“PerformPromiseThen” 在 JavaScript 中的 “throwaway” 承诺是什么承诺?

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What is the "throwaway" promise for PerformPromiseThen in JavaScript?




“PerformPromiseThen” 在 JavaScript 中的 “throwaway” 承诺是什么承诺?


然而,我不太理解throwaway promise。它被传递给performPromiseThen操作。然而,PerformPromiseThen的签名是:

PerformPromiseThen(promise, onFulfilled, onRejected [, resultCapability])

最后一个可选参数是PromiseCapability Record。我也无法完全理解这个PromiseCapability Record 的概念。它似乎用于异步迭代器,但我不太确定具体的用法。它似乎不是与throwaway promise 所代表的相同事物。所以我的问题是,这个throwaway promise 到底是什么,以及传递给performPromiseThen的参数的语义是什么?

根据我的理解,我可以将它们的内部操作重新编写为基于普通Promise的操作,但throwaway promise 仍然是我无法理解的一个重要部分,无法将其映射到我可以理解的概念中。


I'm reading this article from V8 about how ES2017 introduced an optimization for async/await to reduce the number of Promises needed in runtime execution. Essentially avoiding an extra Promise when the value being awaited is already a Promise. This also enabled efficient async stack trace to be collected in Errors.

In the article it gave a high-level explanation of how async function translate into internal operations. And here is a figure they used in question:

“PerformPromiseThen” 在 JavaScript 中的 “throwaway” 承诺是什么承诺?

I think the author is using ECMAScript terms for naming the internal operations.

What I don't understand though is the throwaway promise. It's passed to the performPromiseThen operation. However the signature for PerformPromiseThen is:

PerformPromiseThen( promise, onFulfilled, onRejected [ , resultCapability ] )

The last optional argument being a PromiseCapability Record. I also can't quite grasp the idea of this PromiseCapability Record. It seems to be used in async iterators but not really sure how. It doesn't seem to be the same thing throwaway promise was representing. So my question is what exactly is this throwaway promise, and what is the semantics of this parameter passed to performPromiseThen?

I can rewrite their internal operations back into plain Promise based on my understanding, but the throwaway promise is still a missing piece that I cannot have a mental mapping to things I can understand.

function foo(v) {                                 // resumable function foo(v) {
  const implicit_promise = new Promise            //   implicit_promise = createPromise();
  ((resolvePromise, _throw) => {
                                                  //   // 1. wrap v in a promise
    const promise = new Promise(resolvePromise => //   promise = createPromise();
      resolvePromise(/* promise, */ v));          //   resolvePromise(promise, v);

                                                  //   // 2. attach handlers for resuming foo
    /* throwaway = createPromise(); */            //   throwaway = createPromise();
    promise.then(                                 //   performPromiseThen(promise,
      res => resume(/* «foo», */ res),            //     res => resume(«foo», res),
      err => _throw(/* «foo», */ err),            //     err => throw(«foo», err),
      /* throwaway */);                           //     throwaway);

    function resume(/* «foo», */ res) {           //   // 3.a suspend foo ...
      w = /* resumed */ res;                      //   w = suspend(«foo», ...);
      resolvePromise(/* implicit_promise, */ w);  //   resolvePromise(implicit_promise, w);
  });                                             //   // 3.b ... and return implicit_promise
  return implicit_promise;                        //   suspend(..., implicit_promise);


得分: 2

I also can't quite grasp the idea of this PromiseCapability Record.

在规范中,它是一个内部值,用于“封装一个能够解决或拒绝该 promise 的函数”,基本上实现了延迟模式

It doesn't seem to be the same thing throwaway promise was representing.


What exactly is this throwaway promise, and what is the semantics of this parameter passed to performPromiseThen?

.then()调用涉及两个独立的promise:在b = a.then()中,a是已安装处理程序的promise,而b是由该方法创建的新promise,用于解决处理程序的结果。这第二个promise就是resultCapability用于的东西。

In other words, you're looking for


const throwaway = promise.then(
    res => _resume(/* «foo», */ res),
    err => _throw(/* «foo», */ err),


However the signature for PerformPromiseThen is:


PerformPromiseThen( promise, onFulfilled, onRejected [ , resultCapability ] )

The last argument being optional


Indeed, however at the time the article you're quoting was written, the argument was not yet optional.


> I also can't quite grasp the idea of this PromiseCapability Record.

In the spec, it's an internal value "used to encapsulate a Promise […] along with the functions that are capable of resolving or rejecting that promise.", basically implementing the deferred pattern.

> It doesn't seem to be the same thing throwaway promise was representing.

Not quite the same, but representing the same thing. In V8, (a reference to) the promise object is all you need to resolve it, just call some of its internal methods. So the code does just directly pass the promise that PerformPromiseThen should resolve.

> What exactly is this throwaway promise, and what is the semantics of this parameter passed to performPromiseThen?

A .then() call deals with two separate promises: in b = a.then(), a is the promise that the handlers are installed on where as b is a new promise created by the method to be resolved with the result of the handlers. This second promise is what the resultCapability is used for.

In other words, you're looking for

const throwaway = promise.then(
    res => _resume(/* «foo», */ res),
    err => _throw(/* «foo», */ err),

where the throwaway value is not used afterwards but just thrown away. (Notice it always will fulfill anyway, so no need for unhandled rejection tracking).

> However the signature for PerformPromiseThen is:
> PerformPromiseThen( promise, onFulfilled, onRejected [ , resultCapability ] )
> The last argument being optional

Indeed, however at the time the article you're quoting was written, the argument was not yet optional.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月1日 04:10:23
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