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Firestore-Flutter: Query with 'whereIn' Greater than 10 items


我有一个接受 Firestore 'Query' 的函数,具体来说是 `Query<Map<String, dynamic>>`(不是 'QuerySnapshot')。我必须执行的查询之一包含一个可能超过10个的列表项。我知道 'whereIn' 函数不能接受超过10个项目,所以有没有办法遍历这些 'Queries' 并返回多个 `Query` 而不是 `QuerySnapshots`?当 'teamRecord.usersInTeam.length' 小于10时,一切都正常运行。

我尝试为 'Snapshots' 实现类似的解决方案 [这里][1],但我无法使其返回一个 `Query`。

以下是错误。我不确定如何使 'subList.forEach()' 返回一个 `Query`。
A value of type 'void' can't be returned from the method 'GetUsersInTeams' because it has a return type of 'Query<Map<String, dynamic>>'.


int _start = 0;
int _end = 10;

Query<Map<String, dynamic>> getUsersInTeams() {
    List<DocumentReference> usersInTeam = widget.teamRecord.usersInTeam.asList();
    print('usersInTeam ${usersInTeam.length}');
    if (_end >= usersInTeam.length) {
      _end = usersInTeam.length;

    List<DocumentReference> nextUsersInTeam = usersInTeam.sublist(_start, _end);
    print('nextUsersInTeam ${nextUsersInTeam.length}');

    final results = FirebaseFirestore
        .orderBy('activity_value', descending: true)
        .where('challenge_reference', isEqualTo: widget.challenges.reference)
        .where('user_inchallenge', whereIn: nextUsersInTeam);

    // 更新下一个查询的起始和结束索引
    _start = _end;
    _end += 10;

    return results;


I have a function that takes in a Firestore &#39;Query&#39;, specifically `Query&lt;Map&lt;String, dynamic&gt;&gt;` (not a &#39;QuerySnapshot&#39;). One of the queries I have to do has an item that is a list that can be &gt;10. I know the &#39;whereIn&#39; function cannot accept more than 10 items, so is there a way to iterate through the `Queries` and return multiple `Query&#39;s` instead of `QuerySnapshots`? Everything works fine when &#39;teamRecord.usersInTeam.length&#39; is &lt; 10. 
          .orderBy(&#39;activity_value&#39;, descending: true)
          .where(&#39;challenge_reference&#39;, isEqualTo: widget.challenges.reference)
//the teamRecord.usersInTeam cannot be &gt; 10 and this where the error is thrown
          .where(&#39;user_inchallenge&#39;, whereIn: teamRecord.usersInTeam.asList());
I tried to implement a similar solution for `Snapshots` found [here][1], but I could not get it work to return a `Query`.

Query<Map<String, dynamic>> GetUsersInTeams() {
List<DocumentReference> usersInTeam = teamRecord.usersInTeam.asList();
List<List<DocumentReference>> subList = [];
for (var i = 0; i < usersInTeam.length; i += 10) {
usersInTeam.sublist(i, i + 10 > usersInTeam.length ? usersInTeam.length : i + 10)

final results =
      subList.forEach((element) {
       Query test = FirebaseFirestore
            .orderBy(&#39;activity_value&#39;, descending: true)
            .where(&#39;challenge_reference&#39;, isEqualTo: widget.challenges.reference)
            .where(&#39;user_inchallenge&#39;, whereIn: element);
      return results;


The error here is below. I am not sure how to make `subList.forEach()` return a `Query`. 

A value of type 'void' can't be returned from the method 'GetUsersInTeams' because it has a return type of 'Query<Map<String, dynamic>>'.

I also tried the following function, and it returned the first 10 records, but not anymore.
int _start = 0;
int _end = 10;

Query&lt;Map&lt;String, dynamic&gt;&gt; getUsersInTeams() {
    List&lt;DocumentReference&gt; usersInTeam = widget.teamRecord.usersInTeam.asList();
    print(&#39;usersInTeam ${usersInTeam.length}&#39;);
    if (_end &gt;= usersInTeam.length) {
      _end = usersInTeam.length;

    List&lt;DocumentReference&gt; nextUsersInTeam = usersInTeam.sublist(_start, _end);
    print(&#39;nextUsersInTeam ${nextUsersInTeam.length}&#39;);

    final results = FirebaseFirestore
        .orderBy(&#39;activity_value&#39;, descending: true)
        .where(&#39;challenge_reference&#39;, isEqualTo: widget.challenges.reference)
        .where(&#39;user_inchallenge&#39;, whereIn: nextUsersInTeam);

    // Update start and end indices for next query
    _start = _end;
    _end += 10;
    return results;



# 答案1
**得分**: 1

最新的SDK实际上允许在一个IN子句中最多有30个项目(或者如果你也使用OR,那么跨所有析取操作)。但是从查看这里的代码(来看,Flutter SDK似乎还没有更新其检查。



The latest SDKs should actually allow up to 30 items in an IN clause (or across all disjunctions if you use OR too). But from looking at the code [here](, it looks like the Flutter SDK might not have updated its check yet.

I filed issue [#11085]( on the FlutterFire repo to track this.


  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月6日 05:02:20
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