AXIOS在Express.js中返回的是Promise { undefined }。

huangapple go评论60阅读模式

AXIOS in express js return Promise { undefine }


Here is the translated content:

我正在学习 Express.js 和 Axios。

我创建了一个名为 "utils" 的文件夹,并放置了 axios.js 文件

const axios = require('axios');

loadDataPesan = async function (opts) {

    axios.get('localhost/getData', {
            params: {
                opt: opts,
                nis: "123123",
        .then(function (response) {
            console.log( // 通常会显示正确的数据
            return; // 这里是我的问题,当我返回数据时,它总是 Promise { }
        .catch(function (error) {
            return error;

module.exports = { loadDataPesan };

这是我的 app.js 文件

const express = require('express');
const expressLayout = require('express-ejs-layouts');
const { loadContact } = require('./utils/contact');
const { loadDataPesan } = require('./utils/axios');
const app = express();
const port = 8899;

app.set('view engine', 'ejs');

// 内置中间件

app.get('/contact', (req, res) => {
    const contacts = loadContact();
    const dataaxio = loadDataPesan("SUBS", "912830123");

    console.log(dataaxio); // **这里是我的问题,响应总是 Promise { }**

    res.render('contact', {
        layout: 'layouts/main-layout',
        title: 'Halaman Contact',
        contact: contacts,


我尝试在函数中使用 async,但结果仍然相同,我还尝试使用回调响应,结果也相同。


i new learn expressjs and axios

i create a folder utils and place the
axios.js file

const axios = require('axios');

loadDataPesan=async function(opts){
    axios.get('localhost/getData', {
        params: {
          opt: opts,
          nis: "123123",
      .then(function (response) {
        console.log( // ITS NORMALLY SHOW THE CORRECT DATA 
        return; // HERE MY PROBLEM, WHEN I RETURN IT DATA always Promise { }
      .catch(function (error) {
        return error; 

module.exports = { loadDataPesan };

here my app.js files

const express = require('express');
const expressLayout = require('express-ejs-layouts');
const { loadContact } = require('./utils/contact');
const { loadDataPesan } = require('./utils/axios');
const app = express();
const port = 8899;

app.set('view engine', 'ejs');


app.get('/contact', (req, res) => {
    const contacts  = loadContact();
    const dataaxio = loadDataPesan("SUBS","912830123");

    console.log(dataaxio); // **HERE MY PROBLEM RESPONSE ALWAYS Promise { }**
    res.render('contact', { 
        layout: 'layouts/main-layout',
        title: 'Halaman Contact',

thanks you in advance if someone can help me

i try given async in function but it same also i try callback response its same also


得分: 1

Use async/await to wait for the result. You may need to catch the error.

app.get('/contact', async (req, res) => {    <-- convert it to async function
    const contacts = loadContact();
    const dataaxio = await loadDataPesan("SUBS","912830123");  <-- await for response
    res.render('contact', { 
        layout: 'layouts/main-layout',
        title: 'Halaman Contact',
        contact: contacts,

And return the data from loadDataPesan function as

loadDataPesan = async function(opts) {
  try {
    const response = await axios.get('localhost/getData', {
      params: {
        opt: opts,
        nis: "123123",

    console.log(; // Log the correct data
    return; // Return the data

  } catch (error) {
    throw error; // Throw the error to be caught by the caller

Use async/await to wait for the result. You may need to catch the error.

app.get(&#39;/contact&#39;, async (req, res) =&gt; {    &lt;-- convert it to async function
    const contacts  = loadContact();
    const dataaxio = await loadDataPesan(&quot;SUBS&quot;,&quot;912830123&quot;);  &lt;-- await for response

    res.render(&#39;contact&#39;, { 
        layout: &#39;layouts/main-layout&#39;,
        title: &#39;Halaman Contact&#39;,

and return the data from loadDataPesan function as

loadDataPesan = async function(opts) {
  try {
    const response = await axios.get(&#39;localhost/getData&#39;, {
      params: {
        opt: opts,
        nis: &quot;123123&quot;,

    console.log(; // Log the correct data
    return; // Return the data

  } catch (error) {
    throw error; // Throw the error to be caught by the caller


得分: 0

I see two problems in your code.

First, 你没有等待 loadDataPesan 返回任何内容。



被调用时,承诺尚未解决。将调用函数 loadDataPesan 之前添加 await 将使代码在 loadDataPesan 中的承诺解决之前停止执行。

  const contacts = loadContact();
  const dataaxio = await loadDataPesan("SUBS", "912830123");
  // ...

其次,在 loadDataPesan 中实际上没有返回任何内容。虽然你在承诺的回调中有一个 return 语句(在 then 方法内的函数中),但你根本没有返回该承诺。

要修复这个问题,你只需要在调用 axios 之前添加一个 return

const axios = require('axios');

loadDataPesan = async function (opts) {
  return axios.get('localhost/getData', {
    params: {
      opt: opts,
      nis: "123123",
  // ...

module.exports = { loadDataPesan };

I see two problems in your code.

First you don't await for the loadDataPesan to return anything.

This means that when


Is called, the promise hasn't resolved yet. Making the function where this is called an async function will allow you to add await before the call of the function loadDataPesan. This will stop the execution of your code until the promise in loadDataPesan is resolved

 async (req, res) =&gt; {
    const contacts  = loadContact();
    const dataaxio = await loadDataPesan(&quot;SUBS&quot;,&quot;912830123&quot;);
 // ...

Secondly, you don't actually return anything in loadDataPesan. You do have a return statement in the callback of your promise (the function inside the then method), but you don't return the promise at all.

To fix that you just need to add a return before the call of axios

const axios = require(&#39;axios&#39;);

loadDataPesan=async function(opts){
    return axios.get(&#39;localhost/getData&#39;, {
        params: {
          opt: opts,
          nis: &quot;123123&quot;,
     // ...

module.exports = { loadDataPesan };


得分: 0

Here's the translated content:

  1. 在 axios.js 文件中,这一行
loadDataPesan=async function(opts)

你没有使用建议使用的 const 关键字。要么这样写 ->

const loadDataPesan = async function(opts) {
  // 函数体

要么这样写 ->

async function loadDataPesan(opts) {
  // 函数体
  1. 在导出单个函数时,应像这样导出 ->
module.exports = loadDataPesan;
  1. 正如其他答案中所指出的,如果你在函数顶部使用了 async 关键字,应使用 async/await 语法。最好的错误处理实践是将代码放在 try-catch 块中。以下是如何重构代码的示例,我使用了 express 模块的 Router 方法 进行路由。你可以在 这里 学习更多关于 express.Router 部分的内容。

axios.js 文件

const axios = require("axios");
const express = require("express");
const router = express.Router();

router.get("/", async (req, res) => {
  try {
    const resp = await axios.get(
  } catch (error) {

module.exports = router;

app.js 文件 ->

const express = require("express");
const app = express();
const bodyParser = require("body-parser");
const axiosFile = require("./axios");


app.use("/data", axiosFile);


app.listen(5000, () => {
  console.log("监听端口 5000");


There are a few problems that I can see ->

  1. In the axios.js file, this line
loadDataPesan=async function(opts)

you are not using the const keyword which is recommended. Either write this
way ->

const loadDataPesan = async function(opts) {
  // Function body

or this way ->

async function loadDataPesan(opts) {
  // Function body
  1. When exporting a single function, export like this ->
module.exports = loadDataPesan;
  1. As pointed out in other answer, if you are using using async keyword at the top of a function, use async/await syntax. It is also a good practice to wrap the code in a try-catch block for better error handling. Here is an example of how you can restructure your code, I used the Router method of express module for routing. You can learn more about it here under the express.Router section.

axios.js file

const axios  = require(&quot;axios&quot;);
const express = require(&quot;express&quot;);
const router = express.Router();

router.get(&quot;/&quot;, async (req, res) =&gt; {
  try {
    const resp = await axios.get(
  } catch (error) {

module.exports = router;

app.js file ->

const express = require(&quot;express&quot;);
const app = express();
const bodyParser = require(&quot;body-parser&quot;);
const axiosFile = require(&quot;./axios&quot;);

//other code....

app.use(&quot;/data&quot;, axiosFile);

// other code...

app.listen(5000, () =&gt; {
  console.log(&quot;Listening on port 5000&quot;);

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月6日 15:06:54
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