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Azure profiler session does not appear in app insight


我有一个在AKS集群中托管的.NET 6服务,启用了应用程序洞察和分析器。日志出现在应用程序洞察中,实时指标正在工作,我可以在应用程序洞察中看到每个操作。



I got a .net6 service hosted in an AKS cluster with app insight and profiler enabled. Logs appear in app insight and live metrics are working and I can see every action in app insight.

When I click the "Profile now" button in the performance tab, it says a profiling session is in progress and I fire a few requests. Eventually I get a message in app insight of a timeout and no session is added to the list. Why could it happen?


得分: 1

抱歉,Azure性能分析器目前不支持dotnet 6。可能会有其他适用于dotnet 6版本的Azure解决方案。


Sadly, Azure profiler just does not support dotnet 6. There might be other solutions for Azure witr this dotnet version


得分: 0

支持的框架版本为 .NET Framework 4.6.2 及更高版本,如 MSDoc 中所述。


  1. 检查在使用 "Azure Profiler" 时的时间范围。因为如果尝试查看超过几个月的遥测信息或日志,会收到会话超时的问题。有时,跟踪会在七天后删除。

  2. 此外,如果没有要显示的记录,Profiler 将停止工作。检查 Profiler 会话是否已正确启用。为避免冲突,请禁用然后重新启用。

  3. 通过访问应用服务中的 高级工具 选项,使用 kudu 控制台 检查应用程序洞察分析分析器的状态。

    路径: Web App -> Development Tools -> 转到 kudu 控制台 -> 单击 Web Jobs


  4. 此外,如果 Profiler 具有大量活动会话和过多的流量,可能会生成这些问题。Profiler 最多可在相同服务计划下运行的四个 Web App 上启用。交叉检查并执行操作。

    注意: 启用 Profiler 后,尝试最初发送/接收少量数据。如果在初始阶段尝试发送大量数据,则可能会发生冲突。

    如果问题仍然存在,请参阅 MSDoc 了解有关 Profiler 会话的相关性能问题。

    我在我的环境中尝试了相同操作,部署了一个 .NET 6 Web 应用程序,并启用了该特定 Web 应用程序的应用程序洞察分析分析器会话。一旦触发事件,分析会话将显示 "分析完成" 消息,并显示以下配置文件信息。


    您还可以通过进入 Web 应用程序 刀片的 Web jobs 来检查分析器是否正在运行。检查详细的分析状态日志。

    路径: 转到 Web 应用 -> 设置 -> WebJobs


或者, 还可以检查 Web 应用程序的离线状态以及与应用程序洞察相关联的 Web 应用程序的可用性和性能状态。如果 Web 应用程序具有上述任何缺陷,它将无法正确跟踪日志并导致会话超时问题。



> Profiler is supported on the .NET Framework later than version 4.6.2 as mentioned in MSDoc.

Need to check below:

  1. Check the timeframe when you are using the "Azure Profiler". Because if you try to look at telemetry information or logs that are more than a few months old, you will receive session timeout issues. Sometimes, Traces are removed after seven days.

  2. Moreover, Profiler stops working if there are no records to be displayed. Check that the profiler session is properly enabled. To avoid conflicts, disable and re-enable it.

  3. Check the status of the Application insights profiler with the help of kudu console by visiting to Advanced Tools option in the app service.

    Path: Web App -> Development Tools -> Go to kudu console -> Click on Web Jobs


  1. Furthermore, if Profiler has a high number of active sessions and an excessive amount of traffic, it may generate these kinds of issues. Profiler can be enabled on at most of four Web Apps operating under the same service plan. Cross check and perform the operations.

Note: After enabled the profiler, try to send/receive a short amount of data initially. There will be a conflict if you send a huge data in a single attempt at the initial stages.
If still the issue persists, refer MSDoc for the relevant performance issues of the Profiler sessions.

I've tried the same in my environment by deploying a .NET 6 web app and enabled the profiler session with the application insights of that specific web app. Once I triggered the event, the profiling session prompted with the "profiling completed" message and shown the profile information as below.


You can also check whether the profiler is running, by going into Web jobs of the web app blade. Check the logs for the detailed profiling status.

Path: Goto Web app -> Settings -> WebJobs.


Alternatively, Check the web app down status as well as the availability and performance status of the Web app linked to application insights. If the web application has any of the flaws listed above, it will not correctly trace the logs and leads to session time out issues.


  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月1日 23:33:09
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