Scalatestplus scalacheck 用于测试具有效果的 API,需要使用 unsafeRunSync()。

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Scalatestplus scalacheck for testing effectful api requires unsafeRunSync()


我正在探索实现对具有效果的 API 进行测试的选项为了简洁起见我有以下 API
object util {
  import cats.effect.Sync

  def stringReverser(string: String): String            = string.reverse
  def stringReverserF[F[_]: Sync](s: String): F[String] = Sync[F].delay(s.reverse)

我使用 AsyncWordSpec with ScalaCheckPropertyChecks。我不得不使用 unsafeRunSync

class SampleAsyncWordSpec extends wordspec.AnyWordSpec
      with org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckPropertyChecks {

  import util._
  "String reverser[F] with property based tests" must {
    "satisfy consistency with length in original and reversed string" in {
      forAll {(s: String) =>
        val ioAssertion  = stringReverserF[IO](s).map(r => assert(s.length() == r.length() + 1))

是否有一种方法可以避免调用 unsafeRunSync() 并将其留给框架。在 scalatestplus 中与 scalacheck 一起使用时,并没有提到测试具有效果的 API。

这是我目标的一个简化示例。我正在探讨编写针对 tagless final algebra 的规则的选项。


I am exploring options to implement tests for effectful api. For brevity, I have the following api.
object util {
  import cats.effect.Sync

  def stringReverser(string: String): String            = string.reverse
  def stringReverserF[F[_]: Sync](s: String): F[String] = Sync[F].delay(s.reverse)


I use AsyncWordSpec with ScalaCheckPropertyChecks. I had to use unsafeRunSync.

class SampleAsyncWordSpec extends wordspec.AnyWordSpec  
      with org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckPropertyChecks {

  import util._
  &quot;String reverser[F] with property based tests&quot; must {
    &quot;satisfy consistency with length in original and reversed string&quot; in {
      forAll {(s: String) =&gt; 
        val ioAssertion  = stringReverserF[IO](s).map(r =&gt; assert(s.length() == r.length() + 1))  


Is there a way to avoid calling unsafeRunSync() and leave it to the framework. In scalatestplus with scalacheck, there is no mention of testing effectful api.

This is a trimmed down example of my goal. I am exploring on options to write rules for tagless final algebra.


得分: 1

ScalaTest 本身并不是设计用于测试效果。

如果你查看 cats-effects testing 的官方文档,那里列出了你可以使用的不同库。你可以使用 cats-effect-testing,它可以与 ScalaTestscalacheck 集成。你还可以使用 scalacheck-effect,它也支持以 A =&gt; F[Assertion] 的形式编写具有效果的属性。

此外,如果你查看 cats-effect - testing # best practices,它说:

> 避免在测试中使用 unsafe* 方法,就像你在“主”代码中避免使用它们一样。编写与“正常”代码结构相同的测试会使测试不太可能出现故障,作为可执行文档,并保持易于阅读。

> 使用兼容的框架支持编写 IO[Assertion] 样式的测试。



ScalaTest by itself, is not design for testing effects.

If you check the official docs of cats-effects testing, there is a list with the different libs that you can use. You have cats-effect-testing which can be integrated with ScalaTest and scalacheck. You have scalacheck-effect too that adds support for writing effectful properties with the shape A =&gt; F[Assertion].

Also if you check cats-effect - testing # best practices it says

> Avoid using unsafe* methods in tests, the same as you'd avoid them in
> "main" code. Writing tests to be structured the same way as "normal"
> code results in tests that are less likely to be flaky, act as
> executable documentation, and remain easy to read.
> Use a compatible framework's support for writing IO[Assertion] style
> tests.

So, what you are doing in the test you wrote as an example, it's not exactly good


得分: 1



我建议使用scalacheck-effect与munit集成。我以前已成功将scalacheck和munit混合在同一个代码库中,原因类似 - sbt test 将运行它们全部。你也可以尝试编写一个与scalacheck-effect类似于munit的scalatest集成,但老实说我不会费心去做这件事。

通常,我还建议出于其他原因使用munit,如果迁移测试是一个选项,你应该考虑一下。根据你使用的scalatest DSL,这并不像你想象的那么困难。


As others have answered, when using scalatest with scalacheck, it's not possible to avoid this.

However, there's nothing stopping you from having multiple test frameworks in your codebase if a full migration isn't possible.

I recommend using scalacheck-effect with the munit integration. I've successfully mixed scalacheck+munit in the same codebase before for similar reasons - sbt test will run them all. It's possible that you could write a scalatest integration for scalacheck-effect similar to the munit one, but I wouldn't bother honestly.

I typically also recommend using munit over scalatest for other reasons; if it's an option to migrate your tests, you should consider it. It's not as hard as you might think, depending what scalatest DSL you're using

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月5日 14:33:56
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