JObject 返回空数据

huangapple go评论81阅读模式

JObject returning empty data



public class Notify
    public class Root
        public string Error { get; set; }
        public Details Details { get; set; }

    public class Details
        public string FeedbackText { get; set; }
        // 其他属性...


public JObject NotifyUser()
    var r = new Notify.Root
        Error = "Some error",
        Details = new Notify.Details
            FeedbackText = "Something to do"

    return JObject.Parse(DoSomethingWithJson(r));

DoSomethingWithJson 是一个返回字符串的方法,将对象传递进去以修改数据。


var currentValue = NotifyUser(); // 我能看到这个变量中的 JSON 和值,但下一行只显示 JSON 字段而没有任何数据。
return StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, currentValue);

但它只返回 JSON 字段而没有任何数据。我将其转换为字符串,一切都显示出来,包括分配给每个字段的文本,但响应被列为文本而不是 JSON。

我尝试过将代码转换为 JsonConvert.SerializeObject,但如果它是字符串格式,则显示数据,否则为空属性(我希望响应被编码为 JSON)。



Im trying to return detailed feedback in my API so created a class:

public class Notify
   public class Root
     Public string Error {get; set;}
     Public Details Details {get; set;}

  public class Details
     public string FeedbackText {get; set;}

In my class i populate the object with

public JObject NotifyUser()
     var r = new Notify.Root 
     Error = "Some error",
     Details = new Notify.Details
             FeedbackText = "Something to do"

     return JObject.Parse(DoSomethingWithJson(r));

DoSomethingWithJson is a string method and passing in the object to modify the data.

In my API i have

var currentValue = NotifyUser(); // I see the Json and values in this variable but next line doesnt display the values only the Json fields
return StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, currentValue);

but it just returns the JSON fields without any data against any field.
I convert it to a string and everything appears including the text assigned to each field but the response is listed as text and not JSON.

Ive tried converting the code to JsonConvert.SerialiseObject but if its in a string format it shows the data otherwise its empty properties (i would like the response to be encoded as json).

Im not sure why its doing this? What have i missed? I did search around but most were targeting old versions so i feel im doing something wrong here.


得分: 1


return JObject.FromObject(r);



Your code can not be even compilled. You can use Parse only for a json string. But you have a c# object. You should try to compile your code before asking the question. The last line should be

return JObject.FromObject(r);

But probably you don't need to convert it to JObject since APi action will automatically serialize it to a json string. It doesnt matter if it is a json object or c# object.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月8日 23:23:00
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
