
huangapple go评论55阅读模式

How to generalize a comparison in Java code



public final class MagnitudeFilter implements Filter {

    private final double minimumMagnitude;
    private final double maximumMagnitude;
    private final ComparisonStrategy strategy;

    public MagnitudeFilter(double minimumMagnitude, double maximumMagnitude, ComparisonStrategy strategy) {
        this.minimumMagnitude = minimumMagnitude;
        this.maximumMagnitude = maximumMagnitude;
        this.strategy = strategy;

    public boolean satisfies(Earthquake earthquake) {
        return switch (strategy) {
            case EXCLUSIVE -> earthquake.magnitude() > minimumMagnitude &&
                earthquake.magnitude() < maximumMagnitude;
            case INCLUSIVE -> earthquake.magnitude() >= minimumMagnitude &&
                earthquake.magnitude() <= maximumMagnitude;




Say I have a Filter interface

public interface Filter {
   public boolean satisfies(Earthquake earthquake)

Which can have different implementations (one such below)

public final class MagnitudeFilter implements Filter {

    private final double minimumMagnitude;
    private final double maximumMagnitude;
    private final ComparisonStrategy strategy;

    public MagnitudeFilter(double minimumMagnitude, double maximumMagnitude, ComparisonStrategy strategy) {
        this.minimumMagnitude = minimumMagnitude;
        this.maximumMagnitude = maximumMagnitude;
        this.strategy = strategy;

    public boolean satisfies(Earthquake earthquake) {
        return switch (strategy) {
            case EXCLUSIVE -&gt; earthquake.magnitude() &gt; minimumMagnitude &amp;&amp;
                earthquake.magnitude() &lt; maximumMagnitude;
            case INCLUSIVE -&gt; earthquake.magnitude() &gt;= minimumMagnitude &amp;&amp;
                earthquake.magnitude() &lt;= maximumMagnitude;

In some cases I would like to perform an inclusive comparison and other times I would like to perform an exclusive comparison, however in the above form, I will need to repeat the switch expression for every single implementation.

Is there an alternative way that I can generalize this pattern for all implementations so as not to have to repeat the code in the switch statement?

Tried to user another interface but ended up in a loop of repeating code again.


得分: 3

请注意,您的 Filter 基本上与 java.util.function.Predicate 完全相同,因此我们可以直接使用它。您也不需要 Filter 的子类;只需使用lambda表达式。


Predicate<Earthquake> rangeInclusive(double min, double max) { 
    return e -> e.magnitude() > min && e.magnitude() <= max;

Predicate<Earthquake> rangeExclusive(double min, double max) { 
    return e -> e.magnitude() > min && e.magnitude() < max;


Predicate<Earthquake> range(double min, double max, ComparisonStrategy strat) { 
    return switch (strat) { 
        case INCLUSIVE -> e -> e.magnitude() > min && e.magnitude() <= max;
        case EXCLUSIVE -> e -> e.magnitude() > min && e.magnitude() < max;



Note that your Filter is basically identical to java.util.function.Predicate, so we can just use that. You also don't need a subclass of Filter; just use lambdas.

In your example, the inclusive/exclusive choice travels with the filter, so all you have to do is define two factories:

Predicate&lt;Earthquake&gt; rangeInclusive(double min, double max) { 
    return e -&gt; e.magnitude() &gt; min &amp;&amp; e.magnitude() &lt;= max;

Predicate&lt;Earthquake&gt; rangeExclusive(double min, double max) { 
    return e -&gt; e.magnitude() &gt; min &amp;&amp; e.magnitude() &lt; max;

If you want to use data, rather than the method name, to select inclusive/exclusive, you can do that with the switch in just one place:

Predicate&lt;Earthquake&gt; range(double min, double max, ComparisonStrategy strat) { 
    return switch (strat) { 
        case INCLUSIVE -&gt; e -&gt; e.magnitude() &gt; min &amp;&amp; e.magnitude() &lt;= max;
        case EXCLUSIVE -&gt; e -&gt; e.magnitude() &gt; min &amp;&amp; e.magnitude() &lt; max;


得分: 0



public enum ComparisonStrategy {
    public boolean test(double value, double min, double max) {
      return value >= min && value <= max;
    public boolean test(double value, double min, double max) {
      return value > min && value < max;

  public abstract boolean test(double value, double rangeStart, double rangeEnd);


public final class MagnitudeFilter implements Filter {

  private final double minimumMagnitude;
  private final double maximumMagnitude;
  private final ComparisonStrategy strategy;

  public MagnitudeFilter(
      double minimumMagnitude, double maximumMagnitude,
      ComparisonStrategy strategy) {
    this.minimumMagnitude = minimumMagnitude;
    this.maximumMagnitude = maximumMagnitude;
    this.strategy = strategy;

  public boolean satisfies(Earthquake earthquake) {
    return strategy.test(
      earthquake.magnitude(), minimumMagnitude, maximumMagnitude

这种方法的明显缺点是,如果您的ComparisonStrategy用于测试不仅仅是double值(例如longint),那么您要么需要提取单独的DoubleComparisonStrategyLongComparisonStrategy枚举类,要么在“主”ComparisonStrategy类中创建许多方法,如boolean testDouble(double, double, double)boolean testLong(long, long long)等。当采用enum方法时,甚至可能无法为您想要比较的所有可能属性定义适当的比较 - 例如,当使用Comparator<T>时,将其包含在此混合中会更加困难。


Predicate<Earthquake> magnitudeInclusive(double min, double max) {
  return e -> ComparisonStrategy.INCLUSIVE.test(e.magnitude(), min, max);

Predicate<Earthquake> magnitudeExclusive(double min, double max) {
  return e -> ComparisonStrategy.EXCLUSIVE.test(e.magnitude(), min, max);


Filter magnitudeInclusive(double min, double max) {
  return e -> ComparisonStrategy.INCLUSIVE.test(e.magnitude(), min, max);

Seems to me, that the general part of your code is whether the comparison is INCLUSIVE or EXCLUSIVE, while the wrapper Filter is mostly for the property extraction.

If I'm correct, then what about doing this:

public enum ComparisonStrategy {
    public boolean test(double value, double min, double max) {
      return value &gt;= min &amp;&amp; value &lt;= max;
    public boolean test(double value, double min, double max) {
      return value &gt; min &amp;&amp; value &lt; max;

  public abstract boolean test(double value, double rangeStart, double rangeEnd);

So your filter becomes:

public final class MagnitudeFilter implements Filter {

  private final double minimumMagnitude;
  private final double maximumMagnitude;
  private final ComparisonStrategy strategy;

  public MagnitudeFilter(
      double minimumMagnitude, double maximumMagnitude,
      DoubleComparisonStrategy strategy) {
    this.minimumMagnitude = minimumMagnitude;
    this.maximumMagnitude = maximumMagnitude;
    this.strategy = strategy;

  public boolean satisfies(Earthquake earthquake) {
    return strategy.test(
      earthquake.magnitude(), minimumMagnitude, maximumMagnitude

Obvious downside of this approach is if your ComparisonStrategy is used to test for more than just double values (i.e. longs and ints too) - then you either will need to extract separate DoubleComparisonStrategy, LongComparisonStrategy enum classes, or make many methods like boolean testDouble(double, double, double), boolean testLong(long, long long), etc. in the "main" ComparisonStrategy class. It may not even be possible to define a proper comparison for all possible properties you would want to compare - i.e. it's going to be a lot harder to include a Comparator&lt;T&gt; into this mix when going with enum approach.

UPD: combining with the approach from the other answer, this makes:

Predicate&lt;Earthquake&gt; magnitudeInclusive(double min, double max) {
  return e -&gt; ComparisonStrategy.INCLUSIVE.test(e.magnitude(), min, max);

Predicate&lt;Earthquake magnitudeExclusive(double min, double max) {
  return e -&gt; ComparisonStrategy.EXCLUSIVE.test(e.magnitude(), min, max);

Also, this will look the same if you still want to use Filter interface, because that is also a valid lambda target:

Filter magnitudeInclusive(double min, double max) {
  return e -&gt; ComparisonStrategy.INCLUSIVE.test(e.magnidute(), min, max);

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月8日 20:13:57
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76431757.html



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