
huangapple go评论93阅读模式

javascript Design patttern need feedback



  • 门面模式(Facade pattern)用于确定用户是否是会员。
  • 策略模式(Strategy pattern)用于处理各种音乐格式,如MP3和WAV。
  • 观察者模式(Observer pattern)用于监视音乐播放状态,其中定义了Subject接口以在有任何变化时更新UI。
  • 工厂模式(Factory pattern)用于创建音乐播放所需的对象。例如,当播放MP3格式的音乐时,会创建一个MP3Decoder对象,当播放WAV格式的音乐时,会创建一个WavDecoder对象。
  • 复合模式(Composite pattern)用于构建音乐播放列表。


  1. 注释和文档:确保为每个类和关键方法添加适当的注释和文档,以便其他开发人员可以更容易地理解你的代码和设计模式的用途。

  2. 异常处理:在DecoderFactory中,你已经处理了MP3和WAV之外的格式的情况,这很好。但是,最好在抛出异常之前添加更具体的错误消息,以便开发人员知道出了什么问题。

  3. 可扩展性:考虑将更多的音乐格式纳入你的策略模式和工厂模式中,以便在未来能够轻松添加新的音乐格式支持。

  4. 安全性:在MusicFacade中,你可以考虑添加一些身份验证和授权的机制,以确保只有合法用户可以访问音乐流媒体服务。

  5. 错误处理:在播放音乐时,你可以进一步考虑如何处理可能的错误情况,例如解码器无法正常工作或播放器无法播放音乐的情况。


  1. class Song {
  2. constructor(title, artist, format) {
  3. this.title = title;
  4. this.artist = artist;
  5. this.format = format;
  6. }
  7. }
  8. // Decoder.js (Strategy Pattern)
  9. class Decoder {
  10. decode(format) {
  11. return `Decoding ${format} format...`;
  12. }
  13. }
  14. class Mp3Decoder extends Decoder {
  15. decode(format) {
  16. return `Decoding MP3 format: ${format}...`;
  17. }
  18. }
  19. class WavDecoder extends Decoder {
  20. decode(format) {
  21. return `Decoding WAV format: ${format}...`;
  22. }
  23. }
  24. // MusicPlayer.js (Observer Pattern - Subject)
  25. class MusicPlayer {
  26. constructor() {
  27. this.observers = [];
  28. }
  29. play(song) {
  30. const message = `Playing song: ${song.title} - ${song.artist}`;
  31. this.notifyObservers();
  32. return message;
  33. }
  34. registerObserver(observer) {
  35. this.observers.push(observer);
  36. }
  37. removeObserver(observer) {
  38. const index = this.observers.indexOf(observer);
  39. if (index !== -1) {
  40. this.observers.splice(index, 1);
  41. }
  42. }
  43. notifyObservers() {
  44. this.observers.forEach((observer) => console.log(observer.update()));
  45. }
  46. }
  47. // Observer.js (Observer Pattern)
  48. class Observer {
  49. constructor() {
  50. this.subject = null;
  51. }
  52. setSubject(subject) {
  53. this.subject = subject;
  54. this.subject.registerObserver(this);
  55. }
  56. update() {
  57. // UI update logic when music playback changes
  58. return "Updating UI...";
  59. }
  60. }
  61. // DecoderFactory.js (Factory Pattern)
  62. class DecoderFactory {
  63. createDecoder(format) {
  64. switch (format) {
  65. case "MP3":
  66. return new Mp3Decoder();
  67. case "WAV":
  68. return new WavDecoder();
  69. default:
  70. throw new Error(`Decoder not available for format: ${format}`);
  71. }
  72. }
  73. }
  74. // Playlist.js (Composite Pattern)
  75. class Playlist {
  76. constructor(name) {
  77. = name;
  78. this.songs = [];
  79. }
  80. addSong(song) {
  81. this.songs.push(song);
  82. }
  83. removeSong(song) {
  84. const index = this.songs.findIndex(
  85. (s) => s.title === song.title && s.artist === song.artist
  86. );
  87. if (index !== -1) {
  88. this.songs.splice(index, 1);
  89. }
  90. }
  91. }
  92. // MusicFacade.js (Facade Pattern)
  93. class MusicFacade {
  94. constructor() {
  95. this.streamingService = {
  96. subscribed: false,
  97. };
  98. //this.paymentService = {}; // 수정된 부분
  99. this.musicPlayer = new MusicPlayer();
  100. this.decoderFactory = new DecoderFactory();
  101. this.playlists = [];
  102. }
  103. subscribe() {
  104. // //=this.paymentService.processPayment();
  105. this.streamingService.subscribed = true;
  106. return "Subscribed to the music streaming service.";
  107. }
  108. unsubscribe() {
  109. this.streamingService.subscribed = false;
  110. return "Unsubscribed from the music streaming service.";
  111. }
  112. playMusic(song) {
  113. if (this.streamingService.subscribed) {
  114. const decoder = this.decoderFactory.createDecoder(song.format);
  115. const decodeMessage = decoder.decode(song.format);
  116. const playMessage =;
  117. return `${decodeMessage}\n${playMessage}`;
  118. } else {
  119. return "You need to subscribe to the music streaming service to play music.";
  120. }
  121. }
  122. createPlaylist(name) {
  123. const playlist = new Playlist(name);
  124. this.playlists.push(playlist);
  125. return `Created playlist: ${name}`;
  126. }
  127. addSongToPlaylist(song, playlistName) {
  128. const playlist = this.playlists.find((p) => === playlistName);
  129. if (playlist) {
  130. playlist.addSong(song);
  131. return `Added song to playlist: ${playlistName}`;
  132. } else {
  133. return `Playlist not found: ${playlistName}`;
  134. }
  135. }
  136. removeSongFromPlaylist(song, playlistName) {
  137. const playlist = this.playlists.find((p) => === playlistName);
  138. if (playlist) {
  139. playlist.removeSong(song);
  140. return `Removed song from playlist: ${playlistName}`;
  141. } else {
  142. return `Playlist not found: ${playlistName}`;
  143. }
  144. }
  145. }
  146. // Usage
  147. const musicFacade = new MusicFacade();
  148. console.log(musicFacade.subscribe());
  149. const observer = new Observer();
  150. const song = new Song("Song Title", "Artist", "MP3");
  151. observer.setSubject(musicFacade.musicPlayer);
  152. musicFacade.musicPlayer.registerObserver(observer);
  153. console.log(musicFacade.playMusic(song));
  154. console.log(musicFacade.createPlaylist("My Playlist"));
  155. console.log(musicFacade.addSongToPlaylist(song, "My Playlist"));
  156. console.log(musicFacade.removeSongFromPlaylist(song, "My Playlist"));
  157. console.log(musicFacade.unsubscribe());

Music Streaming Service Development

  • The Facade pattern is used to determine whether the user is a member or not.

  • The Strategy pattern is used to handle various music formats, such as MP3 and WAV.

  • The Observer pattern is used to monitor the music playback status, where the Subject interface is defined to update the UI whenever there are any changes.

  • The Factory pattern is used to create objects necessary for music playback. For example, when playing music in MP3 format, an MP3Decoder object is created, and when playing music in WAV format, a WavDecoder object is created.

  • The Composite pattern is used to construct music playlists.

    Can you please review the design pattern I have created and provide feedback on any strange or incorrect parts? I would greatly appreciate your feedback.


得分: 3



然而,如果我和你一起进行代码审查,我会建议降低整体模式的使用程度。例如,不要试图使用策略模式;只是使用它。我也不会在我的职业生涯的这个阶段将事物命名为模式。只需返回一个具有“play”方法的接口就足以传达你正在做什么 - 你不必说“这里是策略模式!”。

最后,我会建议更具习惯性。例如,不要使用订阅者模式,而是从播放器中发出原生JavaScript事件,让用户界面决定如何处理它 - 无需订阅任何内容。




I would comment that this looks like you have just learned design patterns and you are looking to implement them in code. And it is precisely the same thing that has happened to all of us that read the Gang of Four book: you are going a little overboard.

While this sounds critical (and is, to an extent), it's an entirely normal progression, and I did much worse. To answer your specific question, I would say that your implementations look correct from what I remember of those patterns.

However, if I were in a code review with you, I would suggest toning down the pattern-ness of it all. For example, don't look to use the Strategy pattern; just use it. I also would not name things after patterns at this stage of my career. Just returning an interface that has a 'play' method pretty much conveys what you are doing - you don't have to say 'Strategy pattern here!'

Finally, I would look to be a bit more idiomatic. For example, rather than using the subscriber pattern, I would use emit native JavaScript events from the player and let the UI decide what to do with it - no need to subscribe to anything.

To be honest, this looks more like what Java looked like when I was coding Java. I suspect this type of coding might still be more idiomatic in that community (although that was many years ago).

So finally, it looks great. Keep it up. And over time, you will find that as you internalise the patterns, you will stop explicitly using them, but more coding structures that fit your specific need.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月8日 19:17:52
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