How do I integrate checkboxes and comboboxes with different values and do a basic math statement using only selection if-else-then-elseif statements?

huangapple go评论45阅读模式

How do I integrate checkboxes and comboboxes with different values and do a basic math statement using only selection if-else-then-elseif statements?






Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
    If cboBuilding.Text = "Crashing Waves" Then
        lblRentDisplay.Text = txtBaseRent.Text + 210
    ElseIf cboBuilding.Text = "SunView" Then
        lblRentDisplay.Text = txtBaseRent.Text + 0
    End If
    If chkLanai.Checked = True Then
        lblRentDisplay.Text = txtBaseRent.Text + 65
    End If
    If chkRooftopDeck.Checked = True Then
        lblRentDisplay.Text = txtBaseRent.Text + 120
    End If
    If chkNonSmoking.Checked = True Then
        lblRentDisplay.Text = txtBaseRent.Text - 25
        lblRentDisplay.Text = txtBaseRent.Text + 0
    End If
End Sub




My class homework is asking me to create a form wherein different selected checkboxes and combobox choices will add or subtract from an inputted amount and output the result to a label box when a button is pressed.

My professor tells me that the solution isn't a giant block of nested if statements that show every combination possible, but rather should be a simple solution where if we were to expand the form with two more checkboxes, it should only take a couple of lines to expand it, and not exponentially increase the amount of code we should have.

The professor also states that we are only limited to using if, then, and elseif statements. AND/OR/NOT are allowed. Variables and cases are not allowed. The algorithm has to be very simple.

I have currently tried this code snippet, which currently makes only the last set of if-then statements to work. Everything before that does not work.

    Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
        If cboBuilding.Text = "Crashing Waves" Then
            lblRentDisplay.Text = txtBaseRent.Text + 210
        ElseIf cboBuilding.Text = "SunView" Then
            lblRentDisplay.Text = txtBaseRent.Text + 0
        End If
        If chkLanai.Checked = True Then
            lblRentDisplay.Text = txtBaseRent.Text + 65
        End If
        If chkRooftopDeck.Checked = True Then
            lblRentDisplay.Text = txtBaseRent.Text + 120
        End If
        If chkNonSmoking.Checked = True Then
            lblRentDisplay.Text = txtBaseRent.Text - 25
            lblRentDisplay.Text = txtBaseRent.Text + 0
        End If

I have even nested the checkbox statements under each of the combo box statements and have had no luck.

Even creating a giant block of every combination yielded me no results.


得分: 1

首先,打开 Option Strict(或 Option Infer)! 起初可能会感觉需要额外工作,但当你习惯后,这确实会让你更快速、更准确。

顺便说一下,所有控件都有一个 Tag 属性<sup>*</sup>。使用这个属性来存储每个控件的租金调整值。然后按照以下方式操作:

Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
    Static perkMap As New Dictionary(Of String, Integer) From {
           { &quot;Crashing Waves&quot;, 120},
           { &quot;SunView&quot;, 0}

    Dim perkPrice As Integer = 0
    If perkMap.ContainsKey(cboBuilding.Text) Then
        perkPrice = perkMap(cboBuilding.Text)
    End If

    Dim adjustmentPrice As Integer = 
        Me.Controls.OfType(Of CheckBox)().
            Where(Function(cb) cb.Checked).
            Select(Function(cb) CInt(cb.Tag)).

    lblRentDisplay.Text = (CInt(txtBaseRent.Text) + perkPrice + adjustmentPrice).ToString()
End Sub

但考虑到这看起来像是你还没有学会如何使用 lambda 表达式方法的作业类型,你可能更喜欢这样编写:

Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
    Static perkMap As New Dictionary(Of String, Integer) From {
           { &quot;Crashing Waves&quot;, 120},
           { &quot;SunView&quot;, 0}

    Dim perkPrice As Integer = 0
    If perkMap.ContainsKey(cboBuilding.Text) Then
        perkPrice = perkMap(cboBuilding.Text)
    End If

    Dim adjustmentPrice As Integer = 0
    Dim checkboxes = Me.Controls.OfType(Of CheckBox)()
    For Each box as CheckBox In checkboxes
        If box.Checked Then
           adjustmentPrice += CInt(box.Tag)
        End If

    lblRentDisplay.Text = (CInt(txtBaseRent.Text) + perkPrice + adjustmentPrice).ToString()
End Sub

除了 Tag 属性之外,你还可以使用类似于 perkMap 的字典来存储租金调整,根据每个复选框的 Name 属性查找值。

如果你还没有遇到泛型并且不熟悉使用 OfType(Of T),你可以创建一个数组并在方法开始时将复选框添加到其中。然后,当你添加复选框时,唯一需要调整的代码是将其添加到数组中。

最后,有可能你的窗体上还有其他不属于此组的复选框。在这种情况下,将所有这些复选框放在一个公共容器控件中,例如 PanelGroupBoxFlowLayoutPanel。然后,在调用 OfType(Of T) 方法时,可以使用该父容器而不是 Me

<sub>* 顺便说一句:我希望看到一个更新的 WinForms,其中包含一组使用泛型类型的控件来处理这个属性。</sub>


First of all, turn on Option Strict (or Option Infer)! I know it seems like extra work at first, but this really will make you faster and more accurate as you get used to it.

That out of the way, all controls have a Tag property<sup>*</sup>. Use this property to store the rent adjustment value for each control. Then do this:

Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
    Static perkMap As New Dictionary(Of String, Integer) From {
           { &quot;Crashing Waves&quot;, 120},
           { &quot;SunView&quot;, 0}

    Dim perkPrice As Integer = 0
    If perkMap.ContainsKey(cboBuilding.Text) Then
        perkPrice = perkMap(cboBuilding.Text)
    End If

    Dim adjustmentPrice As Integer = 
        Me.Controls.OfType(Of CheckBox)().
            Where(Function(cb) cb.Checked).
            Select(Function(cb) CInt(cb.Tag)).

    lblRentDisplay.Text = (CInt(txtBaseRent.Text) + perkPrice + adjustmentPrice).ToString()
End Sub

But given this looks like the type of homework where you haven't learned how to use those lambda expression methods yet, you might prefer to write it like this:

Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
    Static perkMap As New Dictionary(Of String, Integer) From {
           { &quot;Crashing Waves&quot;, 120},
           { &quot;SunView&quot;, 0}

    Dim perkPrice As Integer = 0
    If perkMap.ContainsKey(cboBuilding.Text) Then
        perkPrice = perkMap(cboBuilding.Text)
    End If

    Dim adjustmentPrice As Integer = 0
    Dim checkboxes = Me.Controls.OfType(Of CheckBox)()
    For Each box as CheckBox In checkboxes
        If box.Checked Then
           adjustmentPrice += CInt(box.Tag)
        End If

    lblRentDisplay.Text = (CInt(txtBaseRent.Text) + perkPrice + adjustmentPrice).ToString()
End Sub

Separate from the Tag property you could also instead a Dictionary similar to perkMap to store the rent adjustments, where you lookup the value based on each CheckBox's Name property.

If you haven't encountered generics yet and aren't comfortable using OfType(Of T), you can make an array and add the checkboxes to it at the beginning of the method. Then the only code adjustment needed when you add a checkbox is to also add it to the array.

Finally, it's possible you have other checkboxes on the form that are not part of this group. Of course you don't want to use those here. In that situation, put all these checkboxes in a common container control, like a Panel, GroupBox, or FlowLayoutPanel. Then you can use that parent instead of Me when calling the OfType(Of T) method.

<sub>* Aside: I'd love to see an updated WinForms with a set of controls using a generic type for this property.</sub>


得分: 0


If cboBuilding.Text = "Crashing Waves" Then
    lblRentDisplay.Text = txtBaseRent.Text + 210
End If
If chkLanai.Checked = True Then
    lblRentDisplay.Text = lblRentDisplay.Text + 65
End If
If chkRooftopDeck.Checked = True Then
    lblRentDisplay.Text = lblRentDisplay.Text + 120
End If
If chkNonSmoking.Checked = True Then
    lblRentDisplay.Text = lblRentDisplay.Text - 25
End If



You're explicitly calculating each modification by starting over from the base value every time. Only the first calculation should use the "base rent". Each subsequent one should simply add or remove from what is already in lblRentDisplay:

If cboBuilding.Text = &quot;Crashing Waves&quot; Then
    lblRentDisplay.Text = txtBaseRent.Text + 210
End If
If chkLanai.Checked = True Then
    lblRentDisplay.Text = lblRentDisplay.Text + 65
End If
If chkRooftopDeck.Checked = True Then
    lblRentDisplay.Text = lblRentDisplay.Text + 120
End If
If chkNonSmoking.Checked = True Then
    lblRentDisplay.Text = lblRentDisplay.Text - 25
End If

*Caveat, using the .Text property to do math should be HIGHLY DISCOURAGED! Ideally you'd declare some class level variables that hold NUMERIC values and do math with those instead. Then simply update the label at the end with the calculated value.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月1日 03:58:18
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