
huangapple go评论83阅读模式

How to loop an entire script in R



area <- read_sf("area_erase.shp")

agrilist <- sprintf('p%s_agriprop.tif', 1:6) 
results_agri <- lapply(agrilist, raster) 
results_agri <- setNames(results_agri, agrilist)

poplist <- sprintf('p%s_pop.tif', 1:6) 
results_pop <- lapply(poplist, raster) 
results_pop <- setNames(results_pop, poplist)

results_agri[[6]] <- resample(results_agri[[6]],results_agri[[5]],method="bilinear")

allrasters <- mapply(raster::stack,results_agri,results_pop)

pointslist <- sprintf('p%s_utm_n.csv', 1:6) 
results_points <- lapply(pointslist, read.csv) 
results_points <- setNames(results_points, pointslist)

extr <- function(xts.obj){xts.obj[,c(2:3)]}

points_xy <- lapply(results_points, extr)


'随机' 部分,确保每次运行脚本时都会产生不同的结果如下:

pas[[1]] <- randomPoints(results_agri[[1]],n=1082,p=points_xy[[1]],ext=area)
pas[[2]] <- randomPoints(results_agri[[1]],n=2506,p=points_xy[[2]],ext=area)
pas[[3]] <- randomPoints(results_agri[[1]],n=2326,p=points_xy[[3]],ext=area)
pas[[4]] <- randomPoints(results_agri[[1]],n=3168,p=points_xy[[4]],ext=area)
pas[[5]] <- randomPoints(results_agri[[1]],n=3216,p=points_xy[[5]],ext=area)
pas[[6]] <- randomPoints(results_agri[[1]],n=3176,p=points_xy[[6]],ext=area)


st1 <- cellStats(prediction1>tr1,sum)
st2 <- cellStats(prediction2>tr2,sum)
st3 <- cellStats(prediction3>tr3,sum)
st4 <- cellStats(prediction4>tr4,sum)
st5 <- cellStats(prediction5>tr5,sum)
st6 <- cellStats(prediction6>tr6,sum)


我该如何做?我考虑过使用 'repeat' 循环,但不确定如何将最终的对象存储在一个列表中,并在完成100次迭代后退出循环。


I have a long script with a lot of data manipulations, which would be too long to share completely, but I will share some parts as to clarify what I am out for.
There is one function within the script that generates random points, so the final objects I create are always different. What I want to do is loop the entire script 100 times, and store the many resulting objects in a list.

Here is some of the script

area <- read_sf("area_erase.shp")

#List of rasters
agrilist <- sprintf('p%s_agriprop.tif', 1:6)
results_agri <- lapply(agrilist, raster)
results_agri <- setNames(results_agri, agrilist)

#List of second rasters
poplist <- sprintf('p%s_pop.tif', 1:6)
results_pop <- lapply(poplist, raster)
results_pop <- setNames(results_pop, poplist)

#resample one of the rasters
results_agri[[6]] <- resample(results_agri[[6]],results_agri[[5]],method="bilinear")

#stack them
allrasters <- mapply(raster::stack,results_agri,results_pop)

#load in existing points
pointslist <- sprintf('p%s_utm_n.csv', 1:6)
results_points <- lapply(pointslist, read.csv)
results_points <- setNames(results_points, pointslist)

#prepare for extract (lon lat cols only)
extr <- function(xts.obj){xts.obj[,c(2:3)]}

points_xy <- lapply(results_points, extr)

etc, etc

The &#39;random&#39; part, which ensures a different result each time the script is run is as follows

#create random points
pas[[1]] <- randomPoints(results_agri[[1]],n=1082,p=points_xy[[1]],ext=area)
pas[[2]] <- randomPoints(results_agri[[1]],n=2506,p=points_xy[[2]],ext=area)
pas[[3]] <- randomPoints(results_agri[[1]],n=2326,p=points_xy[[3]],ext=area)
pas[[4]] <- randomPoints(results_agri[[1]],n=3168,p=points_xy[[4]],ext=area)
pas[[5]] <- randomPoints(results_agri[[1]],n=3216,p=points_xy[[5]],ext=area)
pas[[6]] <- randomPoints(results_agri[[1]],n=3176,p=points_xy[[6]],ext=area)

And then the final part of the script, 

#Final values
st1 <- cellStats(prediction1>tr1,sum)
st2 <- cellStats(prediction2>tr2,sum)
st3 <- cellStats(prediction3>tr3,sum)
st4 <- cellStats(prediction4>tr4,sum)
st5 <- cellStats(prediction5>tr5,sum)
st6 <- cellStats(prediction6>tr6,sum)

These 6 objects are a single numeric value each, and will differ every iteration the script, so I&#39;d like to run these 100 times too, one time at the end of each iteration, and then store the output in a list

How would I go about this? I was thinking about a &#39;repeat&#39; loop, but am unsure how to store the final objects in a list and break the loop once there&#39;s 100 iterations done.


# 答案1
**得分**: 1


output <- vector(mode="list", length=100)
for(i in 1:100){
  ## functions to create intermediate objects
  st1 <- cellStats(prediction1>tr1,sum)
  st2 <- cellStats(prediction2>tr2,sum)
  st3 <- cellStats(prediction3>tr3,sum)
  st4 <- cellStats(prediction4>tr4,sum)
  st5 <- cellStats(prediction5>tr5,sum)
  st6 <- cellStats(prediction6>tr6,sum)
  output[[i]] <- list(st1=st1, st2=st2, 
                      st3=st3, st4=st4, 
                      st5=st5, st6=st6)


output[[i]] <- c(st1=st1, st2=st2, 
                    st3=st3, st4=st4, 
                    st5=st5, st6=st6)

If I'm understanding the problem correctly, you could use a for() loop from 1 to 100 and each time save the resulting six values as an element in a list (could either be a list or vector):

output &lt;- vector(mode=&quot;list&quot;, length=100)
for(i in 1:100){
  ## functions to creat intermediate objects
  st1 &lt;- cellStats(prediction1&gt;tr1,sum)
  st2 &lt;- cellStats(prediction2&gt;tr2,sum)
  st3 &lt;- cellStats(prediction3&gt;tr3,sum)
  st4 &lt;- cellStats(prediction4&gt;tr4,sum)
  st5 &lt;- cellStats(prediction5&gt;tr5,sum)
  st6 &lt;- cellStats(prediction6&gt;tr6,sum)
  output[[i]] &lt;- list(st1=st1, st2=st2, 
                      st3=st3, st4=st4, 
                      st5=st5, st6=st6)

Or, if you wanted to have each element of output to be a vector rather than a list, you could replace the relevant lines above with this:

output[[i]] &lt;- c(st1=st1, st2=st2, 
                    st3=st3, st4=st4, 
                    st5=st5, st6=st6)

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月1日 04:18:03
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76376983.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
