Next.js 13 在开发环境下非常慢。

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Nextjs 13 is insanely slow in dev environment



我最近切换到 Nextjs 13,我注意到当我在本地主机上通过 npm run dev 运行我的应用时,速度非常慢。

Next.js 13 在开发环境下非常慢。


对于所有使用 Nextjs 的人:你知道是否是新版本13的问题吗?你遇到过同样的问题吗?


I will be very brief:

I recently switched to Nextjs 13 and I noticed it's insanely slow when I run my app on localhost via npm run dev

Next.js 13 在开发环境下非常慢。

Pages even take 10 seconds and sometimes even longer to load, how it is possible?

To all who use Nextjs: do you know if it's a problem of the new version 13? did you encounter the same problem?


得分: 2

我在一个大型项目中遇到了类似的问题,对于这个特定问题,使用 swc 似乎减少了首次访问路由时的编译时间:

const nextConfig = {
// ...
    swcMinify: true,

关于这个问题,GitHub 上正在进行讨论,有人建议了适用于他们特定问题的方法。你可以在GitHub上的这个问题上了解更多信息。


I had a similar issue on a big project, and for that particular issue using swc seems to have reduced the compile time for the first time a route is accessed:

const nextConfig = {
// ...
    swcMinify: true,

There is an ongoing issue on GitHub about it, people are suggesting what have work for their particular issue.


得分: 2


可以执行以下操作以加快 Next.js 13+ 开发服务器的开发环境速度。

next.config.js 文件中添加以下内容。

module.exports = {
    fastRefresh: true,

如果上述方法无效,可以在 next.config.js 中添加以下内容。

module.exports = {
    concurrentFeatures: true,

优化构建配置:确保您的构建配置经过优化以用于开发。例如,您可以禁用某些优化,如缩小和源映射,以提高开发期间的构建速度。请查看您的 next.config.js 文件并进行相应的调整。

以下是在 next.config.js 中的示例:

module.exports = {
    productionBrowserSourceMaps: false, // 在开发中禁用源映射
    optimizeFonts: false, // 禁用字体优化
    minify: false, // 禁用缩小

You can do the following things to speedup dev environment of Next.js 13+ development server.

Add the following item in next.config.js file.

module.exports = {
    fastRefresh: true,

You can add the following if above thing did not work in next.config.js.

module.exports = {
    concurrentFeatures: true,

Optimize the build configuration: Ensure that your build configuration is optimized for development. For example, you can disable certain optimizations like minification and source-maps to improve build speed during development. Review your next.config.js file and make appropriate adjustments.

Example is here in next.config.js:

module.exports = {
    productionBrowserSourceMaps: false, // Disable source maps in development
    optimizeFonts: false, // Disable font optimization
    minify: false, // Disable minification


得分: 0



One thing I found that cut our load time by 2/3 was using scss. We were using it in our global css for just a couple variables, and loading those variables from an external library.

Turning this into vanilla CSS worked great. Note we're also using tailwindcss.

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