
huangapple go评论50阅读模式

how to create a tibble from a list with named vectors



# 创建一个空列表以添加内容
edge_list <- vector("list", nrow(x)-1)

# 循环遍历每一行,将起始点和终点属性ID添加到边缘列表
for (k in 1 : (nrow(x)-1)) {
    # 检查相邻行的属性ID是否相同
    if (x[[k, 3]] != x[[k+1, 3]]) {
        # 在每个列表元素内创建一个带名称的向量
        edge_list[[k]] = c(from = x[[k,3]], to = x[[k+1,3]])  # 如果不同,则将属性ID添加到列表
    } else {
        edge_list[[k]] = c(from = NA, to = NA)  # 如果相同,则将NA放入,稍后会删除这些。


# 查看前几行边缘列表


# 将列表转换为数据框
edge_df <- data.frame(do.call(rbind, edge_list))
# 为列命名
colnames(edge_df) <- c("from", "to")

I am trying to make an edge df from a dataset that I have for a network I'm building:

    &gt; head(x)
# A tibble: 6 &#215; 8
     visitID entry_date          propertyID prop_grp_ID   entry_type edgeID   
       &lt;dbl&gt; &lt;dttm&gt;                   &lt;dbl&gt;       &lt;dbl&gt;      &lt;fct&gt;      &lt;chr&gt;    
1 1157349647 2022-04-01 00:00:00  251317243  1915318832  X14        231224220
2 1215457284 2022-04-01 00:00:00  165589924  1915318832  X14        231224220
3  986527720 2022-04-01 00:00:00  659308365  1915318832  X14        231224220
4  986527720 2022-04-01 00:00:00  659308365  1915318832  X14        231224220
5 1106040433 2022-04-01 00:00:00 1659425840  1915318832  X14        231224220
6 1106040433 2022-04-01 00:00:00 1659425840  1915318832  X14        231224220

# create an empty list to add to
edge_list &lt;- vector(&quot;list&quot;, nrow(x)-1)

# loop through each row number and add the from and to property ids to edge list
for (k in 1 : (nrow(x)-1)) {
    # check to see if the property IDs in adjacent rows are the same or not. 
    if (x[[k, 3]] != x[[k+1, 3]]) {
        # create a named vector inside each list element
        edge_list[[k]] = c(from = x[[k,3]], to = x[[k+1,3]])  # if they aren&#39;t the same, then add the propertyID to the list
    } else {
        edge_list[[k]] = c(from = NA, to = NA)  # if they are the same, then put NA, these will be dropped later.

And this is what it looks like:

    &gt; head(edge_list)
     from        to 
251317243 165589924 

     from        to 
165589924 659308365 

from   to 
  NA   NA 

      from         to 
 659308365 1659425840 

from   to 
  NA   NA 

      from         to 
1659425840 1834267060

I am trying to turn it into a tibble that will look like this so I can feed it into the network packages:

from             to
251317243      165589924 
165589924      659308365 
NA             NA 
659308365      1659425840 
NA             NA
1659425840     1834267060

I've found posts https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45452015/how-to-convert-list-of-list-into-a-tibble-dataframe, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71225412/convert-named-list-of-lists-to-dataframe-using-tidy-approach?noredirect=1&amp;lq=1, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69851215/named-list-to-data-frame, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10432993/named-list-to-from-data-frame, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/74259987/how-to-keep-the-name-of-vector-as-a-column-in-the-tibble but not quite what I'm looking for since the list isn't named, but the vector inside the list is, and that's what I need for the column names.

I've tried:

 test &lt;- enframe(unlist(edge_list))
 test &lt;- test |&gt; 
     pivot_wider(names_from = name, values_from = value)

and got

 # A tibble: 1 &#215; 2
 from        to         
 &lt;list&gt;      &lt;list&gt;     
     1 &lt;dbl [693]&gt; &lt;dbl [693]&gt;

and warnings that there are duplicates, which I'm expecting.

I've tried versions of this:

 tbl_colnames &lt;- c(&quot;from&quot;, &quot;to&quot;)
 edge_df &lt;- tibble(
     from = numeric(),
     to = numeric(),
     .name_repair = tbl_colnames

I've found posts an using map(), which I don't really understand what they are doing. I've also tried starting with a dataframe instead of a list, but couldn't figure out how to make an empty tibble with named columns and 693 rows. (I was taught not to 'grow' vectors so I assumed you shouldn't grow tibbles either)

Is there a straight forward way of doing this?


得分: 3

edge_list <- list(c(from=1,to=2), c(from=3,to=4), c(from=NA, to=NA))

# dplyr

# # A tibble: 3 × 2
#    from    to
#   <dbl> <dbl>
# 1     1     2
# 2     3     4
# 3    NA    NA

# base R

# R-4 or newer
do.call(rbind.data.frame, edge_list) |
#   from to
# 1    1  2
# 2    3  4
# 3   NA NA


do.call(rbind.data.frame, lapply(edge_list, as.list))
#   from to
# 1    1  2
# 2    3  4
# 3   NA NA

(Base R isn't getting the names from a named vector, but a named list works.)

Sample data:

edge_list &lt;- list(c(from=1,to=2), c(from=3,to=4), c(from=NA, to=NA))


# # A tibble: 3 &#215; 2
#    from    to
#   &lt;dbl&gt; &lt;dbl&gt;
# 1     1     2
# 2     3     4
# 3    NA    NA

base R

# R-4 or newer
do.call(rbind.data.frame, edge_list) |&gt;
#   from to
# 1    1  2
# 2    3  4
# 3   NA NA


do.call(rbind.data.frame, lapply(edge_list, as.list))
#   from to
# 1    1  2
# 2    3  4
# 3   NA NA

(Base R isn't getting the names from a named vector, but a named list works.)


得分: 2

除了 @r2evans 的解决方案外:

do.call(rbind, edge_list) %>%

    from         to
1  251317243  165589924
2  165589924  659308365
3         NA         NA
4  659308365 1659425840
5         NA         NA
6 1659425840 1834267060


edge_list <- list(
  structure(list(from = 251317243, to = 165589924), class = "AsIs"),
  structure(list(from = 165589924, to = 659308365), class = "AsIs"),
  structure(list(from = NA, to = NA), class = "AsIs"),
  structure(list(from = 659308365, to = 1659425840), class = "AsIs"),
  structure(list(from = NA, to = NA), class = "AsIs"),
  structure(list(from = 1659425840, to = 1834267060), class = "AsIs")

This is a good use case for do.call:
In addition to @r2evans solution:

do.call(rbind, edge_list) %&gt;% 

    from         to
1  251317243  165589924
2  165589924  659308365
3         NA         NA
4  659308365 1659425840
5         NA         NA
6 1659425840 1834267060


edge_list &lt;- list(
  structure(list(from = 251317243, to = 165589924), class = &quot;AsIs&quot;),
  structure(list(from = 165589924, to = 659308365), class = &quot;AsIs&quot;),
  structure(list(from = NA, to = NA), class = &quot;AsIs&quot;),
  structure(list(from = 659308365, to = 1659425840), class = &quot;AsIs&quot;),
  structure(list(from = NA, to = NA), class = &quot;AsIs&quot;),
  structure(list(from = 1659425840, to = 1834267060), class = &quot;AsIs&quot;)

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月5日 02:09:36
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76401804.html



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