
huangapple go评论56阅读模式

Execute a thread in a queue only if its field value doesn't match an already running thread







I have a large number of events coming in, and I must run the ones sequentially that have certain matching properties. Let's call this property "color". If I get 3 green events, and 2 yellow events, then I must run all the 3 green events in the order received, so they must be run one at a time. Same goes for the yellow events. If all 3 green events are processed before the first yellow event completes, that's fine, because across colors the order doesn't matter.

Now, I also have a limit to the total number of threads that can be run at once, and there's dozens of colors. So if I get 20 events of 20 different colors, I can't run them all at once. They must be under the thread pool limit. Ideally, the executor always be running the oldest event first, so long as there is no other event with the same color currently running.

So, what needs to happen is when it comes time for the ThreadPoolExecutor to dequeue a Runnable, it needs to check to see if there are any other Runnables of the same color. If so, look to the next Runnable in the Queue, until it finally finds one that doesn't have a matching color currently running. Then it will remove that from the Queue, without disturbing the order of any of the other elements in the Queue.

How would I go about implementing this way to dequeue threads in the ThreadPoolExecutor? Or is there another, better, way to do this?


得分: 3






Different colors can be processed concurrently, but same colors must be processed serially.

So rather than trying to make all your threads communicate to one another what color they are doing let's just make a dedicated queue for each color, and one thread handling that queue.

So one distributor thread reads the event queue and based on the color of the event posts it on the appropriate queue.

Now you indicate that you can't have as many threads as there are colors, but colors can share a queue. That still guarantees the serial processing of each color.


得分: 1


答案由 bowmore 提供是正确的。以下是一些代码。

将各种颜色任务定义为实现接口 hasColorRunnableCallable,该接口要求实现方法 getColor。为所有可能的颜色定义一个枚举 TaskColor


ExecutorService esGreenYellow = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
ExecutorService esBlueRed = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();

编写一个接收所有类型为 hasColor 的任务的方法。该方法将绿色或黄色的任务推送到这两个执行器服务中的第一个,将另外两种颜色的任务推送到第二个执行器服务中。


The Answer by bowmore is correct. Here’s some code.

Define your various color tasks as a Runnable or Callable that implements an interface hasColor requiring a method getColor. Define an enum TaskColor for all possible colors.

Say we have four colors but a limit of two threads. Define two executor service objects, each to handle a pair of our four colors. Make them single-threaded to run tasks one on a time.

ExecutorService esGreenYellow = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor() ;
ExecutorService esBlueRed = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor() ;

Write a method that receives all tasks of type hasColor. That method shunts tasks of green or yellow into the first of those two executor services, and tasks of the other two colors into the second executor service.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月1日 06:57:47
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76377753.html



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