Typescript 不从 Array.includes 推断子类型。

huangapple go评论59阅读模式

Typescript doesn't infer subtype from Array.includes



const Array = ['a', 'b', 'c'] as const
type SomeType = {
  a: string
  b: string
  c: string
  foo: boolean
  bar: boolean


const myAwesomeFunction = (field: keyof SomeType): void => {
  if (Array.includes(field)) doStuff(field) 

这里传递给doStuff函数的field的类型应该是typeof Array,但实际上是keyof SomeType




I'm trying to get TypeScript to correctly infer some variables using Array.includes() but it doesn't work. Here's an easy to get example :

const Array = ['a', 'b', 'c'] as const
type SomeType = {
  a: string
  b: string
  c: string
  foo: boolean
  bar: boolean

Now let's say I'm having a function that receive a key of SomeType but I actually only want to do stuff when my key is within my Array

const myAwesomeFunction = (field: keyof SomeType): void => {
  if (Array.includes(field) doStuff(field) 

Here the type of field given to the doStuff function should be typeof Array but it actually is keyof SomeType

I guess this behavior is due to some obscure edge cases but I would like to find a work around for this or at least understand the underlying issue of the code above and why does Typescript think this is a mistake

I've found some issues related on GH but I couldn't really understand it all :


得分: 1


function hmm(x: string | number) {
   if (!([1, 2, 3].includes(x))) {

x的类型可以是stringnumber。如果[1, 2, 3].includes(x)true,则我们知道x是一个number。但如果它为false,我们绝对不能断定x是一个string。但如果includes()是一个类型保护函数,情况将会如此。没有内置支持来说“噢,只忽略负案例”。这将需要类似“单边”或“细粒度”的类型保护函数,正如您在microsoft/TypeScript#15048中提到的一些问题中所请求的那样。



interface ReadonlyArray<T> {
      this: ReadonlyArray<T extends string ? string extends T ? never : T : never>,
      searchElement: string
   ): searchElement is string & T;


function yuck(x: "a" | "c") {
   const arr: readonly ("a" | "b")[] = ["b"]; // <-- 不包含 "a"
   if (!(arr.includes(x))) {
      x; // x 被错误地缩小为 "c"
      ({ c: 123 })[x].toFixed(1); // 运行时错误



const myAwesomeFunction = (field: keyof SomeType): void => {
   if (array.includes(field)) {
      doStuff(field as "a" | "b" | "c");  // 断言
   } else {
      field as "foo" | "bar"; // 断言


function myIncludes<T extends U, U>(
  arr: readonly T[], searchElement: U
): searchElement is T {
   return (arr as readonly any[]).includes(searchElement);

const myAwesomeFunction = (field: keyof SomeType): void => {
   if (myIncludes(array, field)) {
   } else {
      field // (参数) field: "foo" | "bar"


// declare global { // 如果您在模块中,请取消注释此行
interface ReadonlyArray<T> {
      this: ReadonlyArray<T extends string ? string extends T ?


Currently the TypeScript typings for [the `includes()` array method](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/includes) don&#39;t allow it to act as [type guard](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/narrowing.html#using-type-predicates) on its input.  This was suggested at [microsoft/TypeScript#36275](https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/36275), but declined as too complex to implement.  The reason why it isn&#39;t allowed has to do with what it implies when `includes()` returns `false`.  It&#39;s easy to reason about the `true` result; if `arr.includes(x)` is `true`, then of course `x` has to be the same *type* as the elements of `arr`. But if `arr.includes(x)` is `false`, then it is quite often a mistake to say that the type of `x` is *not* the type of the elements of `arr`.  For example, consider what would happen here: 

    function hmm(x: string | number) {
       if (!([1, 2, 3].includes(x))) {

The value `x` is of either a `string` or a `number` type.  If `[1, 2, 3].includes(x)` is `true`, then we know `x` is a `number`.  But if it is `false`, we absolutely cannot conclude that `x` is a `string`.  But that&#39;s what would happen if `includes()` were a type guard function.  There is no built-in support to say &quot;oh just ignore the negative case&quot;.  That would require something like &quot;one-sided&quot; or &quot;fine-grained&quot; type guard functions, as requested in [microsoft/TypeScript#15048](https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/15048), one of the issues you mentioned.

This change would be immediately noticeable and unpleasant, as `includes()` calls throughout the TypeScript-using world would suddenly see very strange effects where their searched values got narrowed incorrectly, possibly all the way to [the `never` type](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/narrowing.html#the-never-type).


So the naive approach to making it a type guard would be a problem.  We could try to be more sophisticated and only allow the function to act as a type guard in circumstances like your code, where the array element type is a [union](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/everyday-types.html#union-types) of [literal types](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/everyday-types.html#literal-types).  But this starts to look more complicated and bizarre, involving [conditional types](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/conditional-types.html) and [`this` parameters](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/classes.html#this-parameters), maybe like this:

    interface ReadonlyArray&lt;T&gt; {
          this: ReadonlyArray&lt;T extends string ? string extends T ? never : T : never&gt;,
          searchElement: string
       ): searchElement is string &amp; T;

That tries to detect if `T` is a string literal type, but not `string` itself, and then it makes the function act as a type guard.  But even *that* is not safe, since nothing requires an array to contain every element of its type:

    function yuck(x: &quot;a&quot; | &quot;c&quot;) {
       const arr: readonly (&quot;a&quot; | &quot;b&quot;)[] = [&quot;b&quot;]; // &lt;-- doesn&#39;t contain &quot;a&quot;
       if (!(arr.includes(x))) {
          x; // x has been erroneously narrowed to &quot;c&quot;
          ({ c: 123 })[x].toFixed(1); // runtime error

That might not be likely in practice, but it&#39;s a complication.  Even if we didn&#39;t care about that, adding new weird call signatures to globally available functions can have noticeable effects on other people&#39;s code. (Inference does weird things with [overloaded](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/functions.html#function-overloads) functions, see [ms/TS#26591](https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/26591) among countless others).  It&#39;s just not worth the effort and risk to all of TypeScript just to support this one use case.


If you&#39;re only doing this once, I&#39;d recommend you just [assert](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/everyday-types.html#type-assertions) and move on:

    const myAwesomeFunction = (field: keyof SomeType): void =&gt; {
       if (array.includes(field)) {
          doStuff(field as &quot;a&quot; | &quot;b&quot; | &quot;c&quot;)  // assert
       } else {
          field as &quot;foo&quot; | &quot;bar&quot; // assert

Otherwise you could wrap it in your own custom type guard function and use it when you need this behavior:

    function myIncludes&lt;T extends U, U&gt;(
      arr: readonly T[], searchElement: U
    ): searchElement is T {
       return (arr as readonly any[]).includes(searchElement);

    const myAwesomeFunction = (field: keyof SomeType): void =&gt; {
       if (myIncludes(array, field)) {
       } else {
          field // (parameter) field: &quot;foo&quot; | &quot;bar&quot;

Or, if you really want to see this behavior everywhere in your code base, you could [merge](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/declaration-merging.html#global-augmentation) that call signature into the `Array&lt;T&gt;` interface; this is what it would be like if microsoft/TypeScript#36275 had been accepted, but it doesn&#39;t affect anyone else.  

    // declare global { // uncomment this if you&#39;re in a module
    interface ReadonlyArray&lt;T&gt; {
          this: ReadonlyArray&lt;T extends string ? string extends T ? never : T : never&gt;,
          searchElement: string
       ): searchElement is string &amp; T;
    // } // uncomment this if you&#39;re in a module

    const myAwesomeFunction = (field: keyof SomeType): void =&gt; {
       if (array.includes(field)) {
       } else {
          field // (parameter) field: &quot;foo&quot; | &quot;bar&quot;

[Playground link to code](https://www.typescriptlang.org/play?#code/MYewdgzgLgBAhgJwXAnjAvDA2gcjjgGhhwCNDjgcBdeCGUSKAKChQAcBTGAZRAFsOAFXZdMAbyYwpcAFwxoCAJZgA5pKkk5C5Wqn0tUJavUwAZiBBySFgDYc4YEyURXb9xwF8mTUwFcwwFCK4DAAFnx8ABQAHgZGKjAAPjBgvnwkHAgAlDASeoqmMJEAhJFYAIxEAExEAMxUAHTKwDa+ACYcEDFZPbkmetENUCAAqmycCADCcBAckVkA3CZeXkwdLYhcfgFBIW0g3FC+pqYxcqycIIWIyChYqemZVFlyAG4gim1LTMpQmaZwYBcABK9n2YBsKAAgkhUAAeQQAPj6+QCrQ6XX6UigoUUEDkoLg4MhMNuCJgHGifzAbTo2lUMAA-PJDDoKVSODS6IImSkOK9MjA5Dy5GB+ZlEQQsfJ7AhgKEAKJ2ARgKBxHQmF4yxDypUcFWwPEs+IwABkMEES1W20CwTAMD4KAAkmj2p1yZTqbSYCMiCNEZEbnIEGDwJCLVgqERZjrFcrOWqfVqY3K4-qEzAjTy8lIQ0cEPbA0haDAQ0Sw2gHHdnk1XRjIindfHVYsmF4GNAHdCAO6dfgcABi-lt4CqGCKpkUHBsbTkAGsOCgrjx+8JOFr3p8MMic5nCpFHS6Wm6ujdUERJ9O2r1d3p9odjqdLzOsssKTZZii9FJn20YAB6f8ijYRA4AEP5sjMKcZzkAAicwQFgpIYFg5wEFg5Y228G1dntFBfGAOczhQuAkOSWDgFgnJdw7WAg1LUMITQSJYNI5DUKoyNxywDiqCWfJ91KG5a2Petoh6ajpWiBYAKAiiMO-KRIjEfQYHKKpahgDwsiwaJGmGAdFGiDg2kicpFlk0t-CCAQKSQEAEEw1ZaK7KFewgfshx2O1x0iX950XZdeAENcOA3D4-3QHcTAKIozxQET0U6PzoOvSTFJge8jhOFKr1fPQPHfT9bx-VLLMiEDkHAzIcn8lCELIlC0IUqQVm8IA)


  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月5日 22:35:48
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76407527.html



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