
huangapple go评论61阅读模式

Chain assertions together in kotlin


我有一个操作,我希望它在两种不同的条件下都成功。例如,如果状态代码是501 OR 消息不是 'FAILED'。是否有一种方式可以将断言逻辑地分组在一起,就像AND/OR一样。如果断言1通过或者断言2通过,我希望我的测试用例成功。


I have an operation that I want to succeed with two different conditions. For example, if the status code is 501 OR message is not 'FAILED'. Is there a way to have assertions grouped together logically like AND/OR. If assertion 1 passes OR assertion 2 passes, I want my test case to succeed.


得分: 1


我将通过展示验证具有一些复杂排列的4个REST接口输入的代码来提出建议,这些排列允许/不允许一些情况。这段代码可能比经典的if ... else结构更容易阅读。


val userIdNotNull = userId != null
        && channelType == null
        && primaryMentorId == null
        && primaryClinicianId == null

val userIdAndChannelTypeNotNull = userId != null
        && channelType != null
        && primaryMentorId == null
        && primaryClinicianId == null

val primaryMentorIdNotNull = userId == null
        && channelType == null
        && primaryMentorId != null
        && primaryClinicianId == null

val primaryClinicianIdNotNull = userId == null
        && channelType == null
        && primaryMentorId == null
        && primaryClinicianId != null

val channels = when {
    userIdNotNull -> getChannelsByUserId(userId)
    userIdAndChannelTypeNotNull -> channelRepository.findByMemberIdAndChannelType(userId!!, channelType!!)
        .ifEmpty { throw NotFoundException() }

    primaryMentorIdNotNull -> channelRepository.findByPrimaryMentorId(primaryMentorId)
        .ifEmpty { throw NotFoundException() }

    primaryClinicianIdNotNull -> channelRepository.findByPrimaryClinicianId(primaryClinicianId)
        .ifEmpty { throw NotFoundException() }

    else -> throw InvalidRequestParameterException("This combination of request parameters is not supported")



@cactustictacs suggests "naming" your assertions and then chaining them.

I'll suggest an answer by showing code that validates 4x REST interface inputs that have some complex permutations that allowed / not allowed. This code is arguably easier to read than a classic if ... else structure.

See how they are evaluated using the when construct. Perhaps you can take these ideas for your assertions...

val userIdNotNull = userId != null
        && channelType == null
        && primaryMentorId == null
        && primaryClinicianId == null

val userIdAndChannelTypeNotNull = userId != null
        && channelType != null
        && primaryMentorId == null
        && primaryClinicianId == null

val primaryMentorIdNotNull = userId == null
        && channelType == null
        && primaryMentorId != null
        && primaryClinicianId == null

val primaryClinicianIdNotNull = userId == null
        && channelType == null
        && primaryMentorId == null
        && primaryClinicianId != null

val channels = when {
    userIdNotNull -> getChannelsByUserId(userId)
    userIdAndChannelTypeNotNull -> channelRepository.findByMemberIdAndChannelType(userId!!, channelType!!)
        .ifEmpty { throw NotFoundException() }

    primaryMentorIdNotNull -> channelRepository.findByPrimaryMentorId(primaryMentorId)
        .ifEmpty { throw NotFoundException() }

    primaryClinicianIdNotNull -> channelRepository.findByPrimaryClinicianId(primaryClinicianId)
        .ifEmpty { throw NotFoundException() }

    else -> throw InvalidRequestParameterException("This combination of request parameters is not supported")

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月1日 22:58:36
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76383243.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
