Excel VBA: When Chekcbox ticked, any cells with a value of 0 display a word instead

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Excel VBA: When Chekcbox ticked, any cells with a value of 0 display a word instead





I have a table of calculations which all already have formulas in them. I ideally want to have a checkbox which when ticked replaces all cells in the table which are 0 with the word "None".
I have seen some suggestions using formulas but have had no luck so far.
Thanks for any help in advance!

I have tried a few ways but can't figure out how to write a checkbox macro in which two variables need to be met to run the macro


得分: 5




o 转到VBA编辑器,添加一个模块(如果没有的话),并添加以下代码:

Sub ShowHideZeros()
    With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")  ' 替换为您的工作表名称
        Dim showNone As Boolean
        showNone = (.CheckBoxes(1).Value = xlOn)
        Dim r As Range
        ' 使用此代码格式化所有单元格
        Set r = .UsedRange
        ' 如果您只想格式化特定单元格,请改用以下内容:
        ' Set r = .Range("A2:A100")
        If showNone Then
            .UsedRange.NumberFormat = "General;General;""None"""
            .UsedRange.NumberFormat = "General"
        End If
    End With
End Sub

o 在工作表上放置一个复选框,并为其提供有意义的文本,例如“显示“None”为0”。请注意,有两种不同类型的复选框,此示例假定您使用所谓的“表单控件”(这是控件选择的上部分)。

o 右键单击复选框,选择“分配宏”。选择例程“ShowHideZeros”。

Excel VBA: When Chekcbox ticked, any cells with a value of 0 display a word instead

[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/QfVWc.png


You shouldn&#39;t modify your data unless it is really necessary. In this case, you can achieve your goal by setting the `NumberFormat` of the cells instead.

The number format in Excel contains up to 4 part (that are separated by &quot;;&quot;). The first part is for positive numbers, the second is for negative numbers, the third is for 0 (and the forth for strings, but we can igore that). A possible number format would be `General;General;&quot;None&quot;`: For everything except 0, the `General` format would apply. For `0`, Excel would display `None` (but note that the *value* of the cell doesn&#39;t change, only the way it is displayed in the sheet).

Now all you have to do is:  
**o** Go to the VBA Editor, add a Module (if you don&#39;t have any) and add the following code:

    Sub ShowHideZeros()
        With ThisWorkbook.Sheets(&quot;Sheet1&quot;)  &#39; Replace with your sheet name
            Dim showNone As Boolean
            showNone = (.CheckBoxes(1).Value = xlOn)
            Dim r as Range
            &#39; Use this to format all cells
            Set r = .UsedRange
            &#39; Use this instead if you want to format only specific cells:
            &#39; Set r = .Range(&quot;A2:A100&quot;)
            If showNone Then
                .UsedRange.NumberFormat = &quot;General;General;&quot;&quot;None&quot;&quot;&quot;
                .UsedRange.NumberFormat = &quot;General&quot;
            End If
        End With
    End Sub

**o** Place a checkbox on your sheet and give it a meaningfull text, eg `Show &quot;None&quot; for 0`. Note that there are 2 different types of checkboxes, this example assumes that you use a so called &quot;Form-Control&quot; (that&#39;s the upper part of the control selection).

[![enter image description here][1]][1]

**o** Right click on the checkbox and choose &quot;Assign Macro&quot;. Select the routine `ShowHideZeros`.

  [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/QfVWc.png


# 答案2
**得分**: 2

- 假设您的数据是从`A1`开始的表格,带有一行标题。

Option Explicit

Sub ToggleNone()

    Const WorksheetName As String = "Sheet1"
    Const CheckBoxName As String = "Check Box 1"
    Const CellString As String = "None"
    Const CellNumber As Double = 0

    Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook ' 包含此代码的工作簿
    Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = wb.Sheets(WorksheetName)

    Dim rg As Range

    With ws.Range("A1").CurrentRegion
        Set rg = .Resize(.Rows.Count - 1).Offset(1)
    End With

    Dim chkValue As Long: chkValue = ws.CheckBoxes(CheckBoxName).Value

    Dim OldValue, NewValue, VarValue As Long

    If chkValue = 1 Then ' 已选中(1)
        OldValue = CellNumber
        NewValue = CellString
        VarValue = vbDouble
    Else ' 未选中(-4146)
        OldValue = CellString
        NewValue = CellNumber
        VarValue = vbString
    End If

    Dim urg As Range, cell As Range, CurrentValue

    ' 合并
    For Each cell In rg.Cells
        CurrentValue = cell.Value
        If VarType(CurrentValue) = VarValue Then
            If CurrentValue = OldValue Then
                If urg Is Nothing Then
                    Set urg = cell
                    Set urg = Union(urg, cell)
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Next cell

    ' 替换
    If Not urg Is Nothing Then
        Dim arg As Range
        For Each arg In urg.Areas
            arg.Value = NewValue
        Next arg
    End If

End Sub

Toggle Matching Values Using a Forms Check Box

Excel VBA: When Chekcbox ticked, any cells with a value of 0 display a word instead

  • It is assumed that your data is a table starting in A1 with one row of headers.

<!-- language: lang-vb -->

Option Explicit

Sub ToggleNone()
    Const WorksheetName As String = &quot;Sheet1&quot;
    Const CheckBoxName As String = &quot;Check Box 1&quot;
    Const CellString As String = &quot;None&quot;
    Const CellNumber As Double = 0
    Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook &#39; workbook containing this code
    Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = wb.Sheets(WorksheetName)
    Dim rg As Range
    With ws.Range(&quot;A1&quot;).CurrentRegion
        Set rg = .Resize(.Rows.Count - 1).Offset(1)
    End With
    Dim chkValue As Long: chkValue = ws.CheckBoxes(CheckBoxName).Value
    Dim OldValue, NewValue, VarValue As Long
    If chkValue = 1 Then &#39; Checked (1)
        OldValue = CellNumber
        NewValue = CellString
        VarValue = vbDouble
    Else &#39; Unchecked (-4146)
        OldValue = CellString
        NewValue = CellNumber
        VarValue = vbString
    End If
    Dim urg As Range, cell As Range, CurrentValue
    &#39; Combine
    For Each cell In rg.Cells
        CurrentValue = cell.Value
        If VarType(CurrentValue) = VarValue Then
            If CurrentValue = OldValue Then
                If urg Is Nothing Then
                    Set urg = cell
                    Set urg = Union(urg, cell)
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Next cell
    &#39; Replace
    If Not urg Is Nothing Then
        Dim arg As Range
        For Each arg In urg.Areas
            arg.Value = NewValue
        Next arg
    End If

End Sub


得分: 2

"I have a table of calculations which all already have formulas in them". 我有一个包含已经有公式的计算表格。


"I have a table of calculations which all already have formulas in them". I think this is the key. The formulas are there and have to stay there. So we can set the formating:

Private Sub CheckBox1_Click()   &#39;ActiveX checkBox
   Call toggleNone
   With CheckBox1
      If .value Then
         .Caption = &quot;Zeros as 0&quot;
         .Caption = &quot;Zeros as None&quot;
      End If
   End With
End Sub

Sub toggleNone()
   Dim t As ListObject, r As Range, setNone As Boolean
   setNone = Me.CheckBox1.value
   Set t = Me.ListObjects(&quot;CALCTABLE&quot;)
   For Each r In t.DataBodyRange
      If r.Value2 = 0 Then
         If setNone Then
            r.NumberFormat = &quot; ; ; &quot;&quot;None&quot;&quot; ; -&quot;
            r.NumberFormat = &quot;General&quot;
         End If
         r.NumberFormat = &quot;General&quot;
      End If
End Sub

Excel VBA: When Chekcbox ticked, any cells with a value of 0 display a word instead

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月12日 22:47:25
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76457809.html



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