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C# custom extension method that reads properties attributes


Here are the translations of the code parts and your questions:



class Users {

    [retFormat("You traveled {0:#,0}km")]
    public int Traveled { get; set; }

    [retFormat("This name is #")]
    public string Name { get; set; } 

public static string ToUseFormat(this int self) {
    return string.Format("{0:#,0}", self);
    // 此方法必须读取属性属性retFormat并使用它


1) 这是最佳方式吗?我不想将格式留给类的使用者,我希望每个属性都能返回实际值和格式化值,可能还有多个格式化值,如“长文本”和“短文本”。

2) 如何在方法扩展中读取每个属性的自定义属性?

3) 有没有办法为多种类型创建方法扩展,或者我必须为所有要使用的数据类型创建方法扩展,如int、ulong、string、short等...

Please note that I've translated the code and questions as requested. If you have any further questions or need clarifications, feel free to ask.


I have a class with several different properties of all types, some are int, some ulong, some string and so on, they are pretty basic and just have a default get and set.

I want those properties to have a custom method that returns a specific formatted string, but that format is decided by each property itself (I want to write the format for each property, on the property itself)

The approach I was going to use is to set a custom attribute on each property with the return format, something like this

    class Users {

        [retFormat("You traveled {0:#,0}km")]
        public int Traveled { get; set; }

        [retFormat("This name is #")]
        public string Name { get; set; } 


And then add a extension method to that data type that will read the attribute property and use it to format the return, is that possible?

    public static string ToUseFormat(this int self) {
        return string.Format("{0:#,0}", self);
        // this method has to read the property attribute retFormat and use it

So far my questions are:

  1. is this the best way to do it? I do not want to leverage the format to the consumer of the class, I want each property to be able to return both the real value and the formatted value, and possible more than 1 formatted value, like "long text" and "short"

  2. How can I read the custom attribute of each property on the method extension?

  3. Is there any way to create a method extension for several types, or i have to create it for all the data types I am going to use it for? like int, ulong, string, short, etc...


得分: 1


不,使用 public static string ToUseFormat(this int self) 签名的方法是不可能的 - 它无法确定传递给它的是哪个确切的属性,来自哪个确切的类实例,它允许传递任何整数,因此 42.ToUseFormat() 也是可以的,即使没有涉及属性/类。


  1. 使用 表达式树反射。以下是一些起步代码(需要大量改进,包括例如空值检查):
class Users {

    [RetFormat("You traveled {0:#,0}km")]
    public int Traveled { get; set; }

    [RetFormat("This name is {0}")]
    public string Name { get; set; } 


internal class RetFormatAttribute : Attribute
    public string Format { get; }

    public RetFormatAttribute(string format)
        Format = format;

public static class Exts
    public static string GetFormatted<T, TProp>(this T item, Expression<Func<T, TProp>> getter)
        var memberExpression = getter.Body as MemberExpression;
        var retFormatAttribute = memberExpression.Member.GetCustomAttribute<RetFormatAttribute>();
        if (retFormatAttribute is not null)
            return string.Format(retFormatAttribute.Format, getter.Compile()(item));

        return getter.Compile()(item).ToString();


var users = new Users
    Name = "Foo",
    Traveled = 42

Console.WriteLine(users.GetFormatted(static u => u.Name)); // 输出 "This name is Foo"
Console.WriteLine(users.GetFormatted(static u => u.Traveled)); // 输出 "You traveled 42km"


  1. 使用 源生成器 在编译时生成格式化成员,例如 string TraveledFormatted

> And then add a extension method to that data type that will read the attribute property and use it to format the return, is that possible?

No, it is not possible by using method with public static string ToUseFormat(this int self) signature - it will have no good way to determine which exact property from which exact class instance was passed to it, it allows passing literally any integer, hence 42.ToUseFormat(), i.e. even no properties/classes involved.

There are at least 2 possible solutions here:

  1. Use expression trees and reflection. Something to get you started (will need a lot of improvement, including null-checks for example):
class Users {

    [RetFormat(&quot;You traveled {0:#,0}km&quot;)]
    public int Traveled { get; set; }

    [RetFormat(&quot;This name is {0}&quot;)]
    public string Name { get; set; } 


internal class RetFormatAttribute : Attribute
    public string Format { get; }

    public RetFormatAttribute(string format)
        Format = format;

public static class Exts
    public static string GetFormatted&lt;T, TProp&gt;(this T item, Expression&lt;Func&lt;T, TProp&gt;&gt; getter)
        var memberExpression = getter.Body as MemberExpression;
        var retFormatAttribute = memberExpression.Member.GetCustomAttribute&lt;RetFormatAttribute&gt;();
        if (retFormatAttribute is not null)
            return string.Format(retFormatAttribute.Format, getter.Compile()(item));

        return getter.Compile()(item).ToString();

And usage:

var users = new Users
    Name = &quot;Foo&quot;,
    Traveled = 42

Console.WriteLine(users.GetFormatted(static u =&gt; u.Name)); // prints &quot;This name is Foo&quot;
Console.WriteLine(users.GetFormatted(static u =&gt; u.Traveled)); // prints &quot;You traveled 42km&quot;
Note that this approach will introduce some performance hit (though it can be just fine for quite a lot of apps).
  1. Use source generators to generate formatted members like string TraveledFormatted during compilation time.


得分: 0

[DisplayFormat(DataFormatString = &quot;{0:dd/MM/yyyy}&quot;)]


You can try using the DisplayFormat annotation:

[DisplayFormat(DataFormatString = &quot;{0:dd/MM/yyy}&quot;)]


  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月12日 10:06:37
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76453274.html



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