
huangapple go评论70阅读模式

Sum up columns and divide them by adjacent cell FOR THE MOST RECENT THREE ROWS


I understand that you want the code part to remain untranslated. Here's the translated text for the content you provided:


日期 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2021年07月10日 20 25 25 26 26 25 31
2021年08月10日 26 25 25 26 25 31
2021年09月10日 29 29 25 26 39
2021年10月10日 20 29 25 31
2021年11月10日 20 30 30
2021年12月10日 30 30
2022年01月10日 39


日期 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2021年07月10日 20 25 25 26 26 25 31
2021年08月10日 26 25 25 26 25 31
2021年09月10日 29 29 25 26 39
2021年10月10日 20 29 25 31
2021年11月10日 20 30 30
2021年12月10日 30 30
2022年01月10日 39
总计 1 1.27 0.90 1.18 1.15 1.09 1.24


(d[,8:3] |> apply(2, cumsum)/
 d[,7:2] |> apply(2, cumsum)
) |>
  diag() |>

I asked a similar question a few days back, but wanted to update it. How would I sum up columns and divide them by adjacent cell for the most recent three rows? For example, if I had the dataset:
I have the following table:

Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
07/10/2021 20 25 25 26 26 25 31
08/10/2021 26 25 25 26 25 31
09/10/2021 29 29 25 26 39
10/10/2021 20 29 25 31
11/10/2021 20 30 30
12/10/2021 30 30
1/10/2022 39

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false -->

<!-- language: lang-html -->

## example data d:
d &lt;- 
structure(list(Date = c(&quot;07.10.2021&quot;, &quot;08.10.2021&quot;, &quot;09.10.2021&quot;, 
&quot;10.10.2021&quot;, &quot;11.10.2021&quot;, &quot;12.10.2021&quot;, &quot;01.10.2022&quot;), X1 = c(20L, 
26L, 29L, 20L, 20L, 30L, 39L), X2 = c(25L, 25L, 29L, 29L, 30L, 
30L, NA), X3 = c(25L, 25L, 25L, 25L, 30L, NA, NA), X4 = c(26L, 
26L, 26L, 31L, NA, NA, NA), X5 = c(26L, 25L, 39L, NA, NA, NA, 
NA), X6 = c(25L, 31L, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), X7 = c(31L, NA, NA, 
NA, NA, NA, NA)), class = &quot;data.frame&quot;, row.names = c(NA, 7L))

<!-- end snippet -->

I'm trying to add up the columns, but only up to the column that has an adjacent cell, and then ONLY UP TO THREE VALUES FROM THE BOTTOM CELL FOR EACH RESPECTIVE COLUMN. I then am trying to divide each sum by the previous sum. For example, column 1 and 2 would add down to 12/10/2021 and then column 2 would be divided by column 1. The output would be the table plus a row with the total values under each of the columns, as shown below:

Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
07/10/2021 20 25 25 26 26 25 31
08/10/2021 26 25 25 26 25 31
09/10/2021 29 29 25 26 39
10/10/2021 20 29 25 31
11/10/2021 20 30 30
12/10/2021 30 30
1/10/2022 39
TOTAL 1 1.27 0.90 1.18 1.15 1.09 1.24

I am trying to modify this code to do so:

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false -->

<!-- language: lang-html -->

(d[,8:3] |&gt; apply(2, cumsum)/
 d[,7:2] |&gt; apply(2, cumsum)
) |&gt;
  diag() |&gt;

<!-- end snippet -->


得分: 1


d <-
  结构(list(日期 = c(
    "07.10.2021", "08.10.2021", "09.10.2021",
    "10.10.2021", "11.10.2021", "12.10.2021", "01.10.2022"
  ), X1 = c(
    26L, 29L, 20L, 20L, 30L, 39L
  ), X2 = c(
    25L, 25L, 29L, 29L, 30L,
    30L, NA
  ), X3 = c(25L, 25L, 25L, 25L, 30L, NA, NA), X4 = c(
    26L, 26L, 31L, NA, NA, NA
  ), X5 = c(
    26L, 25L, 39L, NA, NA, NA,
  ), X6 = c(25L, 31L, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), X7 = c(
    31L, NA, NA,
    NA, NA, NA, NA
  )), 类 = "数据框", 行名 = c(NA, 7L))

(nd <- 列名(d))
(ndx <- nd[startsWith(nd, "X")])
(ndx1 <- c(ndx[1], na.omit(dplyr::lag(ndx, 1))))

(结果行 <- map2_dbl(ndx, ndx1, \(calc_col, prev_col){
  lc <- length(na.omit(d[[calc_col]]))
  prev_3 <- sum(tail(head(d[[prev_col]], lc), n = 3))
  calc_3 <- sum(tail(head(d[[calc_col]], lc), n = 3))
  calc_3 / prev_3

列名(结果行) <- ndx
  数据框(日期 = "总计"),
  enframe(结果行) |> pivot_wider()
d |> bind_rows(
    数据框(日期 = "总计"),
    enframe(结果行) |> pivot_wider()
        日期 X1        X2         X3        X4        X5        X6    X7
1 07.10.2021 20 25.000000 25.0000000 26.000000 26.000000 25.000000 31.00
2 08.10.2021 26 25.000000 25.0000000 26.000000 25.000000 31.000000    NA
3 09.10.2021 29 29.000000 25.0000000 26.000000 39.000000        NA    NA
4 10.10.2021 20 29.000000 25.0000000 31.000000        NA        NA    NA
5 11.10.2021 20 30.000000 30.0000000        NA        NA        NA    NA
6 12.10.2021 30 30.000000         NA        NA        NA        NA    NA
7 01.10.2022 39        NA         NA        NA        NA        NA    NA
8       总计  1  1.271429  0.9090909  1.106667  1.153846  1.098039  1.24

d &lt;-
  structure(list(Date = c(
    &quot;07.10.2021&quot;, &quot;08.10.2021&quot;, &quot;09.10.2021&quot;,
    &quot;10.10.2021&quot;, &quot;11.10.2021&quot;, &quot;12.10.2021&quot;, &quot;01.10.2022&quot;
  ), X1 = c(
    26L, 29L, 20L, 20L, 30L, 39L
  ), X2 = c(
    25L, 25L, 29L, 29L, 30L,
    30L, NA
  ), X3 = c(25L, 25L, 25L, 25L, 30L, NA, NA), X4 = c(
    26L, 26L, 31L, NA, NA, NA
  ), X5 = c(
    26L, 25L, 39L, NA, NA, NA,
  ), X6 = c(25L, 31L, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), X7 = c(
    31L, NA, NA,
    NA, NA, NA, NA
  )), class = &quot;data.frame&quot;, row.names = c(NA, 7L))

(nd &lt;- names(d))
(ndx &lt;- nd[startsWith(nd, &quot;X&quot;)])
(ndx1 &lt;- c(ndx[1], na.omit(dplyr::lag(ndx, 1))))

(result_row &lt;- map2_dbl(ndx, ndx1, \(calc_col, prev_col){
  lc &lt;- length(na.omit(d[[calc_col]]))
  prev_3 &lt;- sum(tail(head(d[[prev_col]], lc), n = 3))
  calc_3 &lt;- sum(tail(head(d[[calc_col]], lc), n = 3))
  calc_3 / prev_3

names(result_row) &lt;- ndx
  tibble(Date = &quot;Total&quot;),
  enframe(result_row) |&gt; pivot_wider()
d |&gt; bind_rows(
    tibble(Date = &quot;Total&quot;),
    enframe(result_row) |&gt; pivot_wider()
        Date X1        X2         X3        X4        X5        X6    X7
1 07.10.2021 20 25.000000 25.0000000 26.000000 26.000000 25.000000 31.00
2 08.10.2021 26 25.000000 25.0000000 26.000000 25.000000 31.000000    NA
3 09.10.2021 29 29.000000 25.0000000 26.000000 39.000000        NA    NA
4 10.10.2021 20 29.000000 25.0000000 31.000000        NA        NA    NA
5 11.10.2021 20 30.000000 30.0000000        NA        NA        NA    NA
6 12.10.2021 30 30.000000         NA        NA        NA        NA    NA
7 01.10.2022 39        NA         NA        NA        NA        NA    NA
8      Total  1  1.271429  0.9090909  1.106667  1.153846  1.098039  1.24


# 答案2
**得分**: 0



# [1] 1.106667


tmp &lt;- as.data.frame(matrix(c(1, sapply(3:ncol(d), function(ci) {
  ri &lt;- tail(which(!is.na(d[[ci]])), n = 3)
  sum(d[[ci]][ri]) / sum(d[[ci-1]][ri])
})), nrow = 1))
rbind(d, cbind(data.frame(Date=&quot;Total&quot;), setNames(tmp, names(d)[-1])))
#         Date X1        X2         X3        X4        X5        X6    X7
# 1 07.10.2021 20 25.000000 25.0000000 26.000000 26.000000 25.000000 31.00
# 2 08.10.2021 26 25.000000 25.0000000 26.000000 25.000000 31.000000    NA
# 3 09.10.2021 29 29.000000 25.0000000 26.000000 39.000000        NA    NA
# 4 10.10.2021 20 29.000000 25.0000000 31.000000        NA        NA    NA
# 5 11.10.2021 20 30.000000 30.0000000        NA        NA        NA    NA
# 6 12.10.2021 30 30.000000         NA        NA        NA        NA    NA
# 7 01.10.2022 39        NA         NA        NA        NA        NA    NA
# 8      Total  1  1.271429  0.9090909  1.106667  1.153846  1.098039  1.24


fun &lt;- function(ci) {
  ri &lt;- tail(which(!is.na(d[[ci]])), n = 3)
  sum(d[[ci]][ri]) / sum(d[[ci-1]][ri])
tmp &lt;- c(1, sapply(3:ncol(d), fun)) |&gt;
  matrix(nrow = 1) |&gt;
#      X1       X2        X3       X4       X5       X6   X7
# [1,]  1 1.271429 0.9090909 1.106667 1.153846 1.098039 1.24
out &lt;- data.frame(Date = &quot;Total&quot;) |&gt;
  cbind(tmp) |&gt;
  (\(z) rbind(d, z))()
#         Date X1        X2         X3        X4        X5        X6    X7
# 1 07.10.2021 20 25.000000 25.0000000 26.000000 26.000000 25.000000 31.00
# 2 08.10.2021 26 25.000000 25.0000000 26.000000 25.000000 31.000000    NA
# 3 09.10.2021 29 29.000000 25.0000000 26.000000 39.000000        NA    NA
# 4 10.10.2021 20 29.000000 25.0000000 31.000000        NA        NA    NA
# 5 11.10.2021 20 30.000000 30.0000000        NA        NA        NA    NA
# 6 12.10.2021 30 30.000000         NA        NA        NA        NA    NA
# 7 01.10.2022 39        NA         NA        NA        NA        NA    NA
# 8      Total  1  1.271429  0.9090909  1.106667  1.153846  1.098039  1.24

We can use this simple sapply.

Up front, I think your 1.18 should instead be

# [1] 1.106667


tmp &lt;- as.data.frame(matrix(c(1, sapply(3:ncol(d), function(ci) {
  ri &lt;- tail(which(!is.na(d[[ci]])), n = 3)
  sum(d[[ci]][ri]) / sum(d[[ci-1]][ri])
})), nrow = 1))
rbind(d, cbind(data.frame(Date=&quot;Total&quot;), setNames(tmp, names(d)[-1])))
#         Date X1        X2         X3        X4        X5        X6    X7
# 1 07.10.2021 20 25.000000 25.0000000 26.000000 26.000000 25.000000 31.00
# 2 08.10.2021 26 25.000000 25.0000000 26.000000 25.000000 31.000000    NA
# 3 09.10.2021 29 29.000000 25.0000000 26.000000 39.000000        NA    NA
# 4 10.10.2021 20 29.000000 25.0000000 31.000000        NA        NA    NA
# 5 11.10.2021 20 30.000000 30.0000000        NA        NA        NA    NA
# 6 12.10.2021 30 30.000000         NA        NA        NA        NA    NA
# 7 01.10.2022 39        NA         NA        NA        NA        NA    NA
# 8      Total  1  1.271429  0.9090909  1.106667  1.153846  1.098039  1.24

In native-pipe speak, it can be (somewhat) spread out as:

fun &lt;- function(ci) {
  ri &lt;- tail(which(!is.na(d[[ci]])), n = 3)
  sum(d[[ci]][ri]) / sum(d[[ci-1]][ri])
tmp &lt;- c(1, sapply(3:ncol(d), fun)) |&gt;
  matrix(nrow = 1) |&gt;
#      X1       X2        X3       X4       X5       X6   X7
# [1,]  1 1.271429 0.9090909 1.106667 1.153846 1.098039 1.24
out &lt;- data.frame(Date = &quot;Total&quot;) |&gt;
  cbind(tmp) |&gt;
  (\(z) rbind(d, z))()
#         Date X1        X2         X3        X4        X5        X6    X7
# 1 07.10.2021 20 25.000000 25.0000000 26.000000 26.000000 25.000000 31.00
# 2 08.10.2021 26 25.000000 25.0000000 26.000000 25.000000 31.000000    NA
# 3 09.10.2021 29 29.000000 25.0000000 26.000000 39.000000        NA    NA
# 4 10.10.2021 20 29.000000 25.0000000 31.000000        NA        NA    NA
# 5 11.10.2021 20 30.000000 30.0000000        NA        NA        NA    NA
# 6 12.10.2021 30 30.000000         NA        NA        NA        NA    NA
# 7 01.10.2022 39        NA         NA        NA        NA        NA    NA
# 8      Total  1  1.271429  0.9090909  1.106667  1.153846  1.098039  1.24

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月12日 23:09:38
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76457996.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
