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Does python fail in handling large numbers accurately?




其中C_n是第n个卡塔兰数,定义为C_n = (2nCn) / (n+1)

from math import comb
import sys
from decimal import Decimal

def factorial(n):
    fact = 1
    for i in range(1, n+1):
        fact = fact * i
    return fact

sum = 0

n = int(sys.stdin.readline())

for i in range(n+1):
    sum += int((((factorial(2 * i))/(factorial(i) * factorial(i)))/(i+1)) * (((factorial(2 * (n - i)))/(factorial(n - i) * factorial(n - i)))/(n - i + 1)))




I have made python code to calculate the following expression:


With C_n beeing the n:th catalan number defined by C_n = (2nCn) / (n+1)

from math import comb
import sys
from decimal import Decimal

def factorial(n):
    fact = 1
    for i in range(1, n+1):
        fact = fact * i
    return fact

sum = 0

n = int(sys.stdin.readline())

for i in range(n+1):
    sum += int((((factorial(2 * i))/(factorial(i) * factorial(i)))/(i+1)) * (((factorial(2 * (n - i)))/(factorial(n - i) * factorial(n - i)))/(n - i + 1)))


The input 59 returns: 1583850964596120056618874138787840 when the expected output is: 1583850964596120042686772779038896

Why is this?


得分: 2

因为你使用了 /,这导致了一个 float,它具有固定的精度,不足以准确表示该数字。只需使用 // 代替,这样你将保持在 int 值中,它们具有任意精度。


n += 1
print(comb(2*n, n) // (n+1))

It's because you use /, which results in a float, which has fixed precision, not enough to represent the number accurately. Simply use // instead, then you stay in int values, which have arbitrary precision.

As Mike points out, your S<sub>n</sub> is actually C<sub>n+1</sub>, so you can instead much more efficiently just do this:

n += 1
print(comb(2*n, n) // (n+1))


得分: 1


卡特兰数有直接的公式:Cn = 1/(n+1) * 2n 选择 n,尽管在“纸上”你可以使用阶乘除以阶乘来表示2n选择n,但在计算机中,你不希望进行这种替代,因为阶乘是非常巨大的数字,如果我们想要一个二项式系数,实际上并不需要它们:我们可以使用帕斯卡三角形或者更简单地使用预先构建的二项式函数,如scipy.special.binom函数。然而,在非常大的数字上,scipy(具有讽刺意味)变得不准确,所以让我们自己写一个:

binomials = [[1]]

def binom(n, k):
  while n >= len(binomials):
      s = len(binomials)
      next = [0] * (s+1) 
      next[0] = 1
      for i in range(1, s):
          next[i] = binomials
[i-1] + binomials
= 1;
binomials.append(next) return binomials[n][k]



def Cn(n):
    return binom(2*n, n) / (n+1)

def calcSum(n):
    sum = 0
    for k in range(0, n+1):
      sum += Cn(k) * Cn(n-k)
    return "{:f}".format(sum)

然后测试 calcSum(59)

>>> calcSum(59)



from decimal import Decimal

def Cn(n):
    return Decimal(binom(2*n, n)) / Decimal((n+1))

def calcSum(n):
    sum = Decimal(0)
    for k in range(0, n+1):
      sum += Cn(k) * Cn(n-k)
    return sum

这给我们 Decimal('1.583850964596120042686772779E+33'),这显然是一个错误的答案(如果我们不使用科学计数法打印它,它会变成 1583850964596120042686772779000000),而E+33告诉我们,我们忘记了将小数精度设置为至少与答案所需的位数相同。所以,让我们只使用100位精度:

from decimal import Decimal, getcontext
getcontext().prec = 100

现在答案是 Decimal('1583850964596120042686772779038896')





Note that you should never compute factorials if you can help it, and if you're implementing maths, don't compute a recurrence relation if there is a direct formula that you can use. (That's not always possible, but the majority of the time it is)

Catalan numbers have the direct formula Cn = 1/(n+1) * 2n choose n, and while "on paper" you can write 2n choose n using factorials divided by factorials, in computer land you don't want to make that substitution because factorials are famously huge numbers, and if we want a binomial coefficient we don't actually need them: we can near-trivially compute any binomial coefficient with Pascal's triangle, or even more trivially by using a prebuilt binomial function such as the scipy.special.binom function. However, at very large numbers scipy (ironically) becomes imprecise, so let's just write our own:

binomials = [[1]]

def binom(n,k):
  while n &gt;= len(binomials):
      s = len(binomials)
      next = [0] * (s+1) 
      next[0] = 1
      for i in range(1,s):
          next[i] = binomials
[i-1] + binomials
= 1;
binomials.append(next) return binomials[n][k]

There, this is all pure integer math, and python has infinite precision ints, so as long as we have enough memory this binom function will always give us the correct answer.

with that, let's compute things:

def Cn(n):
    return binom(2*n, n) / (n+1)

def calcSum(n):
    sum = 0
    for k in range(0, n+1):
      sum += Cn(k) * Cn(n-k)
    return &quot;{:f}&quot;.format(sum)

And let's test calcSum(59):

&gt;&gt;&gt; calcSum(59)

Now, that's not the right answer of course (that would be 1583850964596120042686772779038896, so we're off by a factor 10^18), but it is "the right answer for fixed precision IEEE floating point numbers to yield" without any sort of factorial problems.

Of course, we could add in Decimal:

from decimal import Decimal

def Cn(n):
    return Decimal(binom(2*n, n)) / Decimal((n+1))

def calcSum(n):
    sum = Decimal(0)
    for k in range(0, n+1):
      sum += Cn(k) * Cn(n-k)
    return sum

This gives us Decimal(&#39;1.583850964596120042686772779E+33&#39;) which is clearly a bad answer (if we print it without scientific notation it turns into 1583850964596120042686772779000000) and that E+33 tells us that we forgot to set the decimal precision to something that has at least as many digits as the answer needs. So, let's just use 100 digits of precision:

from decimal import Decimal, getcontext
getcontext().prec = 100

And now the answer is Decimal(&#39;1583850964596120042686772779038896&#39;).

Done: that is the correct answer.

So your code has two problems. First: don't use factorials when you're programming, use the thing you actually need. In this case, binomial coefficients. Second: use the things Python has for getting the precision you need. You imported Decimal but didn't use it, but even if you had, your code was missing the instruction to set the decimal precision to a number high enough to get the right answer.

The most important lesson here is don't blindly implement math formulae because the symbolic maths that we work out by hand have been optimized over the centuries to be easy for "I know a whole bunch of susbtitution rules from years of study" human brains. So unless you're working in a programming language that can do that same symbolic substitution work (e.g. Mathematica), you're going to have to think like a computer. If you have a recurrence relation, find the non-recurrence equivalent function and implement that. And if you ever see a factorial, ask yourself what it's used for, then see if there's a clean and efficient way to compute that instead.

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