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Check for freemarker variable set in child in the base template


I am using freemarker to render my frontend.

This is an extract of my base.ftlh that I use in my pages as a layout. A lot of pages have a header in a similar style therefore they can set the banner icon and the texts for themselves. However, some pages should not have this header, and I want to define a variable like just a boolean header to only render this part if it is set to true, which should be the default.

  1. <#-- Application Main Content - Start -->
  2. <div class="content-grid">
  3. <#if header!true>
  4. <div class="section-banner">
  5. <#if title_banner??>
  6. <img class="section-banner-icon" src="<@title_banner />" alt="badges-icon">
  7. </#if>
  8. <#if title??>
  9. <p class="section-banner-title"><@title /></p>
  10. </#if>
  11. <#if subtitle??>
  12. <p class="section-banner-text"><@subtitle /></p>
  13. </#if>
  14. </div>
  15. </#if>
  16. <#if page_body??>
  17. <@page_body/>
  18. </#if>
  19. </div>

This is the top of one of my pages profile.ftlh where I want to use the base and tell it to not use the header:

  1. <#include "/base.ftlh">
  2. <#macro page_title>
  3. Profil-Suche
  4. </#macro>
  5. <#assign header = false>
  6. <#macro page_body>
  7. ...

However, this does not work, and my header variable I set in my profile.ftlh is completely ignored... How can I achieve this? I'd rather not put the header manually in every page that needs it; I'd prefer it to stay in the base.


I am using freemarker to render my frontend.

This is an extract of my base.ftlh that I use in my pages as a layout. A lot of pages have a header in a similar style therefore they can set the banner icon and the texts for themselves. However, some pages should not have this header, and I want to define a variable like just a boolean header to only render this part if it is set to true, which should be the default.

  1. <#-- Application Main Content - Start -->
  2. <div class="content-grid">
  3. <#if header!true>
  4. <div class="section-banner">
  5. <#if title_banner??>
  6. <img class="section-banner-icon" src="<@title_banner />" alt="badges-icon">
  7. </#if>
  8. <#if title??>
  9. <p class="section-banner-title"><@title /></p>
  10. </#if>
  11. <#if subtitle??>
  12. <p class="section-banner-text"><@subtitle /></p>
  13. </#if>
  14. </div>
  15. </#if>
  16. <#if page_body??>
  17. <@page_body/>
  18. </#if>
  19. </div>

This is the top of one of my pages profile.ftlh where I want to use the base and tell it to not use the header:

  1. <#include "/base.ftlh">
  2. <#macro page_title>
  3. Profil-Suche
  4. </#macro>
  5. <#assign header = false>
  6. <#macro page_body>
  7. ...

However, this does not work and my header variable I set in my profile.ftlh is completely ignored... How can I achieve this? I'd rather not put the header manually in every page that needs it, I'd prefer it to stay in the base.


得分: 2




The problem is that you are including base.ftl before setting the header variable. Instead, do that #include as the very last thing.

Note that like in many languages, subroutines (defined with #function/#macro) can be called before reaching the defining statements, so that's why that worked. But assignments can't do such a trick. So it's just cleaner if you do everything before including base.ftl.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月6日 05:05:23
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76410003.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
