_cost;

It really is a personal preference as there isn't too much of a difference either way. If you are doing one or two statements either approach is fine. If you are going to do more than a few access of properties you are much better off storing it as a variable and then using the variable. This is to benefit you as the author, but then anyone else that comes along trying to read or maintain the code. My own preference is to store it as a variable or use a different looping expression.

One other practice to avoid is using count() in the condition of the for loop. That can be expensive if the compiler doesn't catch it and move it to evaluating only once, meaning it would have to count the list again every iteration. I also always have the $i expression be a less than since the loop is counting up and not down.

$length = count($array);
for ($i = 0; $i &lt; $length; $i++) {
    $item = $array[$i];
    $price = $item-&gt;price + $item-&gt;tax;
    $tax = $item-&gt;tax;
    $shipping_cost = $item-&gt;shipping_cost;


得分: 0



Declaring variable with suitable name makes code more readable.

But if given that the loop is complex and very long, and we want to save as much memory as possible.
Then we can skip declaring variables for aesthetic(to get negligible improvement) and compensate lack of readability using detailing comments.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月13日 10:08:17
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