Initialize and accessing 2D matrix pointer C++: 初始化和访问2D矩阵指针C++:

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Initialize and accessing 2D matrix pointer C++



我正试图编写著名的生命游戏(Game of Life)。因此,我需要一个二维矩阵。由于它将在每个纪元中进行修改(根据GoL规则),我希望将这个矩阵声明为指针,以便每次一个细胞进化时都能指向它(并防止重写)。


int i_size(50);
int j_size(50);
vector<int> arr(j_size, 0);
vector<vector<int>> *matrix;
matrix = new vector<vector<int>>;
for (int i(0); i<i_size; i++)



我知道如何打印我的矩阵的内存地址(cout << matrix)。
我知道如何打印矩阵中包含的每个向量的内存地址(cout << &matrix[i]



  • 我的矩阵声明/初始化是否正确?
  • 如何访问我的矩阵?
  • 如何修改矩阵中的一个细胞?

感谢大家的帮助。再次强调,我是初学者,任何建议都将有所帮助! Initialize and accessing 2D matrix pointer C++:


I'm new in C++ and I try to get the "pointer mindset" to code with efficiency.

I'm trying to code el famoso Game of Life. So, I need a 2D matrix. Since it will be modify at each epoch (regarding the GoL rules), I would like to declare this matrix as a pointer to be able to point on it each time a cell evolves (and prevents rewriting).

I understood that I need to declare a vector of vector&lt;int&gt;. I proceed like this :

int i_size(50);
int j_size(50);
vector&lt;int&gt; arr(j_size, 0);
vector&lt;vector&lt;int&gt;&gt; *matrix;
matrix = new vector&lt;vector&lt;int&gt;&gt;;
for (int i(0); i&lt;i_size; i++)

Here, I hope to get a pointer matrix which point to a vector of vector well allocated and initialized at 0.

At this point, I'm stuck.

I know how to print the memory address of my matrix (cout &lt;&lt; matrix).
I know how to print the memory address of each vector contained in matrix (cout &lt;&lt; &amp;matrix[i])

And that's all.


  • Is my matrix declaration/initialization correct ?
  • How can I access to my matrix ?
  • How can I modify one cell of my matrix ?

Thanx all for your help. Again, I'm beginner so any advice will be helpful ! Initialize and accessing 2D matrix pointer C++:


得分: 4



int i_size(50);
int j_size(50);
std::vector<std::vector<int>> matrix(i_size, std::vector<int>(j_size));




Your code is correct, but unecessarily complicated. You gain nothing by dynamically allocating the vector, because std::vector does already manage its elements dynamically.

Once you are settled with using a nested vector (*), the simple version of your code is this:

int i_size(50);
int j_size(50);
std::vector&lt;std::vector&lt;int&gt;&gt; matrix{ std::vector&lt;int&gt;(j_size),i_size};

Using more pointers does not imply more performance, but most of the time it implies more bugs and more complicated code. There is no "pointer mindset" that would lead to efficiency.

(*) What probably would gain you performance would be to use a flat 1D vector with index transformations. The big plus of a vector is its memory locality, but as the vector dynamically allocates an array to store the elements, the inner elements are not contigous in a nested vector. Alternatively consider to use std::array (which has no issue with nesting). When you do care about performance you must profile and measure.


得分: 0





然而,在这种情况下,指针的使用并不会增加程序的效率。Vector 已经负责动态内存分配和释放。
顺便说一下,有一种更高效的使用 vector 声明矩阵的方法是

vector<vector<int>> matrix(i_size, vector<int>(j_size, 0));


int** matrix = new int*[i_size];
for (int i = 0; i < i_size; i++) {
    matrix[i] = new int[j_size]{};

最后,如果你的目标是编写生命游戏,我想指出每个方格只有两种状态,所以尽量使用 bool 而不是 int。


First of all, your implementation is correct, as a matrix is created with the right size and you can access the value of the matrix with this syntax


In the same way you can modify the value of each element of the matrix by


However, the use of a pointer doesn't increase the efficiency of your program in this case. Vector already take care of the dynamic memory allocation and deallocation.
By the way there is a more efficient way to declare the matrix with vector which would be

vector&lt;vector&lt;int&gt;&gt; matrix(i_size, vector&lt;int&gt;(j_size, 0));

I believe pointers are better use for arrays, so for exemple if you were to write your code like this.

int** matrix = new int*[i_size];
for (int i = 0; i &lt; i_size; i++) {
    matrix[i] = new int[j_size]{};

Finally, if your goal is to code the game of life , I would like to point out that there is only two state for each sqaure so try to use bool instead of int

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月12日 17:23:18
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
