
huangapple go评论50阅读模式

Why is the form not sent when the data is entered correctly (javascript, ajax)?




{% block content %}
  <form method="POST" class="login-form" id="login-form">
    {{ login_form.hidden_tag() }}
    <div class="form-group">
        {{ login_form.name.label }}
        {{ login_form.name(class="form-control", id="login_form_name", placeholder="Name") }}
    <div class="form-group">
        {{ login_form.password.label }}
        {{ login_form.password(class="form-control", id="login_form_password", placeholder="Password") }}
        <p id="incorrect-data-error" class="error-message" style="margin-top: 30px;"></p>
    <div class="form-group">
		{{ login_form.recaptcha.label }}
		{{ login_form.recaptcha(class="g-recaptcha") }}
		<p id="recaptcha-error" class="error-message" style="margin-top: 30px;"></p>
    <div class="form-group">
        {{ login_form.submit(class="btn btn-primary", id="login-form-submit") }}
        <p id="session-exists-error" class="error-message" style="margin-top: 30px;"></p>
  <p class="register_account_message">Don't have an account? <a href="/signup">Signup here</a></p>
{% endblock %}


$(document).ready(function() {

  $("#login-form").on("submit", function(event) {
    var formData = $(this).serialize();

      type: "POST",
      url: "/check_login_user_credentials",
      data: formData,
      success: function(response) {
        if (response.response === 'Incorrect data') {
          $("#incorrect-data-error").text('Incorrect username or password');
        } else if (response.response === 'Session already exists') {
          $("#session-exists-error").text('This account is already in use. Please try again later.');
        } else if (response.response === 'Allow') {


@app1.route('/check_login_user_credentials', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def check_login_user_credentials():
    hashed_password = sha256(request.form.get('password').encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
    user = User.query.filter(User.name==request.form.get('name'), User.password==hashed_password).first()
    if user:
        if user.active_session:
            return jsonify({ 'response': 'Session already exists' })
            return jsonify({ 'response': 'Allow' })
    return jsonify({ 'response': 'Incorrect data' })

问题似乎与 event.preventDefault(); 有关,因为它会阻止表单的默认提交行为。如果数据正确,应该使用 $("#login-form")[0].submit(); 手动触发表单的提交。如果点击按钮后仍然没有任何反应,可能需要检查其他js或css文件是否有冲突,以及确保jQuery版本没有问题。


There is a login form:

{% block content %}
  &lt;form method=&quot;POST&quot; class=&quot;login-form&quot; id=&quot;login-form&quot;&gt;
    {{ login_form.hidden_tag() }}
    &lt;div class=&quot;form-group&quot;&gt;
        {{ login_form.name.label }}
        {{ login_form.name(class=&quot;form-control&quot;, id=&quot;login_form_name&quot;, placeholder=&quot;Name&quot;) }}
    &lt;div class=&quot;form-group&quot;&gt;
        {{ login_form.password.label }}
        {{ login_form.password(class=&quot;form-control&quot;, id=&quot;login_form_password&quot;, placeholder=&quot;Password&quot;) }}
        &lt;p id=&quot;incorrect-data-error&quot; class=&quot;error-message&quot; style=&quot;margin-top: 30px;&quot;&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
    &lt;div class=&quot;form-group&quot;&gt;
		{{ login_form.recaptcha.label }}
		{{ login_form.recaptcha(class=&quot;g-recaptcha&quot;) }}
		&lt;p id=&quot;recaptcha-error&quot; class=&quot;error-message&quot; style=&quot;margin-top: 30px;&quot;&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
    &lt;div class=&quot;form-group&quot;&gt;
        {{ login_form.submit(class=&quot;btn btn-primary&quot;, id=&quot;login-form-submit&quot;) }}
        &lt;p id=&quot;session-exists-error&quot; class=&quot;error-message&quot; style=&quot;margin-top: 30px;&quot;&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  &lt;p class=&quot;register_account_message&quot;&gt;Don&#39;t have an account? &lt;a href=&quot;/signup&quot;&gt;Signup here&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
{% endblock %}

There is a js-script, which is associated with this form. It, using ajax, sends data from the form to the server after the Log In button is pressed:

$(document).ready(function() {

  $(&quot;#login-form&quot;).on(&quot;submit&quot;, function(event) {
    var formData = $(this).serialize();

      type: &quot;POST&quot;,
      url: &quot;/check_login_user_credentials&quot;,
      data: formData,
      success: function(response) {
        if (response.response === &#39;Incorrect data&#39;) {
          $(&quot;#incorrect-data-error&quot;).text(&#39;Incorrect username or password&#39;);
        } else if (response.response === &#39;Session already exists&#39;) {
          $(&quot;#session-exists-error&quot;).text(&#39;This account is already in use. Please try again later.&#39;);
        } else if (response.response === &#39;Allow&#39;) {

The route to which the data is sent:

@app1.route(&#39;/check_login_user_credentials&#39;, methods=[&#39;GET&#39;, &#39;POST&#39;])
def check_login_user_credentials():
    hashed_password = sha256(request.form.get(&#39;password&#39;).encode(&#39;utf-8&#39;)).hexdigest()
    user = User.query.filter(User.name==request.form.get(&#39;name&#39;), User.password==hashed_password).first()
    if user:
        if user.active_session:
            return jsonify({ &#39;response&#39;: &#39;Session already exists&#39; })
            return jsonify({ &#39;response&#39;: &#39;Allow&#39; })
    return jsonify({ &#39;response&#39;: &#39;Incorrect data&#39; })

The thing is that when the data is incorrectly entered and/or the account has been logged in earlier, everything works as it should (the form is not sent and the corresponding messages appear). But, when the data is correct and no one has previously logged into the account, then there are no messages (as it should be), but the form is still NOT sent, although it should be. I just click the button and nothing happens, although the data is sent with ajax.

If anything, I use this version of jQuery:

&lt;script src=&quot;https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.6.0/jquery.min.js&quot;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;

If anything, ChatGPT can't handle it) Any help and advice would be great.

As far as I understand it is most likely related to event.preventDefault();


得分: 0




You have to change your logic. You are preventing the normal submit to happen to instead make an AJAX call, and with the response of this call you decide if you do a normal submit.

The line below is going to force a submit, as there are no URL in the form tag, it's going to submit to your current page, that why you are getting back to the page when submiting, instead of this line, you want to redirect the user to the home page for example


  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月12日 03:51:31
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