The method put <double, double> in the type TreeMap <Double, Double> for the arguments (int, double)

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The method put <double, double> in the type TreeMap <Double, Double> for the arguments (int, double)


I have the following event2 which contains the following code:

Incidence += 100000*(nIUScTotal+nIUSeTotal+nIUAcTotal+nIUAeTotal+nIRcTotal+nIReTotal+nIPcTotal+nIPeTotal+nIPcRcTotal+nIPcReTotal+nIPeRcTotal+nIPeReTotal)/TotalPopulation;
//if (Incidence&lt;500000)
IncidenceDS.add(time(), Incidence);
incidences1.put(time(), Incidence);
//Incidence_plot = Incidence;

incidences1 is a collection object of the following type as shown in the image.

When running the code for Monte Carlo Bayesian Experiment, the following error shows:
"The method put <double, double> in the type TreeMap <Double, Double> for the arguments (int, double)"

Previously, as mentioned by Mr. Benjamin in the after actions of Monte Carlo Bayesian Calibration Experiment, I put:

root.incidences1.put(getCurrentIteration(), root.Incidence_Plot);

I have the following event2 which contains the following code

Incidence += 100000*(nIUScTotal+nIUSeTotal+nIUAcTotal+nIUAeTotal+nIRcTotal+nIReTotal+nIPcTotal+nIPeTotal+nIPcRcTotal+nIPcReTotal+nIPeRcTotal+nIPeReTotal)/TotalPopulation;
//if (Incidence&lt;500000)
IncidenceDS.add(time(), Incidence);
incidences1.put(time(), Incidence);
//Incidence_plot = Incidence;

The method put <double, double> in the type TreeMap <Double, Double> for the arguments (int, double)

incidences1 is a collection object of the following type as shown in image,

The method put <double, double> in the type TreeMap <Double, Double> for the arguments (int, double)

When running the code for Monte Carlo Bayesian Experiment the following error shows,
The method put <double, double> in the type TreeMap <Double, Double> for the arguments (int, double)

Previously as mentioned by Mr. Benjamin in the after actions of Monte Carlo Bayesian Calibration Experiment, I put

root.incidences1.put(getCurrentIteration(), root.Incidence_Plot);


得分: 1


执行 root.incidences1.put(getCurrentIteration(), root.Incidence_Plot); 并不太合理,而且 getCurrentIteration() 返回一个整数,而你的映射需要一个双精度浮点数作为键...

我觉得你应该在你的蒙特卡洛实验中创建另一个映射... 例如,类型为 Map<Integer, TreeMap>mcIncidences,然后你可以这样做:mcIncidences.put(getCurrentIteration(), root.incidences1);




The error that you are showing is an indication that you don't really know what you are doing... so first take a deep breath, and think very carefully on what you want to achieve...

doing root.incidences1.put(getCurrentIteration(), root.Incidence_Plot); doesn't make much sense and also getCurrentIteration() returns an integer when your map requires a double as the key...

My feeling is that instead you should create another map in your monte carlo experiment... called for example mcIncidences of type Map<Integer,TreeMap>

then you can do mcIncidences.put(getCurrentIteration(),root.incidences1);

This code should occur after each iteration

Something like that... I don't know what you really want to achieve so use this as a guide

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