使用Office365 Excel数组公式,如何计算累积加权平均价格?

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Using Office365 Excel array formulas, how can a cummulative weighted average price be calculated?




(sum(h3) * sum(i3) + b4 * c4) / (sum(h3) + b4)

Sum() 用于在引用第3行时返回第4行的零值,第3行是标题。每天,将前一天的累积总金额和累积加权平均价格与新一天的金额和价格相结合... 从而计算出新的累积总金额和新的累积加权平均价格。


=LET(day, A4:A12, amt, B4:B12, price, C4:C12, prevTotalAmt, OFFSET(H4:H12,-1,), prevAvgPrice,OFFSET(I4:I12,-1,),
newTotalAmt, IF(day = 1, 0, prevTotalAmt) + amt,
newTotalPrice, (IF(day = 1, 0, prevTotalAmt * prevAvgPrice) + amt * price) / newTotalAmt,
HSTACK(newTotalAmt, newTotalPrice) )


日期 数量 价格
1 100 1.00
2 100 3.00
3 250 2.00
4 400 5.00
5 100 2.00
6 200 3.00
7 100 7.00
8 100 3.00
9 100 2.00

Each day, there is a new sale for a given amount and price. How can a cummulative total amount and weighted average price be calculated for that day with an array formula?

Without an array formula, it's simple using this formula and copying it down:

(sum(h3) * sum(i3) + b4 * c4) / (sum(h3) + b4)

Sum() is used to return zero on row 4 when it references row 3, which is a heading. Each day, the previous cumulative total amount and cumulative weighted average price is combined with the new day's amt and price... which calculates a new cumulative total amount and a new cumulative weighted average price.

How can the same thing be done using an array formula? This attempt doesn't work due to circular logic when referencing the previous row's numbers.

=LET(day, A4:A12, amt, B4:B12, price, C4:C12, prevTotalAmt, OFFSET(H4:H12,-1,), prevAvgPrice,OFFSET(I4:I12,-1,),
    newTotalAmt,    IF(day = 1, 0, prevTotalAmt) + amt,
    newTotalPrice,   (IF(day = 1, 0, prevTotalAmt * prevAvgPrice) + amt * price) / newTotalAmt,
HSTACK(newTotalAmt, newTotalPrice) )

使用Office365 Excel数组公式,如何计算累积加权平均价格?


Day Quantity Price
1 100 1.00
2 100 3.00
3 250 2.00
4 400 5.00
5 100 2.00
6 200 3.00
7 100 7.00
8 100 3.00
9 100 2.00


得分: 4



使用Office365 Excel数组公式,如何计算累积加权平均价格?

E2 单元格中的公式:

=LET(amt, B2:B10, price, C2:C10,
    accumFunc,      LAMBDA(a, v, a + v),
    totalAmt,       SCAN(0, amt, accumFunc),
    weightedPrice,  SCAN(0, amt * price, accumFunc),         
HSTACK(totalAmt, ROUND( weightedPrice / totalAmt, 2))  )


首先,对于每一天,使用 SCAN() 计算累计金额。当与 SCAN() 一起使用时,LAMBDA() 函数的第一个参数是累加器,第二个参数是下一个数组值,a 和 v。累加器的初始值设置为零(SCAN() 函数的第一个参数)。

然后,通过将每个金额乘以价格来计算加权价格的累计值。使用 HSTACK() 来显示每天的累计金额旁边的加权平均价格。


This might be a bit too verbose:

使用Office365 Excel数组公式,如何计算累积加权平均价格?

Formula in E2:

=LET(amt, B2:B10, price, C2:C10,
    accumFunc,      LAMBDA(a, v, a + v),
    totalAmt,       SCAN(0, amt, accumFunc),
    weightedPrice,  SCAN(0, amt * price, accumFunc),         
HSTACK(totalAmt, ROUND( weightedPrice / totalAmt, 2))  )

The trick here is to use running totals and apply basic math.

First, for each day, the running total amount is calculated using SCAN(). The LAMBDA() function when used with SCAN() has an accumulator as the first parameter and the next array value as the the second parameter, a and v. The initial value of the accumulator is set to zero (first parameter of the SCAN() function).

The calculation is repeated for the weighted price by weighting (multiplying) each amount by the price. HSTACK() is used to show the cumulative amount next to the weighted average price for each day.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月1日 03:24:33
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