
huangapple go评论67阅读模式

Defining struct members and matching string constants without repetition


我正在尝试定义一个struct traits,其中包含不同特征的位域,如下所示:

struct traits
    unsigned char sometrait : 1;
    unsigned char someothertrait : 1;
    unsigned char anothertrait : 1;


#define __deftrait(name) unsigned char name : 1;


#define __def_trait_str_repr(name) const char* _##name##_str = #name;


#define __deftrait(name) unsigned char name : 1;
#define __def_trait_str_repr(name) const char* _##name##_str = #name;

typedef struct traits
} traits;


我在想能否让整个特征位域定义过程更清晰。__deftrait 宏可以处理定义位域成员和它们的字符串表示。



typedef struct traits
} traits;

I am trying to define a struct traits, which contains bit-fields for different traits like so:

struct traits
    unsigned char sometrait : 1;
    unsigned char someothertrait : 1;
    unsigned char anothertrait : 1;

To simplify defining new trait bit-fields, I'm using this macro:

#define __deftrait(name) unsigned char name : 1;

I also need the string representations of these trait-bit fields, so I have another macro to define these string constants:

#define __def_trait_str_repr(name) const char* _##name##_str = #name;

My traits.h is as follows:

#define __deftrait(name) unsigned char name : 1;
#define __def_trait_str_repr(name) const char* _##name##_str = #name;

typedef struct traits
} traits;


I was wondering if I could make this whole trait bit-field defining process cleaner. The __deftrait macro could handle both defining the bit-field members, and their string representation.

However, I'm at my wits end here, because I suspect that just sticking the string representation macro at the end of the def macro would lead to a lot of string copies, and static strings can't be initialized inside a struct.

Thus, I was wondering if there is a way to define some kinda macro that would handle both, so the end result can be:

typedef struct traits
} traits;


得分: 2

你试图做的是一个常见的问题,下面的解决方案经常用于实现 "魔法枚举"。

#define LIST(...) \
  __VA_ARGS__(a) \
  __VA_ARGS__(b) \

#define DEFINE_MEMBER(...) unsigned char __VA_ARGS__ : 1;
#define STRINGIZE(...) const char * const __VA_ARGS__##_str = #__VA_ARGS__;

typedef struct traits
    unsigned char a : 1;
    unsigned char b : 1;
    unsigned char c : 1; */
} traits;

#undef E
#define E(...) const char * const __VA_ARGS__##_str = #__VA_ARGS__;

const char * const a_str = "a";
const char * const b_str = "b";
const char * const c_str = "c"; */

#undef LIST

基本思路是在顶部定义一个 LIST 宏,列出了符号及其所有属性。在这种情况下,只有名称。

然后,我们可以使用 LIST(DEFINE_MEMBER) 来扩展此列表以定义所有的位字段成员,并使用 LIST(STRINGIZE) 来定义我们的字符串常量。


C++ 特定注意事项

上述解决方案在 C 和 C++ 中都适用。
在 C++ 中,你可以省略 typedef,只需写 struct traits { ... };

此外,你可以通过将字符串常量声明为静态数据成员来简化此解决方案。@TedLyngmo 提供了一个示例。

C++11 或更高版本

在字符串常量上添加 constexpr,因为它们是编译时常量。

C++17 或更高版本

在常量上添加 inline constexpr,以给予常量内联链接。默认情况下,它们将具有内部链接,这可能会导致一些不寻常的 odr 违规。此外,即使你不能使用 std::string,你也可以考虑使用 std::string_view 而不是 char*,可能会更有用。


What you're trying to do is a common problem, and the following solution is often used for implementing "magic enums".

#define LIST(...) \
  __VA_ARGS__(a) \
  __VA_ARGS__(b) \

#define DEFINE_MEMBER(...) unsigned char __VA_ARGS__ : 1;
#define STRINGIZE(...) const char * const __VA_ARGS__##_str = #__VA_ARGS__;

typedef struct traits
    LIST(DEFINE_MEMBER) /* expands to:
    unsigned char a : 1;
    unsigned char b : 1;
    unsigned char c : 1; */
} traits;

#undef E
#define E(...) const char * const __VA_ARGS__##_str = #__VA_ARGS__;

LIST(STRINGIZE) /* expands to
const char * const a_str = "a";
const char * const b_str = "b";
const char * const c_str = "c"; */

#undef LIST

The basic idea is that we define a LIST macro at the top, which lists the symbols and all their properties. In this case, it's just the name.

We can then expand this list with LIST(DEFINE_MEMBER) to define all our bit-field members, and with LIST(STRINGIZE) to define our string constants.

Note: Avoid the use of leading underscores in global scope. Names with leading underscores are reserved for the implementation.

C++-specific notes

The above solution works in both C and C++.
In C++, you are free to omit typedef, can can just write struct traits { ... };

Also, you can simplify this solution by declaring the string constants as static data members. @TedLyngmo has provided an example.

C++11 or greater

Add constexpr to the string constants, since they are compile-time constants.

C++17 or greater

Add inline constexpr to give the constants inline linkage. By default, they would have internal linkage, which can cause some unusual odr-violations. Furthermore, even if you can't use std::string, you could use std::string_view instead of a char*, potentially.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月12日 04:07:07
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76452329.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
