Django Rest Framework: 登录用户后,所有的POST API仅返回“禁止访问”。

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Django Rest Framework: All POST APIs only respond with "Forbidden" after logging in a user


After enabling authentication in my Django backend and logging in a user all POST Requests stop to work and only respond with "403 Forbidden".

我在Django后端启用了身份验证并登录用户后,所有的POST请求都停止工作,只返回"403 Forbidden"。

I setup a Django App as my backend and I use ReactJS as my Frontend.
All the basics work fine so far.
But now I want to add authentication to my project.
For this I have installed django-cors-headers.
I have also included corsheaders in my INSTALLED_APPS.
CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS allows http://localhost:3000 (the port my Frontend is running under).
The corresponding middleware corsheaders.middleware.CorsMiddleware has also been added to the MIDDLEWARE section.


I created three APIs. One each for registering a new user, for logging in an existing user and for logging out a user. All three of them work perfectly fine as long as no user is logged in. The cookies csrftoken and sessionid are set just as they should.


Now for my problem:
As soon as a user is logged in all POST APIs - including the three mentioned above - stop to work. I get a simple "403 Forbidden" response. GET APIs seem to work just fine. My research suggests that this is a common error that has something to do with the csrftoken, yet I can't seem to get it to work, even after multiple evenings of working on this and trying everything that I could find.
I think I narrowed it down to my specific issue, even though I don't know if this really is the problem. When I test the APIs not by using them in my React frontend but instead use the frontend that is included with Django to test the APIs they all work just fine, with or without a logged-in user.
So I compared both requests in the Network task window of my browser (Firefox) and there is only one difference I could find. Both requests obviously send the csrftoken cookie. Both also send the X-CSRFToken header, but the value for the header is different for both requests. In the request I send through React, the value for the X-CSRFToken header is the same as the value of the csrftoken. In the request through the Django Frontend, the value for the X-CSRFToken header is different from the value for the csrftoken cookie.
However, I can't seem to figure out why that is and if this even is the root of my problem.

一旦用户登录,所有的POST API - 包括上面提到的三个 - 都停止工作。我只得到一个简单的"403 Forbidden"响应。GET API似乎工作正常。我的研究表明,这是一个常见错误,与csrftoken有关,但即使在多个晚上的工作和尝试了所有我能找到的方法后,我似乎无法让它正常工作。
因此,我在浏览器(Firefox)的网络任务窗口中比较了这两个请求,我只找到了一个区别。显然,这两个请求都发送了csrftoken cookie。它们还都发送了X-CSRFToken头部,但头部的值对这两个请求不同。在我通过React发送的请求中,X-CSRFToken头部的值与csrftoken的值相同。在通过Django前端发送的请求中,X-CSRFToken头部的值与csrftoken cookie的值不同。

As an additional information: I use axios for my HTTP-Requests. For this, I included the following lines of code:


axios.defaults.xsrfHeaderName = 'X-CSRFTOKEN';```


```axios.defaults.xsrfCookieName = 'csrftoken';
axios.defaults.xsrfHeaderName = 'X-CSRFTOKEN';```

I'm at my wits' end, no solution I could find on Google or even with Chat-GPT's help seems to solve my problem. So here's hoping someone can point out my mistake for me.



After enabling authentication in my Django backend and logging in a user all POST Requests stop to work and only respond with &quot;403 Forbidden&quot;.

I setup a Django App as my backend and I use ReactJS as my Frontend.
All the basics work fine so far.
But now I want to add authentication to my project.
For this I have installed `django-cors-headers`. 
I have also included `corsheaders` in my `INSTALLED_APPS`. 
`CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS` allows `http://localhost:3000` (the port my Frontend is running under).
The corresponding middleware `corsheaders.middleware.CorsMiddleware` has also been added to the `MIDDLEWARE` section.

I created three APIs. One each for registering a new user, for logging in an existing user and for logging out a user. All three of them work perfectly fine as long as no user is logged in. The cookies `csrftoken` and `sessionid` are set just as they should.

Now for my problem:
As soon as a user is logged in all POST APIs - including the three mentioned above - stop to work. I get a simple &quot;403 Forbidden&quot; response. GET APIs seem to work just fine. My research suggest that this is a common error that has something todo with the `csrftoken`, yet I can&#39;t seem to get it to work, even after multiple evenings of working on this and trying everything that I could find.
I think I narrowed it down to own specific issue, even though I don&#39;t know if this is really is the problem. When I test the APIs not by using them in my React frontend but instead use the frontend that is included with Django to test the APIs they all work just fine, with or without a logged in user. 
So I compared both requests in the Network task window of my browser (Firefox) and there is only one difference I could find. Both requests obviously send the `csrftoken` cookie. Both also send the `X-CSRFToken` header, but the value for the header is different for both requests. In the request I send through React the value for the `X-CSRFToken` header is the same as the value of the `csrftoken`. In the request through the Django Frontend the value for the `X-CSRFToken` header is different from the value for the `csrftoken` cookie.
However I cant seem to figure out why that is and if this even is the root of my problem.

As an additional information: I use axios for my HTTP-Requests. For this I included the following lines of code:

axios.defaults.xsrfCookieName = 'csrftoken';
axios.defaults.xsrfHeaderName = 'X-CSRFTOKEN';

Im at my wits end, no solution I could find on Google or even with Chat-GPTs help seems to solve my problem. So here hoping someone can point out my mistake for me.


# 答案1
**得分**: 1


DEBUG = True


# Application definition

    'corsheaders',  # &lt;-------- 这个

    'corsheaders.middleware.CorsMiddleware',  # &lt;-------- 这个


CORS_ORIGIN_ALLOW_ALL = True  # &lt;-------- 这个
    "http://localhost:3000",    # React (前端 URL) # &lt;-------- 这个

CORS_ALLOW_HEADERS = '*'  # &lt;-------- 这个
CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS = [""]  # (API 基础 URL) &lt;-------- 这个(允许 csrf_token)以进行白名单处理

Try with this config

DEBUG = True

ALLOWED_HOSTS = [&quot;*&quot;]

# Application definition

    &#39;corsheaders&#39;, # &lt;-------- this

    &#39;corsheaders.middleware.CorsMiddleware&#39;, # &lt;-------- this


CORS_ORIGIN_ALLOW_ALL = True # &lt;-------- this
    &quot;http://localhost:3000&quot;,    # React (FrontEnd Url) # &lt;-------- this

CORS_ALLOW_HEADERS = &#39;*&#39; # &lt;-------- this
CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS = [&quot;;] # (Api Base Url) &lt;-------- this (allow csrf_token) for doing whitelist 

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月8日 05:50:50
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