Powershell: A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument

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Powershell: A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument


2023/06/07 16:32:45 GCEMetadataScripts:启动启动脚本(版本20230403.00)。
2023/06/07 16:32:45 GCEMetadataScripts:在元数据中找到了windows-startup-script-ps1。
2023/06/07 16:35:05 GCEMetadataScripts:windows-startup-script-ps1:Set-NetIPAddress:找不到可接受参数'4'的位置参数。
2023/06/07 16:35:05 GCEMetadataScripts:windows-startup-script-ps1:位于C:\Windows\TEMP\metadata-scripts3738309189\windows-startup-script-ps1.ps1:8字符:1

2023/06/07 16:35:05 GCEMetadataScripts:windows-startup-script-ps1:+ Set-NetIPAddress -InterfaceIndex (Get-NetAdapter).InterfaceIndex �?"I ...
2023/06/07 16:35:05 GCEMetadataScripts:windows-startup-script-ps1:+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2023/06/07 16:35:05 GCEMetadataScripts:windows-startup-script-ps1:+ CategoryInfo:InvalidArgument: (:) [Set-NetIPAddress],ParameterBindingException
2023/06/07 16:35:05 GCEMetadataScripts:windows-startup-script-ps1:+ FullyQualifiedErrorId:PositionalParameterNotFound,Set-NetIPAddress
2023/06/07 16:35:05 GCEMetadataScripts:windows-startup-script-ps1退出状态0
2023/06/07 16:35:05 GCEMetadataScripts:完成运行启动脚本。


  1. # -------在启动脚本开始之前等待5分钟
  2. Start-Sleep -s 300
  3. # -------获取网络接口索引并从接口中删除现有的DHCP IP地址
  4. Set-NetIPInterface -InterfaceIndex (Get-NetAdapter).InterfaceIndex -Dhcp Disabled
  5. # -------删除并添加新的静态IP地址
  6. Set-NetIPAddress -InterfaceIndex (Get-NetAdapter).InterfaceIndex IPAddress "x.x.x.x" -DefaultGateway "x.x.x.x" -PrefixLength "x"
  7. # -------将DNS服务器地址设置为GCP域控制器
  8. Set-DNSClientServerAddress InterfaceIndex (Get-NetAdapter).InterfaceIndex ServerAddresses ("x.x.x.x","x.x.x.x")
  9. # -------将DNS连接后缀设置为etmcorad.com
  10. Set-DnsClient InterfaceIndex (Get-NetAdapter).InterfaceIndex -ConnectionSpecificSuffix "etmcorad.com"

Having a rough time getting a PS script to run during windows startup. I keep getting the below error message.
2023/06/07 16:32:45 GCEMetadataScripts: Starting startup scripts (version 20230403.00).
2023/06/07 16:32:45 GCEMetadataScripts: Found windows-startup-script-ps1 in metadata.
2023/06/07 16:35:05 GCEMetadataScripts: windows-startup-script-ps1: Set-NetIPAddress : A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument '4'.
2023/06/07 16:35:05 GCEMetadataScripts: windows-startup-script-ps1: At C:\Windows\TEMP\metadata-scripts3738309189\windows-startup-script-ps1.ps1:8 char:1

2023/06/07 16:35:05 GCEMetadataScripts: windows-startup-script-ps1: + Set-NetIPAddress -InterfaceIndex (Get-NetAdapter).InterfaceIndex �?"I ...
2023/06/07 16:35:05 GCEMetadataScripts: windows-startup-script-ps1: + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2023/06/07 16:35:05 GCEMetadataScripts: windows-startup-script-ps1: + CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Set-NetIPAddress], ParameterBindingException
2023/06/07 16:35:05 GCEMetadataScripts: windows-startup-script-ps1: + FullyQualifiedErrorId : PositionalParameterNotFound,Set-NetIPAddress
2023/06/07 16:35:05 GCEMetadataScripts: windows-startup-script-ps1:
2023/06/07 16:35:05 GCEMetadataScripts: windows-startup-script-ps1 exit status 0
2023/06/07 16:35:05 GCEMetadataScripts: Finished running startup scripts.

The head scratcher for me is that the script runs in ISE without issue. Any help would be greatly appreciate. I'm new to PowerShell.

  1. #-------Wait 5 minutes before startup script begins
  2. Start-Sleep -s 300
  3. #-------Get Network Interface Index and Remove Existing DHCP IP Address from Interface
  4. Set-NetIPInterface -InterfaceIndex (Get-NetAdapter).InterfaceIndex -Dhcp Disabled
  5. #-------Remove Add New Static IP Address
  6. Set-NetIPAddress -InterfaceIndex (Get-NetAdapter).InterfaceIndex IPAddress "x.x.x.x" -DefaultGateway "x.x.x.x" -PrefixLength "x"
  7. #-------Set DNS Server Addresses to GCP Domain Controllers
  8. Set-DNSClientServerAddress InterfaceIndex (Get-NetAdapter).InterfaceIndex ServerAddresses ("x.x.x.x","x.x.x.x")
  9. #-------Set DNS Connection Suffix to etmcorad.com
  10. Set-DnsClient InterfaceIndex (Get-NetAdapter).InterfaceIndex -ConnectionSpecificSuffix "etmcorad.com"


得分: 1






As observed in the comment, format that error output so it makes sense.

For basic troubleshooting, check the validity of the commands you're running, one by one. Not in ISE. Do it as the SYSTEM user (presumably - whatever account is executing the script on startup) in a PS console (using PSEXEC to run Powershell as System). Or, just reduce the script to one line to see what happens on startup.

It seems to be bombing out on the first line. Does that work in a PS console running as system? Is it a valid command for a Windows server in the GCP environment?

This blog article and linked script seems to apply that the network adapter can be set to use a static address, after a reserved address is assigned via DCHP. Perhaps read the guide and look at how the script is constructed. And once again, run each command one-at-a-time to zero in on the error.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月8日 05:12:03
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76427137.html



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