Creating Quorum queue with ha-mode=all

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Creating Quorum queue with ha-mode=all



"I want to apologize in advanced, but I am not very experienced with MassTransit.
I need help creating quorum queue and set "ha-mode" of the queue to "all" for MassTransit 8.0.15

My code is:

  1. services.AddMassTransit(mt =>
  2. {
  3. mt.AddConsumer(typeof(FileConsumer))
  4. .Endpoint(e => { e.Name = "my-queue"; e.InstanceId = ""; });
  5. mt.UsingRabbitMq((context, rmq) =>
  6. {
  7. rmq.Host(rabbitMqHost, host =>
  8. {
  9. host.Username(userName);
  10. host.Password(password);
  11. });
  12. rmq.ConfigureEndpoints(context);
  13. });
  14. });

Any help will be appreciated. Thanks

I tried with adding:
rmq.SetQueueArgument("x-queue-type", "quorum");
rmq.SetQueueArgument("x-ha-mode", "all");

but it didn't worked"


I want to apologize in advanced, but I am not very experienced with MassTransit.
I need help creating quorum queue and set "ha-mode" of the queue to "all" for MassTransit 8.0.15

My code is:

  1. services.AddMassTransit(mt =>
  2. {
  3. mt.AddConsumer(typeof(FileConsumer))
  4. .Endpoint(e => { e.Name = "my-queue"; e.InstanceId = ""; });
  5. mt.UsingRabbitMq((context, rmq) =>
  6. {
  7. rmq.Host(rabbitMqHost, host =>
  8. {
  9. host.Username(userName);
  10. host.Password(password);
  11. });
  12. rmq.ConfigureEndpoints(context);
  13. });
  14. });

Any help will be appreciated. Thanks

I tried with adding:
rmq.SetQueueArgument("x-queue-type", "quorum");
rmq.SetQueueArgument("x-ha-mode", "all");

but it didn't worked


得分: 0

我相信 ha-mode 仅适用于经典队列。Quorum 队列完全不同。您可以通过添加配置端点回调来配置接收端点以使用 Quorum 队列:

  1. mt.AddConfigureEndpointsCallback((name, cfg) =>
  2. {
  3. if(cfg is IRabbitMqEndpointConfigurator rmq)
  4. rmq.SetQuorumQueue();
  5. });

I believe ha-mode is only for classic queues. Quorum queues are completely different. You can configure receive endpoints to use quorum queues by adding a configure endpoints callback:

  1. mt.AddConfigureEndpointsCallback((name, cfg) =>
  2. {
  3. if(cfg is IRabbitMqEndpointConfigurator rmq)
  4. rmq.SetQuorumQueue();
  5. });

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月12日 19:08:56
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