Edit cell contents in table in Word, based on other cell contents
I have an Excel file containing a very large table, in which I have a macro that copies the table into a Word file.
I want the macro to check the top left cell of each page in the Word file and - if it's empty - populate it with the contents of the last populated cell above it (i.e. on the previous page) with " cont'd" added to the end.
The result should look like the below (ignore the three rows at the top of the second page - they are in the header):
I produced the below. I'm aware that my approach is flawed as if you have a single entry spanning multiple pages, then working from the beginning will result in subsequent pages having extra " cont'd" added, so it may make more sense to work back from the end.
' Get the Word table
Set wordTable = objDoc.Tables(1)
' Loop through the table cells
For Each cell In wordTable.Range.Cells
' Check if it's the top-left cell of a new page
If cell.Range.Information(3) = 1 Then ' wdFirstCellOnPage
currentPage = cell.Range.Information(2) ' wdActiveEndAdjustedPageNumber
' Check if the cell is blank and not on the first page
If IsEmpty(cell.Value) And currentPage > 1 Then
' Get the corresponding cell above
Set previousCell = wordTable.cell(cell.RowIndex - 1, cell.ColumnIndex)
' Copy the contents of the cell above and add " cont'd"
cell.Range.InsertAfter " cont'd"
End If
End If
Next cell
I have an Excel file containing a very large table, in which I have a macro that copies the table into a Word file.
I want the macro to check the top left cell of each page in the Word file and - if it's empty - populate it with the contents of the last populated cell above it (i.e. on the previous page) with " cont'd" added to the end.
The result should look like the below (ignore the three rows at the top of the second page - they are in the header):
I produced the below. I'm aware that my approach is flawed as if you have a single entry spanning multiple pages, then working from the beginning will result in subsequent pages having extra " cont'd" added, so it may make more sense to work back from the end.
' Get the Word table
Set wordTable = objDoc.Tables(1)
' Loop through the table cells
For Each cell In wordTable.Range.Cells
' Check if it's the top-left cell of a new page
If cell.Range.Information(3) = 1 Then ' wdFirstCellOnPage
currentPage = cell.Range.Information(2) ' wdActiveEndAdjustedPageNumber
' Check if the cell is blank and not on the first page
If IsEmpty(cell.Value) And currentPage > 1 Then
' Get the corresponding cell above
Set previousCell = wordTable.cell(cell.RowIndex - 1, cell.ColumnIndex)
' Copy the contents of the cell above and add " cont'd"
cell.Range.InsertAfter " cont'd"
End If
End If
Next cell
得分: 0
Sub VBA_Macro_to_edit_cell_contents_in_table_in_Word_based_on_other_cell_contents()
Dim objDoc As Word.Document, cell As Word.cell, previousCell As Word.cell
Dim valueRef As String, wordTable As Word.Table, ur As UndoRecord
Set ur = Word.Application.UndoRecord
ur.StartCustomRecord "VBA_Macro_to_edit_cell_contents_in_table_in_Word_based_on_other_cell_contents"
Set objDoc = ActiveDocument
' 在*previousCell*中测试我的代码
If Not Selection.Information(wdWithInTable) Then ' 仅用于测试
MsgBox "必须将光标放在单元格中以尝试!", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Set previousCell = Selection.Cells(1) ' 仅用于测试
previousCell.Range.Text = "01-007" '' 仅用于测试
valueRef = Replace(previousCell.Range.Text, Chr(13) & Chr(7), "")
' 获取Word表格
'Set wordTable = objDoc.Tables(1) '您的文档中只有一个表格吗?
Set wordTable = previousCell.Range.Tables(1)
Set cell = GetTopleftCellPage(previousCell)
Do Until cell Is Nothing
If VBA.Len(cell.Range.Text) = 2 Then 'Chr(13) & Chr(7)
cell.Range.Text = valueRef + " cont'd"
' 仅用于测试观察
End If
Set cell = GetTopleftCellPage(cell)
MsgBox "完成!", vbInformation
' 通过表格单元格循环
' For Each cell In wordTable.Range.Cells
' ' 检查是否是新页面的左上角单元格
' If cell.Range.Information(3) = 1 Then ' wdFirstCellOnPage
' currentPage = cell.Range.Information(2) ' wdActiveEndAdjustedPageNumber
' ' 检查单元格是否为空且不在第一页
' If IsEmpty(cell.Value) And currentPage > 1 Then
' ' 获取上面的对应单元格
' Set previousCell = wordTable.cell(cell.RowIndex - 1, cell.ColumnIndex)
' ' 复制上面单元格的内容并添加 " cont'd"
' previousCell.Range.Copy
' cell.Range.Paste
' cell.Range.InsertAfter " cont'd"
' End If
' End If
' Next cell
End Sub
Property Get GetTopleftCellPage(ByVal cell As cell) As Word.cell
Dim r As Long, rng As Range, tb As Word.Table
Dim firstVisibleLine As Long, currentPage As Long
Dim firstCellOnPage As cell
Set tb = cell.Range.Tables(1)
r = cell.RowIndex
Set rng = cell.Range
currentPage = rng.Information(wdActiveEndPageNumber)
Do While currentPage = rng.Information(wdActiveEndPageNumber)
r = r + 1
Set rng = tb.cell(r, 1).Range
If r >= tb.rows.Count Then
Exit Property
End If
Set GetTopleftCellPage = rng.Cells(1)
End Property
Dim rowCell As Long
rowCell = previousCell.Row + 1
If rowCell <= tb.Rows.Count Then
Set cell = tb.Cells(rowCell, previousCell.ColumnIndex)
cell.Range.Text = valueRef + " cont'd"
End If
OK, you can test my code by placing the cursor in your previousCell, and watching if this is what you want to be.
If it is, you just have to adjust to the configuration you need.
The GetTopleftCellPage, previousCell, valueRef are the point.
Sub VBA_Macro_to_edit_cell_contents_in_table_in_Word_based_on_other_cell_contents()
Dim objDoc As Word.Document, cell As Word.cell, previousCell As Word.cell
Dim valueRef As String, wordTable As Word.Table, ur As UndoRecord
Set ur = Word.Application.UndoRecord
ur.StartCustomRecord "VBA_Macro_to_edit_cell_contents_in_table_in_Word_based_on_other_cell_contents"
Set objDoc = ActiveDocument
Rem Test my code by placing the cursor in the *previousCell*
If Not Selection.Information(wdWithInTable) Then 'just for test
MsgBox "must placing the cursor in a cell to try!", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Set previousCell = Selection.Cells(1) 'just for test
previousCell.Range.Text = "01-007" ''just for test
valueRef = Replace(previousCell.Range.Text, Chr(13) & Chr(7), "")
' Get the Word table
'Set wordTable = objDoc.Tables(1) 'YOU GOT ONLY ONE TABLE in a document??
Set wordTable = previousCell.Range.Tables(1)
Set cell = GetTopleftCellPage(previousCell)
Do Until cell Is Nothing
If VBA.Len(cell.Range.Text) = 2 Then 'Chr(13) & Chr(7)
cell.Range.Text = valueRef + " cont'd"
Rem just for watch in testing
End If
Set cell = GetTopleftCellPage(cell)
MsgBox "done!", vbInformation
' ' Loop through the table cells
' For Each cell In wordTable.Range.Cells
' ' Check if it's the top-left cell of a new page
' If cell.Range.Information(3) = 1 Then ' wdFirstCellOnPage
' currentPage = cell.Range.Information(2) ' wdActiveEndAdjustedPageNumber
' ' Check if the cell is blank and not on the first page
' If IsEmpty(cell.Value) And currentPage > 1 Then
' ' Get the corresponding cell above
' Set previousCell = wordTable.cell(cell.RowIndex - 1, cell.ColumnIndex)
' ' Copy the contents of the cell above and add " cont'd"
' previousCell.Range.Copy
' cell.Range.Paste
' cell.Range.InsertAfter " cont'd"
' End If
' End If
' Next cell
End Sub
Property Get GetTopleftCellPage(ByVal cell As cell) As Word.cell
Dim r As Long, rng As Range, tb As Word.Table ', d As Document
Dim firstVisibleLine As Long, currentPage As Long
Dim firstCellOnPage As cell
'Set d = ActiveDocument
Set tb = cell.Range.Tables(1)
r = cell.RowIndex
Set rng = cell.Range
currentPage = rng.Information(wdActiveEndPageNumber)
Do While currentPage = rng.Information(wdActiveEndPageNumber)
r = r + 1
Set rng = tb.cell(r, 1).Range
If r >= tb.rows.Count Then
Exit Property
End If
Set GetTopleftCellPage = rng.Cells(1)
End Property
follow the previous row
When I look more closely at your screenshot, it looks like you just want to give the value of the previous column to the next column. If that's the case, simply run these lines:
dim rowCell as long
rowCell= previousCell.row+1
if rowCell <=tb.rows.count then
Set cell = tb.cells(rowCell,previousCell.ColumnIndex)
cell.Range.Text = valueRef + " cont'd"
end if
Or, you can get the cell at the top of each page by GetTopleftCellPage and then get the corresponding cell in the row before it. All these needs should be already in the code I gave.
得分: 0
This will scan down the first column of the table looking for cases where the cell is the first on a page and is empty:
Sub Tester()
Dim tbl As Table, col As Column, c As Cell, i As Long, pgNumStart, pgNumEnd
Dim rng As Range, currPage, lastText, txt, newPage As Boolean
Set tbl = ActiveDocument.Tables(1)
Set col = tbl.Columns(1) 'only looking in the first column of the table
currPage = 0
For Each c In col.Cells
Set rng = c.Range.s
rng.Collapse wdCollapseStart
pgNumStart = rng.Information(3) 'cell begins on this page
'pgNumEnd = c.Range.Information(3) 'cell ends on this page
newPage = (pgNumStart > 1) And (pgNumStart <> currPage) 'on a new page?
If newPage Then currPage = pgNumStart 'update current page
txt = CellText(c)
If Len(txt) = 0 Then 'cell is empty?
If newPage And Len(lastText) > 0 Then
c.Range.Text = lastText & vbLf & "(cont)"
End If
lastText = txt
End If
Next c
End Sub
'cell text, minus end-of-cell marker
Function CellText(c As Cell)
CellText = Replace(c.Range.Text, Chr(13) & Chr(7), "")
End Function