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How do I do S3 multipart upload from Android



  1. 从后端使用安全API获取预签名URL。
  2. 使用Retrofit上传到预签名URL。


先前的解决方案:在我以前做的一个Web应用程序中,我使用Uppy S3 Multipart插件来处理多部分上传。该插件通过回调提供了为各个部分提供签名URL的方式。其他所有操作(拆分成部分、上传)都由插件处理。

当前情况:我已经搜索了几天,寻找Android中与Uppy S3 Multipart类似的可行替代方案,但没有找到。以下是我的调查结果:

  1. Android没有类似的库。
  2. 官方AWS文档建议使用AWS Amplify,并在所有示例代码中使用Cognito,但我的项目中没有Cognito。
  3. 一些示例显示使用AWS-Android-SDK创建一个使用应用程序中存储的凭据的S3Client,这对我也不是一个选项。


val transferUtility =




Overview: I have an app that uploads images and small audio files to S3 using the following approach:

  1. Get a presigned URL from the backend using a secure API.
  2. Upload to the presigned URL using Retrofit.

Problem: Now I need to support larger files like videos, so I am looking into implementing multi-part uploads.

Previous Solution: In a web app I did a while back, I had used the Uppy S3 Multipart plugin to handle multi-part uploads. The plugin had callbacks through which I could provide it with signed URLs for the individual parts. Everything else (splitting into parts, uploading) was handled by the plugin.

Current Situation: I have been searching for days for a viable alternative to Uppy S3 Multipart in Android but have not found one. Here are my findings:

  1. There are no similar libraries for Android.
  2. The official AWS docs suggest using AWS Amplify and make use of Cognito in all sample codes, which I don’t have in my project.
  3. Some examples show using the AWS-Android-SDK to create an S3Client using credentials stored in the app, which is also not an option for me.

The farthest I've gotten: The option that looked the most promising is the TransferUtility class in the AWS Mobile SDK:

val transferUtility =

But where do I get the awsConfiguration and s3Client from? Also is BasicSessionCredentials class somehow related to my problem?

Questions: Is there an actual way to get this started? Is the only way to do this to manually handle the splitting and uploading? Why isn’t there an Uppy alternative yet in Android?


得分: 1



val awsConfiguration = AWSConfiguration(applicationContext)


val s3Client = AmazonS3Client(AWSMobileClient.getInstance())



val transferUtility = TransferUtility.builder()

val uploadObserver = transferUtility.upload(bucketName, objectKey, file)



Regarding your current scenario, the TransferUtility class from the AWS Mobile SDK can indeed be used to handle the migration of multiple components to S3. To use this class, you will need to have the awsConfiguration and s3Client objects.

The AWSConfiguration class can be used to create the awsConfiguration object, which is usually located in your app's res/raw directory. This file contains your AWS configuration settings, such as S3 bucket names and fields. You can create an AWSConfiguration example like this:

val awsConfiguration = AWSConfiguration(applicationContext)

Next, you need to create an instance of s3Client using the AWS Mobile SDK. s3Client is an instance of the AmazonS3Client class, which you can create as follows.

val s3Client = AmazonS3Client(AWSMobileClient.getInstance())

Please note that you will need to add AWS Mobile SDK requirements and dependencies to your project.

Now, if you want to initiate a multipart upload using TransferUtility, you can use the upload() method. Here is an example of how you can use it.

val transferUtility = TransferUtility.builder()

val uploadObserver = transferUtility.upload(bucketName, objectKey, file)

In summary, you can use the TransferUtility class from the AWS Mobile SDK to handle multipart uploads in your Android app. Obtain the awsConfiguration and s3Client objects as described above, then use the upload() method of TransferUtility to start the upload process.


得分: 0


val secrets = //fetch from API

val awsCredentials: AWSCredentials = BasicSessionCredentials(secrets.accessKey, secrets.secretKey, secrets.sessionToken)
val s3Client = AmazonS3Client(awsCredentials, Region.getRegion(Regions.AP_SOUTHEAST_1))
val awsConfiguration = AWSConfiguration(context)
val transferUtility = TransferUtility.builder().context(context).awsConfiguration(awsConfiguration).s3Client(s3Client).build()
val uploadObserver: TransferObserver = transferUtility.upload(media.key, media.file)



I ended up solving this using AWS Security Token Service. I fetch temporary credentials from our Oauth secured api, avoiding the need to store credentials in the app itself. Then I use the TransferUtility like this:

<!-- language: kt-->
val secrets = //fetch from API

val awsCredentials: AWSCredentials = BasicSessionCredentials(secrets.accessKey, secrets.secretKey, secrets.sessionToken)
val s3Client = AmazonS3Client(awsCredentials, Region.getRegion(Regions.AP_SOUTHEAST_1))
val awsConfiguration = AWSConfiguration(context)
val transferUtility = TransferUtility.builder().context(context).awsConfiguration(awsConfiguration).s3Client(s3Client).build()
val uploadObserver: TransferObserver = transferUtility.upload(media.key, media.file)

Hope this helps anyone coming here in the future.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月2日 00:11:45
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76383832.html



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