Tkinter – 文本插入到文本框中显示为反向。

huangapple go评论57阅读模式

Tkinter - text inserted into text box appears backwards


我目前正在尝试使用Tkinter编写一个计算器到目前为止我已经成功放置了所有按钮并且为一些按钮数字0-9"+"按钮和"清除"按钮添加了功能但我遇到了困难因为当我输入一个简单的方程式到我的计算器时例如11-1 - 窗口中显示的文本是颠倒的而我的程序会反向读取它并计算出1-11


from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk

root = Tk()

window_width = 200
window_height = 300

screen_width = root.winfo_screenwidth()
screen_height = root.winfo_screenheight()

center_x = int(screen_width/2 - window_width / 2)
center_y = int(screen_height/2 - window_height / 2)


def clear_text():
    entry_box.delete(0, END)

def print_one():
    entry_box.insert(0, "1")

def print_two():
    entry_box.insert(0, "2")

def print_three():
    entry_box.insert(0, "3")

def print_four():
    entry_box.insert(0, "4")

def print_five():
    entry_box.insert(0, "5")

def print_six():
    entry_box.insert(0, "6")

def print_seven():
    entry_box.insert(0, "7")

def print_eight():
    entry_box.insert(0, "8")

def print_nine():
    entry_box.insert(0, "9")

def print_zero():
    entry_box.insert(0, "0")

def print_plus():
    entry_box.insert(0, "+")

def print_minus():
    entry_box.insert(0, "-")

def print_divide():
    entry_box.insert(0, "/")

def print_multiply():
    entry_box.insert(0, "*")

def do_maths():
    equation = entry_box.get()
    evaluate_equation = eval(equation)
    entry_box.delete(0, END)
    entry_box.insert(0, evaluate_equation)

simple_calculator = Label(root,text="Simple Calculator").place(x=30, y=10)

entry_text = StringVar()
entry_box = ttk.Entry(root, textvariable=entry_text)

one = Button(root, text="1", command=print_one).place(x=30,y=50)
two = Button(root, text="2", command=print_two).place(x=60, y=50)
three = Button(root, text="3", command=print_three).place(x=90, y=50)
four = Button(root, text="4", command=print_four).place(x=30, y=80)
five = Button(root, text="5", command=print_five).place(x=60, y=80)
six = Button(root, text="6", command=print_six).place(x=90, y=80)
seven = Button(root, text="7", command=print_seven).place(x=30, y=110)
eight = Button(root, text="8", command=print_eight).place(x=60, y=110)
nine = Button(root, text="9", command=print_nine).place(x=90, y=110)
zero = Button(root, text="0", command=print_zero).place(x=30, y=140)
plus = Button(root, text="+", command=print_plus).place(x=60, y=140)
minus = Button(root, text="-", command=print_minus).place(x=90, y=140)
divide = Button(root, text="/", command=print_divide).place(x=30, y=170)
multiply = Button(root, text="*", command=print_multiply).place(x=60, y=170)
equals = Button(root, text="=", command=do_maths).place(x=90, y=170)
clear = Button(root, text="Clear", command=clear_text).place(x=30, y=200), y=230)


I'm currently attempting to write a calculator in Tkinter. So far, I have managed to place all the buttons and add functionality to some buttons (numbers 0-9, the "+" button and the "clear" button) but I am struggling because when a simple equation is input into my calculator. For example, 11-1 - the text that appears in the window is backwards, and my program reads it backwards, and will evaluate 1-11.

Here's the code. If anyone could point me in the right direction, that would be much appreciated.

from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
root = Tk()
window_width = 200
window_height = 300
screen_width = root.winfo_screenwidth()
screen_height = root.winfo_screenheight()
center_x = int(screen_width/2 - window_width / 2)
center_y = int(screen_height/2 - window_height / 2)
def clear_text():
entry_box.delete(0, END)
def print_one():
entry_box.insert(0, "1")
def print_two():
entry_box.insert(0, "2")
def print_three():
entry_box.insert(0, "3")
def print_four():
entry_box.insert(0, "4")
def print_five():
entry_box.insert(0, "5")
def print_six():
entry_box.insert(0, "6")
def print_seven():
entry_box.insert(0, "7")
def print_eight():
entry_box.insert(0, "8")
def print_nine():
entry_box.insert(0, "9")
def print_zero():
entry_box.insert(0, "0")
def print_plus():
entry_box.insert(0, "+")
def print_minus():
entry_box.insert(0, "-")
def print_divide():
entry_box.insert(0, "/")
def print_multiply():
entry_box.insert(0, "*")
def do_maths():
equation = entry_box.get()
evaluate_equation = eval(equation)
entry_box.delete(0, END)
entry_box.insert(0, evaluate_equation)
simple_calculator = Label(root,text="Simple Calculator").place(x=30, y=10)
entry_text = StringVar()
entry_box = ttk.Entry(root, textvariable=entry_text)
one = Button(root, text="1", command=print_one).place(x=30,y=50)
two = Button(root, text="2", command=print_two).place(x=60, y=50)
three = Button(root, text="3", command=print_three).place(x=90, y=50)
four = Button(root, text="4", command=print_four).place(x=30, y=80)
five = Button(root, text="5", command=print_five).place(x=60, y=80)
six = Button(root, text="6", command=print_six).place(x=90, y=80)
seven = Button(root, text="7", command=print_seven).place(x=30, y=110)
eight = Button(root, text="8", command=print_eight).place(x=60, y=110)
nine = Button(root, text="9", command=print_nine).place(x=90, y=110)
zero = Button(root, text="0", command=print_zero).place(x=30, y=140)
plus = Button(root, text="+", command=print_plus).place(x=60, y=140)
minus = Button(root, text="-", command=print_minus).place(x=90, y=140)
divide = Button(root, text="/", command=print_divide).place(x=30, y=170)
multiply = Button(root, text="*", command=print_multiply).place(x=60, y=170)
equals = Button(root, text="=", command=do_maths).place(x=90, y=170)
clear = Button(root, text="Clear", command=clear_text).place(x=30, y=200), y=230)


得分: 3


from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk

root = Tk()

window_width = 200
window_height = 300

screen_width = root.winfo_screenwidth()
screen_height = root.winfo_screenheight()

center_x = int(screen_width/2 - window_width / 2)
center_y = int(screen_height/2 - window_height / 2)


def clear_text():
    entry_box.delete(0, END)

def print_one():
    entry_box.insert(END, "1")

def print_two():
    entry_box.insert(END, "2")

def print_three():
    entry_box.insert(END, "3")

def print_four():
    entry_box.insert(END, "4")

def print_five():
    entry_box.insert(END, "5")

def print_six():
    entry_box.insert(END, "6")

def print_seven():
    entry_box.insert(END, "7")

def print_eight():
    entry_box.insert(END, "8")

def print_nine():
    entry_box.insert(END, "9")

def print_zero():
    entry_box.insert(END, "0")

def print_plus():
    entry_box.insert(END, "+")

def print_minus():
    entry_box.insert(END, "-")

def print_divide():
    entry_box.insert(END, "/")

def print_multiply():
    entry_box.insert(END, "*")

def do_maths():
    equation = entry_box.get()
    evaluate_equation = eval(equation)
    entry_box.delete(0, END)
    entry_box.insert(0, evaluate_equation)

simple_calculator = Label(root, text="Simple Calculator").place(x=30, y=10)

entry_text = StringVar()
entry_box = ttk.Entry(root, textvariable=entry_text)

one = Button(root, text="1", command=print_one).place(x=30,y=50)
two = Button(root, text="2", command=print_two).place(x=60, y=50)
three = Button(root, text="3", command=print_three).place(x=90, y=50)
four = Button(root, text="4", command=print_four).place(x=30, y=80)
five = Button(root, text="5", command=print_five).place(x=60, y=80)
six = Button(root, text="6", command=print_six).place(x=90, y=80)
seven = Button(root, text="7", command=print_seven).place(x=30, y=110)
eight = Button(root, text="8", command=print_eight).place(x=60, y=110)
nine = Button(root, text="9", command=print_nine).place(x=90, y=110)
zero = Button(root, text="0", command=print_zero).place(x=30, y=140)
plus = Button(root, text="+", command=print_plus).place(x=60, y=140)
minus = Button(root, text="-", command=print_minus).place(x=90, y=140)
divide = Button(root, text="/", command=print_divide).place(x=30, y=170)
multiply = Button(root, text="*", command=print_multiply).place(x=60, y=170)
equals = Button(root, text="=", command=do_maths).place(x=90, y=170)
clear = Button(root, text="Clear", command=clear_text).place(x=30, y=200), y=230)



END 表示用户输入的最后一个字符之后的位置。


so in your program , you're inserting each value(numbers and equations) at the index of 0 which means you are inserting them at the start of the entry_box , what you need to do is to insert each value at the 'END' of the entry_box

from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
root = Tk()
window_width = 200
window_height = 300
screen_width = root.winfo_screenwidth()
screen_height = root.winfo_screenheight()
center_x = int(screen_width/2 - window_width / 2)
center_y = int(screen_height/2 - window_height / 2)
def clear_text():
entry_box.delete(0, END)
def print_one():
entry_box.insert(END, "1")
def print_two():
entry_box.insert(END, "2")
def print_three():
entry_box.insert(END, "3")
def print_four():
entry_box.insert(END, "4")
def print_five():
entry_box.insert(END, "5")
def print_six():
entry_box.insert(END, "6")
def print_seven():
entry_box.insert(END, "7")
def print_eight():
entry_box.insert(END, "8")
def print_nine():
entry_box.insert(END, "9")
def print_zero():
entry_box.insert(END, "0")
def print_plus():
entry_box.insert(END, "+")
def print_minus():
entry_box.insert(END, "-")
def print_divide():
entry_box.insert(END, "/")
def print_multiply():
entry_box.insert(END, "*")
def do_maths():
equation = entry_box.get()
evaluate_equation = eval(equation)
entry_box.delete(0, END)
entry_box.insert(0, evaluate_equation)
simple_calculator = Label(root,text="Simple Calculator").place(x=30, y=10)
entry_text = StringVar()
entry_box = ttk.Entry(root, textvariable=entry_text)
one = Button(root, text="1", command=print_one).place(x=30,y=50)
two = Button(root, text="2", command=print_two).place(x=60, y=50)
three = Button(root, text="3", command=print_three).place(x=90, y=50)
four = Button(root, text="4", command=print_four).place(x=30, y=80)
five = Button(root, text="5", command=print_five).place(x=60, y=80)
six = Button(root, text="6", command=print_six).place(x=90, y=80)
seven = Button(root, text="7", command=print_seven).place(x=30, y=110)
eight = Button(root, text="8", command=print_eight).place(x=60, y=110)
nine = Button(root, text="9", command=print_nine).place(x=90, y=110)
zero = Button(root, text="0", command=print_zero).place(x=30, y=140)
plus = Button(root, text="+", command=print_plus).place(x=60, y=140)
minus = Button(root, text="-", command=print_minus).place(x=90, y=140)
divide = Button(root, text="/", command=print_divide).place(x=30, y=170)
multiply = Button(root, text="*", command=print_multiply).place(x=60, y=170)
equals = Button(root, text="=", command=do_maths).place(x=90, y=170)
clear = Button(root, text="Clear", command=clear_text).place(x=30, y=200), y=230)

here I just changed the indexes in each insert from 0 to END

> END represents the point immediately after the last character entered
> by the user


得分: 0

你的 .insert() 语句被设置为索引 0,所以字符被放置在 entry_box 的开头。你可以根据以下模式更改所有的函数。

def print_one():
    entry_box.insert(len(entry_text.get()), "1")

Your .insert() statements are set to index 0 so the characters are placed at the beginning of entry_box. You can change all of your functions according to the pattern below.

def print_one():
    entry_box.insert(len(entry_text.get()), "1")

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月5日 22:01:01
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
