在Dyalog APL中访问嵌套数组中每个数组中的相同行/列。

huangapple go评论91阅读模式

Access same row/column in each array in nested arrays in Dyalog APL




(4 3)(5 3)(3 3)⍴⍪⍳15
 1  2  3 2  4  61 2 3
 4  5  6 8 10 124 5 6
 7  8  914 16 187 8 9
10 11 1220 22 24     
        26 28 30     



Is there a way to multiply or add a scalar to the same row or column in each array of a nested array without a loop? For example I would like to multiply all the values in the 2nd column (or row) of each array by 2 for the sample nested array below.

      (4 3)(5 3)(3 3)⍴¨⊂⍳15
│ 1  2  3│ 1  2  3│1 2 3│
│ 4  5  6│ 4  5  6│4 5 6│
│ 7  8  9│ 7  8  9│7 8 9│
│10 11 12│10 11 12│     │
│        │13 14 15│     │


得分: 2

      a  (4 3)(5 3)(3 3)¨⊂⍳15  ⍝ 命名您的数组
      2×@2¨ a   ⍝ 2乘以每个的[行] 2
 1  2  3 1  2  31  2  3
 8 10 12 8 10 128 10 12
 7  8  9 7  8  97  8  9
10 11 1210 11 12       
        13 14 15       
      2+@21¨ a   ⍝ 2加在每个的[元素] 2行上
 1  4  3 1  4  31  4 3
 4  7  6 4  7  64  7 6
 7 10  9 7 10  97 10 9
10 13 1210 13 12      
        13 16 15      


You can do it without using a `:For` control structure, but there&#39;ll still be an explicit loop in the form of the *Each* operator (`&#168;`):
a ← (4 3)(5 3)(3 3)⍴&#168;⊂⍳15  ⍝ naming your array
2&#215;@2&#168; a   ⍝ 2 multiplies at [row] 2 of each
│ 1  2  3│ 1  2  3│1  2  3│
│ 8 10 12│ 8 10 12│8 10 12│
│ 7  8  9│ 7  8  9│7  8  9│
│10 11 12│10 11 12│       │
│        │13 14 15│       │
2+@2⍤1&#168; a   ⍝ 2 adds at [element] 2 row-wise of each
│ 1  4  3│ 1  4  3│1  4 3│
│ 4  7  6│ 4  7  6│4  7 6│
│ 7 10  9│ 7 10  9│7 10 9│
│10 13 12│10 13 12│      │
│        │13 16 15│      │

The @ operator work on leading axes, the leading axis of a matrix being containing the rows, so the 2nd cell is the 2nd row. The ⍤1 operator restricts the "view" of +@2 to only ever see rows, which are subarrays of rank 1..

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月5日 22:02:31
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
