有没有更快的算法来计算 max(ctz(x), ctz(y))?

huangapple go评论110阅读模式

Is there a faster algorithm for max(ctz(x), ctz(y))?


对于 min(ctz(x), ctz(y)),我们可以使用 ctz(x | y) 来获得更好的性能。但是对于 max(ctz(x), ctz(y)) 呢?

ctz 表示 "count trailing zeros"。

C++ 版本 (Compiler Explorer)

  1. #include <algorithm>
  2. #include <bit>
  3. #include <cstdint>
  4. int32_t test2(uint64_t x, uint64_t y) {
  5. return std::max(std::countr_zero(x), std::countr_zero(y));
  6. }

Rust 版本 (Compiler Explorer)

  1. pub fn test2(x: u64, y: u64) -> u32 {
  2. x.trailing_zeros().max(y.trailing_zeros())
  3. }

For min(ctz(x), ctz(y)), we can use ctz(x | y) to gain better performance. But what about max(ctz(x), ctz(y))?

ctz represents "count trailing zeros".

C++ version (Compiler Explorer)

  1. #include &lt;algorithm&gt;
  2. #include &lt;bit&gt;
  3. #include &lt;cstdint&gt;
  4. int32_t test2(uint64_t x, uint64_t y) {
  5. return std::max(std::countr_zero(x), std::countr_zero(y));
  6. }

Rust version (Compiler Explorer)

  1. pub fn test2(x: u64, y: u64) -&gt; u32 {
  2. x.trailing_zeros().max(y.trailing_zeros())
  3. }


得分: 24


  1. x + y = min(x, y) + max(x, y)


  1. max(ctz(x), ctz(y)) = ctz(x) + ctz(y) - min(ctz(x), ctz(y))



  1. pub fn naive(x: u64, y: u64) -> u32 {
  2. x.trailing_zeros().max(y.trailing_zeros())
  3. }
  4. pub fn sum_minus_min(x: u64, y: u64) -> u32 {
  5. x.trailing_zeros() + y.trailing_zeros() - (x | y).trailing_zeros()
  6. }
  7. pub fn nielsen(x: u64, y: u64) -> u32 {
  8. let x_lsb = x & x.wrapping_neg();
  9. let y_lsb = y & y.wrapping_neg();
  10. let xy_lsb = x_lsb | y_lsb;
  11. let lsb = xy_lsb & xy_lsb.wrapping_neg();
  12. let xy_max_lsb = if xy_lsb == lsb { lsb } else { xy_lsb ^ lsb };
  13. xy_max_lsb.trailing_zeros()
  14. }
  15. pub fn timmermans(x: u64, y: u64) -> u32 {
  16. let loxs = !x & x.wrapping_sub(1);
  17. let loys = !y & y.wrapping_sub(1);
  18. return (loxs | loys).count_ones();
  19. }
  20. pub fn kealey(x: u64, y: u64) -> u32 {
  21. ((x | x.wrapping_neg()) & (y | y.wrapping_neg())).trailing_zeros()
  22. }


  1. ctz_max/naive time: [279.09 ns 279.55 ns 280.10 ns]
  2. ctz_max/sum_minus_min time: [738.91 ns 742.87 ns 748.61 ns]
  3. ctz_max/nielsen time: [935.35 ns 937.63 ns 940.40 ns]
  4. ctz_max/timmermans time: [803.39 ns 806.98 ns 810.76 ns]
  5. ctz_max/kealey time: [295.03 ns 295.93 ns 297.03 ns]

朴素实现胜过所有其他实现。唯一能与朴素方法竞争的实现是Martin Kealey提出的方法。请注意,由于测试工具的一些开销,实际的实现之间的因子可能甚至比计时所示更高。






NUMBERS 是使用Python生成的,目的是使 min() 函数的分支预测尽可能困难。


  1. RUSTFLAGS='-C target-cpu=native -C opt-level=3' cargo bench

我的机器是第8代i7处理器(Whiskey Lake)。


I don't think there's anything better than the naive approach for the maximum. One attempt is using the identity

  1. x + y = min(x, y) + max(x, y)

and thus

  1. max(ctz(x), ctz(y)) = ctz(x) + ctz(y) - min(ctz(x), ctz(y))

This way, we can reduce the max function to the min function we already optimized, albeit with a few additional operations.

Here are some Rust implementations of the different approaches:

  1. pub fn naive(x: u64, y: u64) -&gt; u32 {
  2. x.trailing_zeros().max(y.trailing_zeros())
  3. }
  4. pub fn sum_minus_min(x: u64, y: u64) -&gt; u32 {
  5. x.trailing_zeros() + y.trailing_zeros() - (x | y).trailing_zeros()
  6. }
  7. pub fn nielsen(x: u64, y: u64) -&gt; u32 {
  8. let x_lsb = x &amp; x.wrapping_neg();
  9. let y_lsb = y &amp; y.wrapping_neg();
  10. let xy_lsb = x_lsb | y_lsb;
  11. let lsb = xy_lsb &amp; xy_lsb.wrapping_neg();
  12. let xy_max_lsb = if xy_lsb == lsb { lsb } else { xy_lsb ^ lsb };
  13. xy_max_lsb.trailing_zeros()
  14. }
  15. pub fn timmermans(x: u64, y: u64) -&gt; u32 {
  16. let loxs = !x &amp; x.wrapping_sub(1);
  17. let loys = !y &amp; y.wrapping_sub(1);
  18. return (loxs | loys).count_ones();
  19. }
  20. pub fn kealey(x: u64, y: u64) -&gt; u32 {
  21. ((x | x.wrapping_neg()) &amp; (y | y.wrapping_neg())).trailing_zeros()
  22. }

Results on my machine:

  1. ctz_max/naive time: [279.09 ns 279.55 ns 280.10 ns]
  2. ctz_max/sum_minus_min time: [738.91 ns 742.87 ns 748.61 ns]
  3. ctz_max/nielsen time: [935.35 ns 937.63 ns 940.40 ns]
  4. ctz_max/timmermans time: [803.39 ns 806.98 ns 810.76 ns]
  5. ctz_max/kealey time: [295.03 ns 295.93 ns 297.03 ns]

The naive implementation beats all other implementations. The only implementation that can compete with the naive one is the approach suggested by Martin Kealey. Note that the actual factors between the implementation may be even higher than the timings indicate, due to some overhead of the test harness.

It's clear that you only have like a couple of CPU instructions to spare to optimize the naive implementation, so I don't think there is anything you can do. For reference, here is the assembly emitted by the Rust compiler when these implementations are compiled as standalone functions on a modern x86_64 processor:

  1. example::naive:
  2. tzcnt rcx, rdi
  3. tzcnt rax, rsi
  4. cmp ecx, eax
  5. cmova eax, ecx
  6. ret
  7. example::sum_minus_min:
  8. tzcnt rcx, rdi
  9. tzcnt rax, rsi
  10. add eax, ecx
  11. or rsi, rdi
  12. tzcnt rcx, rsi
  13. sub eax, ecx
  14. ret
  15. example::nielsen:
  16. blsi rax, rdi
  17. blsi rcx, rsi
  18. or rcx, rax
  19. blsi rax, rcx
  20. xor edx, edx
  21. cmp rcx, rax
  22. cmovne rdx, rcx
  23. xor rdx, rax
  24. tzcnt rax, rdx
  25. ret
  26. example::timmermans:
  27. lea rax, [rdi - 1]
  28. andn rax, rdi, rax
  29. lea rcx, [rsi - 1]
  30. andn rcx, rsi, rcx
  31. or rcx, rax
  32. xor eax, eax
  33. popcnt rax, rcx
  34. ret
  35. example::kealey:
  36. mov rax, rdi
  37. neg rax
  38. or rax, rdi
  39. mov rcx, rsi
  40. neg rcx
  41. or rcx, rsi
  42. and rcx, rax
  43. tzcnt rax, rcx
  44. ret

In the benchmarks I ran, the functions get inlined, the loops partially unrolled and some subexpressions pulled out of the inner loops, so the assembly looks a lot less clean that the above.

For testing, I used Criterion. Here is the additional code:

  1. use criterion::{black_box, criterion_group, criterion_main, Criterion};
  2. const NUMBERS: [u64; 32] = [
  3. ...
  4. ];
  5. fn bench&lt;F&gt;(func: F)
  6. where
  7. F: Fn(u64, u64) -&gt; u32,
  8. {
  9. for x in NUMBERS {
  10. for y in NUMBERS {
  11. black_box(func(x, y));
  12. }
  13. }
  14. }
  15. fn compare(c: &amp;mut Criterion) {
  16. let mut group = c.benchmark_group(&quot;ctz_max&quot;);
  17. group.bench_function(&quot;naive&quot;, |b| b.iter(|| bench(naive)));
  18. group.bench_function(&quot;sum_minus_min&quot;, |b| b.iter(|| bench(sum_minus_min)));
  19. group.bench_function(&quot;nielsen&quot;, |b| b.iter(|| bench(nielsen)));
  20. group.bench_function(&quot;timmermans&quot;, |b| b.iter(|| bench(timmermans)));
  21. group.bench_function(&quot;kealey&quot;, |b| b.iter(|| bench(kealey)));
  22. }
  23. criterion_group!(benches, compare);
  24. criterion_main!(benches);

NUMBERS was generated with this Python code, with the intention of making branch prediction for the min() function as hard as possible:

  1. [
  2. random.randrange(2 ** 32) * 2 ** random.randrange(32)
  3. for dummy in range(32)
  4. ]

I'm running the benchmark using

  1. RUSTFLAGS=&#39;-C target-cpu=native -C opt-level=3&#39; cargo bench

on an 8th generation i7 processor (Whiskey Lake).


得分: 18


These are equivalent:

  • max(ctz(a),ctz(b))
  • ctz((a|-a)&amp;(b|-b))
  • ctz(a)+ctz(b)-ctz(a|b)

The math-identity ctz(a)+ctz(b)-ctz(a|b) requires 6 CPU instructions, parallelizable to 3 steps on a 3-way superscalar CPU:

  • 3× ctz
  • 1× bitwise-or
  • 1× addition
  • 1× subtraction

The bit-mashing ctz((a|-a)&amp;(b|-b)) requires 6 CPU instructions, parallelizable to 4 steps on a 2-way superscalar CPU:

  • 2× negation
  • 2× bitwise-or
  • 1× bitwise-and
  • 1× ctz

The naive max(ctz(a),ctz(b)) requires 5 CPU instructions, parallelizable to 4 steps on a 2-way superscalar CPU:

  • 2× ctz
  • 1× comparison
  • 1× conditional branch
  • 1× load/move (so that the "output" is always in the same register)

... but note that branch instructions can be very expensive.

If your CPU has a conditional load/move instruction, this reduces to 4 CPU instructions taking 3 super-scalar steps.

If your CPU has a max instruction (e.g. SSE4), this reduces to 3 CPU instructions taking 2 super-scalar steps.

All that said, the opportunities for super-scalar operation depend on which instructions you're trying to put against each other. Typically you get the most by putting different instructions in parallel, since they use different parts of the CPU (all at once). Typically there will be more "add" and "bitwise or" units than "ctz" units, so doing multiple ctz instructions may actually be the limiting factor, especially for the "math-identity" version.

If "compare and branch" is too expensive, you can make a non-branching "max" in 4 CPU instructions. Assuming A and B are positive integers:

  1. C = A-B
  2. subtract the previous carry, plus D, from D itself (D is now either 0 or -1, regardless of whatever value it previously held)
  3. C &= D (C is now min(0, A-B))
  4. A -= C (A' is now max(A,B))

These are equivalent:

  • max(ctz(a),ctz(b))
  • ctz((a|-a)&amp;(b|-b))
  • ctz(a)+ctz(b)-ctz(a|b)

The math-identity ctz(a)+ctz(b)-ctz(a|b) requires 6 CPU instructions, parallelizable to 3 steps on a 3-way superscalar CPU:

  • 3× ctz
  • 1× bitwise-or
  • 1× addition
  • 1× subtraction

The bit-mashing ctz((a|-a)&amp;(b|-b)) requires 6 CPU instructions, parallelizable to 4 steps on a 2-way superscalar CPU:

  • 2× negation
  • 2× bitwise-or
  • 1× bitwize-and
  • 1× ctz

The naïve max(ctz(a),ctz(b)) requires 5 CPU instructions, parallelizable to 4 steps on a 2-way superscalar CPU:

  • 2× ctz
  • 1× comparison
  • 1× conditional branch
  • 1× load/move (so that the "output" is always in the same register)

... but note that branch instructions can be very expensive.

If your CPU has a conditional load/move instruction, this reduces to 4 CPU instructions taking 3 super-scalar steps.

If your CPU has a max instruction (e.g. SSE4), this reduces to 3 CPU instructions taking 2 super-scalar steps.

All that said, the opportunities for super-scalar operation depend on which instructions you're trying to put against each other. Typically you get the most by putting different instructions in parallel, since they use different parts of the CPU (all at once). Typically there will be more "add" and "bitwise or" units than "ctz" units, so doing multiple ctz instructions may actually be the limiting factor, especially for the "math-identity" version.

If "compare and branch" is too expensive, you can make a non-branching "max" in 4 CPU instructions. Assuming A and B are positive integers:

  1. C = A-B
  2. subtract the previous carry, plus D, from D itself (D is now either 0 or -1, regardless of whatever value it previously held)
  3. C &= D (C is now min(0, A-B))
  4. A -= C (A' is now max(A,B))


得分: 11


  1. #include <algorithm>
  2. #include <bit>
  3. #include <cstdint>
  4. int32_t maxr_zero(uint64_t x, uint64_t y) {
  5. uint64_t loxs = ~x & (x-1); // x的低零位
  6. uint64_t loys = ~y & (y-1); // y的低零位
  7. return std::countr_zero((loxs|loys)+1);
  8. }

You can do it like this:

  1. #include &lt;algorithm&gt;
  2. #include &lt;bit&gt;
  3. #include &lt;cstdint&gt;
  4. int32_t maxr_zero(uint64_t x, uint64_t y) {
  5. uint64_t loxs = ~x &amp; (x-1); // low zeros of x
  6. uint64_t loys = ~y &amp; (y-1); // low zeros of y
  7. return std::countr_zero((loxs|loys)+1);
  8. }


得分: 1

我不确定是否更快,但此函数将获取 xy 并计算输入给 ctz 以获取最大值的部分:

  1. uint64_t getMaxTzInput(uint64_t x, uint64_t y)
  2. {
  3. uint64_t x_lsb = x & (~x + 1); // x 的最低有效位1
  4. uint64_t y_lsb = y & (~y + 1); // y 的最低有效位1
  5. uint64_t xy_lsb = x_lsb | y_lsb; // x 和 y 的最低有效位1(可能相同)
  6. uint64_t lsb = (xy_lsb) & (~(xy_lsb)+1); // x 和 y 中的最低有效位1
  7. // 如果 x 和 y 的最低有效位1不同,去掉最低有效位1
  8. // 以获取第二个最低有效位1。
  9. uint64_t xy_max_lsb = (xy_lsb == lsb) ? lsb : xy_lsb ^ lsb;
  10. return xy_max_lsb;
  11. }

因此,ctz(getMaxTzInput(x,y)) 至少应该在只调用一次 ctz 的情况下返回正确的值。


I am not sure whether or not it is faster, but this function will take x and y and calculate the input to ctz for getting the max value:

  1. uint64_t getMaxTzInput(uint64_t x, uint64_t y)
  2. {
  3. uint64_t x_lsb = x &amp; (~x + 1); // Least significant 1 of x
  4. uint64_t y_lsb = y &amp; (~y + 1); // Least significant 1 of y
  5. uint64_t xy_lsb = x_lsb | y_lsb; // Least significant 1s of x and y (could be the same)
  6. uint64_t lsb = (xy_lsb) &amp; (~(xy_lsb)+1); // Least significant 1 among x and y
  7. // If the least significant 1s are different for x and y, remove the least significant 1
  8. // to get the second least significant 1.
  9. uint64_t xy_max_lsb = (xy_lsb == lsb) ? lsb : xy_lsb ^ lsb;
  10. return xy_max_lsb;
  11. }

Thus, ctz(getMaxTzInput(x,y)) should at least give the correct value with only one call of ctz.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月1日 19:05:02
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76381239.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
