阻止 PWA 服务工作线程从 WordPress 中的不同 JavaScript 文件下载。

huangapple go评论78阅读模式

Prevent PWA service worker to be downloaded, from a different javascript file in wordpress


我认为正确的方法是在检测到用户已注册后,自动阻止 'service worker' 的下载,并允许其下载。
我需要从处理它的不同文件中阻止 service worker 注册过程。虽然我在使用WordPress和SuperPWA插件,但我不想改变插件内部的代码。


由于WordPress的规范,似乎PWA插件的 .js 文件在我希望编写阻止函数的文件之前加载。



I guess that many people will consider that proposing restrictions for a PWA to be downloaded could not be a good strategic idea but in this concrete project I would need to been able to accomplish exactly that.
I would like to be sure that the user has registered before downloading the PWA and I think the way to go would be to automatically prevent 'service worker' to be downloaded and, when detecting user has been registered, allow it to be downloaded.
I would need to block the service worker registering process form a different file that the one that handles it. While I'm using wordpress and SuperPWA plugin I don't want to change code inside the plugin
I supose my goal would be to block somehow this function


Due to the wordpress specifications it seems that the .js files of the PWA plugin is loaded before the file from where I would like to write the blocking function.

Any clue that could point me in the right direction would be very welcome, thanks!


得分: 1


function no_pwa_unless_logged_in() {
        if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) {
             wp_dequeue_script( 'superpwa-register-sw' );
add_action( 'wp_print_scripts', 'no_pwa_unless_logged_in' );

wp_print_scripts action在将入队的脚本发送到浏览器页面之前触发。此代码从队列中移除了PWA脚本。



You can probably prevent the sendout of the PWA in php, in a little bit of code, with [wp_dequeue_script()][1].

function no_pwa_unless_logged_in() {
        if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) {
             wp_dequeue_script( &#39;superpwa-register-sw&#39; );
add_action( &#39;wp_print_scripts&#39;, &#39;no_pwa_unless_logged_in&#39; );

The wp_print_scripts action fires just before sending enqueued scripts to the browser page. This code removes the PWA script from the queue.

This is a good approach: it won't allow your PWA script to go to any not-logged-in visitor, so those visitors won't have any access to it.


得分: 0



function unregServiceWorker(){
        if ("serviceWorker" in navigator) {
            .then((registration) => {
              // registration worked
              console.log("Registration succeeded.");
              registration.unregister().then((boolean) => {
            .catch((error) => {
              console.error(`Registration failed with ${error}`);

I found a solution that seems to work.

Unregistering the service worker from another .js file is possible once you re-register it. This way you can get the result of the registering function and use it onwards for unregistering it.
Then I can register it again when I check the user is registered and the pwa turns downloable according to it.

function unregServiceWorker(){
        if (&quot;serviceWorker&quot; in navigator) {
            .then((registration) =&gt; {
              // registration worked
              console.log(&quot;Registration succeeded.&quot;);
              registration.unregister().then((boolean) =&gt; {
            .catch((error) =&gt; {
              console.error(`Registration failed with ${error}`);


得分: 0

I also tried the solution of @O.jones and it works perfectly. As he says in his comment, this solution seems to be more secure. I changed the function a bit, now it doesn't only de-register it, but it also registers the script when needed, so I call the function in the header.php and again once detected the user is logged in.

function no_pwa_unless_logged_in($user_logged) {
    if ( ! $user_logged ) { //este bool debe ser llamado o cuando de se logea o cuando se da de alta
        wp_dequeue_script( 'superpwa-register-sw' );
    } else {
        wp_enqueue_script( 'superpwa-register-sw' );
add_action( 'wp_print_scripts', 'no_pwa_unless_logged_in' );

I also tried the solution of @O.jones and it works perfectly. As he says in his comment, this solution seems to be more secure. I changed the function a bit, now it doesn't only de-register it, but it also registers the script when needed, so I call the function in the header.php and again once detected the user is logged in.

function no_pwa_unless_logged_in($user_logged) {
        if ( ! $user_logged ) { //este bool debe ser llamado o cuando de se logea o cuando se da de alta
          wp_dequeue_script( &#39;superpwa-register-sw&#39; );
          wp_enqueue_script( &#39;superpwa-register-sw&#39; );
add_action( &#39;wp_print_scripts&#39;, &#39;no_pwa_unless_logged_in&#39; );

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月12日 17:02:34
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76455073.html



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