管理Google Cloud Pub/Sub的最大传送尝试和速率限制分开。

huangapple go评论48阅读模式

Managing maximum delivery attempts and rate limiting separately with Google Cloud Pub/Sub


我正在使用Google Cloud Pub/Sub提供的最大交付尝试功能。此功能允许在五次交付失败尝试后将消息发送到死信主题,这对于在发生故障时进行手动消息处理非常有益。








I am utilizing the Maximum Delivery Attempts feature provided by Google Cloud Pub/Sub. This feature allows messages to be sent to a dead-letter topic after five failed delivery attempts, which is beneficial for manual message handling in case of failures.

However, we are also implementing an artificial rate limit on our Functions by setting Max-instances=2. The objective is to constantly have two functions pinging the API at maximum capacity.

Maximum delivery attempts: 5
Max instances : 2

My expectation was that the dead-letter topic would only receive failed messages. Unfortunately, it is also receiving messages that couldn't be delivered on time, resulting in a 429 error: "The request was aborted because there was no available instance." These messages might be retried multiple times, potentially 20, 30, or even 40 times, depending on the busy state of the instance.

Setting the Maximum Delivery Attempts to 40 is not ideal since it would mean retrying a failure 40 times.

Is there a way to handle failures and limiting separately?

Thank you!



得分: 2


你无法更改 PubSub Push 消息的错误处理方式。
PubSub 向您的服务发出的请求的每个响应,如果不是 1xx/2xx(请参阅 https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/push?hl=en#receive_push),都将被视为失败,从而触发重试。




编辑:我假设您以某种方式知道是否达到了限制。如果是这种情况,您可以在每条传入消息上检查是否可以调用外部 API。如果可以,您就处理该消息。如果已达到限制,您可以要么只返回 2xx 而不进行进一步处理(= 丢弃该消息),要么重新发布相同的消息然后返回 2xx(= 手动重放/重试)该消息。这样,"有效" 消息就不会触发重试限制,因为您生成了新消息(具有相同内容)。


You cannot change the error handling for PubSub Push messages.
Every answer to the request from PubSub to your service whichs is not 1xx/2xx (see https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/push?hl=en#receive_push) will be handled as a failure which leads to a retry.

Do you need to rate limit your own service or do you need to rate limit because of another service you call yourself?

If it is the latter, you can implement the rate limiting in your services. There are plenty libraries for this.

Otherwise you could implement rate limiting by acknowledging the out-of-rate messages immediately without processing them - and then your service just publishes the same message back to the source topic.

Edit: I assume that you somehow know if you reached your limit or not. If this is the case, you check on each incoming message if you may call the external API or not. If so, you process the message. If you reached your limit, you either just return 2xx without furter processing (= discarding the message) or you publish the same message again and then return 2xx ( = manually replaying / retrying) the message. this way, "valid" messages do not hit the retry limit as you produce new messages (with the same content)

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月6日 00:20:35
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