Google Analytics 4 流式导出至 BigQuery

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Google Analytics 4 streaming export to BigQuery



当每日导出因数据大小而不可行时,剩下的选择是将数据流式传输到BigQuery,但是流式传输除了额外的成本外,还有一些重大限制 - 流量名称来源媒介数据点不包括在这种类型的导出中,而这些是Google Analytics中的关键数据点。


> 对于现有用户的用户归因数据已包括在内,但该数据需要大约24小时才能完全处理,因此我们建议不依赖于从流式导出获取的该数据,而是从完整的每日导出获取用户归因数据。



I find the Streaming export documentation very ambiguous, it doesn't go fully into detail about what data I will be working with once I start this type of export, so I don't know what to expect.

When the daily type of export is not an option because of data size, whatt remains is streaming the data into BigQuery, but streaming, besides additional cost, has some major limitations - traffic name, source and medium data points aren't included with this type of export, and these are the crucial data points in Google Analytics.

What I find confusing is this quote from the page linked above:

> User-attribution data for existing users is included but that data requires ~24 hours to fully process, so we recommend not relying on that data from the streaming export and instead getting user-attribution data from the full daily export.

Can anyone who has tried the streaming export confirm if this means that user-atribution data will not be available in the "intraday" tables, but will be available in the "daily" table? If so, does this mean that the daily table can gather more than 1000000 events per day in this case? And do we need to have both streaming and daily export turned on to be able to gather this information?


得分: 1


对于大多数用例,每日导出已足够,但在数据收集和在BQ中公开数据之间存在延迟。如果您需要当天的数据,您将在intraday表中找到它。每日表可以每天导出超过1百万个事件,但您需要GA4 360(付费版本)。流式导出(intraday)没有此限制。



First of all, you can find a sample dataset of GA4 export here.

For most of the use cases Daily export is enough but there is a delay between data collection and exposing data in BQ. If you need data even for the current day you will find it in the intraday table. Daily table can export more than 1M events per day but you will need GA4 360 (paid version). Streaming export (intraday) does not have this limitation.

Usually you do not need the user traffic source/medium. These user dimensions are just the first visit traffic source/medium. I assume you need session level traffic source/medium and it is still available in the intraday (streaming) export. Eventually you can calculate the user first traffic source/medium from there.

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