错误 401: 无效客户端。使用 Postman 的 Google API

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Error 401: Invalid Client. Google API with Postman


我的公司的客户组织希望我们使用AWS Lambda进行数据提取,以便我们的数字营销分析师可以分析数据并使用预测建模(数据存储在AWS数据湖中)。然而,我想要在Postman中进行API调用的预测试。我们将使用Google广告管理器API(GCM 360)。

当我尝试在Postman中生成新的访问令牌时,我收到了错误消息:找不到OAuth客户端。我确保客户端密钥的值、范围、令牌URL、授权URL和回调URL都是正确的,并且它们的值与Google API Playground匹配。

然后,我查看了Postman的日志跟踪,我看到了一个不正确的客户端ID,它与Postman和CGM 360 API凭据都不匹配。以下是GCM360 API凭据页面、Postman授权页面以及错误消息的屏幕截图。



My company's client organization would like us to do data pulls on their campaign data using AWS Lambda so that our digital marketing analysts can analyze the data and use predictive modeling (data is stored in AWS data lake). However, I'd like to pre-test API calls using Postman. We will be using the Google Campaign Manager API (GCM 360).

> When I try to generate a New Access token in Postman, I get this Error No OAuth Client was found. I made sure that the client secret values,scope, token URL,Auth URL, and callback url were correct and their values matched Google API Playground.
> I then looked at the Postman log trace and I am seeing an incorrect
> Client ID that does not match what's Postman nor the CGM 360 API
> credentials. Here are the screen scrapes and not the client ID in the
> postman trace log does not match what's defined in GCM360's OAuth
> credentials page. Are these 2 completely different client IDs?
See screen scrapes of the GCM360 API's credentials page, Postman Authorization page, and the error message below.

错误 401: 无效客户端。使用 Postman 的 Google API

错误 401: 无效客户端。使用 Postman 的 Google API

错误 401: 无效客户端。使用 Postman 的 Google API


得分: -1


  1. 客户端ID或客户端密钥不正确

请仔细检查在Postman中输入的客户端ID和客户端密钥是否与Google Campaign Manager API提供的凭据匹配。这些值的不匹配可能导致身份验证错误。

  1. 授权配置:

确保在Postman中正确设置了授权配置。验证令牌URL、授权URL和回调URL是否准确并与Google Campaign Manager API的要求相符。

  1. 范围:

确认在Postman中请求的范围是否与Google Campaign Manager API凭据中定义的范围相匹配。范围确定了访问令牌授予的访问权限。

重要的是要在Google Campaign Manager API凭据和Postman配置之间交叉检查所有细节,如客户端ID、客户端密钥、URL和范围。任何不一致都可能导致身份验证失败。


When encountering an "Error: No OAuth Client was found" message in Postman while trying to generate a new access token, there are a few potential reasons for this issue:

  1. Incorrect Client ID or Client Secret

Double-check that the Client ID and Client Secret values entered in Postman match the credentials provided by the Google Campaign Manager API. Any mismatch in these values can result in authentication errors.

  1. Authorization Configuration:

Ensure that the authorization configuration in Postman is correctly set up. Verify that the token URL, authorization URL, and callback URL are accurate and aligned with the Google Campaign Manager API's requirements.

  1. Scope:

Confirm that the scope you're requesting in Postman matches the scope defined in the Google Campaign Manager API credentials. The scope determines the access permissions granted by the access token.

It's important to cross-check all the details, such as Client ID, Client Secret, URLs, and scope, between the Google Campaign Manager API credentials and your Postman configuration. Any discrepancies can lead to authentication failures.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月12日 06:38:04
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76452788.html



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