如何在Android Room中使用唯一索引来执行Upsert操作?

huangapple go评论57阅读模式

How to Upsert item with unique index in Android Room?


I have translated the code sections as requested:


   "product": {
      "barcode": "2489752310342",
      "productName": "Trench coat",
      "priceList": [
          "price": 345
          "price": 123

我以这种方式获取数据并将其写入SQLite与Android Room数据库一起使用。我有Product和Price实体,它们之间存在一对多的关系。我将数据存储在Product Entity的priceList中,在Price Entity中(我知道可以使用Type Converters的帮助将其存储为Product中的字符串类型列,但我的经理要求我将其存储在另一个Entity中)。


@Entity(tableName = "product", indices = {@Index(value = {"barcode"},
        unique = true)})
public class Product {

    @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
    @ColumnInfo(name = "id")
    private int id;

    @ColumnInfo(name = "barcode")
    private String barcode;

    @ColumnInfo(name = "product_name")
    private String productName;

    @ColumnInfo(name = "price_list")
    private ArrayList<Price> priceList;


@Entity(tableName = "price",
        foreignKeys = @ForeignKey(
                entity = Product.class,
                parentColumns = "id",
                childColumns = "product_id",
                onDelete = ForeignKey.CASCADE,
                onUpdate = ForeignKey.CASCADE
public class Price {

    @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
    @ColumnInfo(name = "id")
    private int id;

    @ColumnInfo(name = "product_id")
    private int productId;

    @ColumnInfo(name = "price")
    private int price;


private void upsertProduct(Product product){
    int insertedRowId = (int) productDao.upsertData(product);


private void addPricesDependOnProductId(Product product) {
    for (Price price : product.getPriceList()) {



我删除了Price表中的所有项目,然后再次从API获取数据。但是我遇到了“UNIQUE constraint failed: product.barcode (code 2067 SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_UNIQUE)”错误。据我了解,Room抛出此异常,因为我尝试插入已经存在的条形码,这必须是唯一的。


public interface ProductDao {
    long upsertData(Product product);


public interface PriceDao {
    @Query("DELETE FROM price")
    void deleteAllPrices();

    void upsertPrice(Price price);




@Query("SELECT * FROM product WHERE barcode = :barcode")
Product getProductByBarcode(String barcode);


private void upsertProduct(Product product){
        String barcode = product.getBarcode();
        new Thread(() -> {
            Product productInDB = productDao.getProductByBarcode(barcode);
            if (productInDB == null) {
                // If there is no product with given unique barcode in DB insert and get id of it.
                int insertedRowId = (int) productDao.upsertData(product);
                // After inserting the product in DB, assign its id to the product object that I've got from API call.
            } else {
                // If product item already exists in DB fetch from the DB and set product's price list to it.

I have JSON data in an API host like this

   &quot;product&quot;: {
      &quot;barcode&quot;: &quot;2489752310342&quot;,
      &quot;productName&quot;: &quot;Trench coat&quot;,
      &quot;priceList&quot;: [
          &quot;price&quot;: 345
          &quot;price&quot;: 123

I'm fetching data in this form and writing to SQLite with Android Room database. I have Product and Price entities and there is a one-to-many relationship between them. I'm storing the data in Product Entity's priceList in Price entity (I know I can store this as a column in Product with string type with the help of Type Converters but my manager wanted me to store it in another Entity).


@Entity(tableName = &quot;product&quot;, indices = {@Index(value = {&quot;barcode&quot;},
        unique = true)})
public class Product {

    @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
    @ColumnInfo(name = &quot;id&quot;)
    private int id;

    @ColumnInfo(name = &quot;barcode&quot;)
    private String barcode;

    @ColumnInfo(name = &quot;product_name&quot;)
    private String productName;

    @ColumnInfo(name = &quot;price_list&quot;)
    private ArrayList&lt;Price&gt; priceList;


@Entity(tableName = &quot;price&quot;,
        foreignKeys = @ForeignKey(
                entity = Product.class,
                parentColumns = &quot;id&quot;,
                childColumns = &quot;product_id&quot;,
                onDelete = ForeignKey.CASCADE,
                onUpdate = ForeignKey.CASCADE
public class Price {

    @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
    @ColumnInfo(name = &quot;id&quot;)
    private int id;

    @ColumnInfo(name = &quot;product_id&quot;)
    private int productId;

    @ColumnInfo(name = &quot;price&quot;)
    private int price;

Since defining a relationship between these requires a product id, after I fetch data from API I Upsert Product to the database like this

private void upsertProduct(Product product){
    int insertedRowId = (int) productDao.upsertData(product);

After I assign an id to Product, I assign this id to Price product id like this

private void addPricesDependOnProductId(Product product) {
    for (Price price : product.getPriceList()) {

This works like a charm and I can get Price and Product data using the intermediate data class.

After these things are done my manager wanted me to do delete all the rows in the Price table and insert them again without changing the ids of Product items.

I deleted all the items in the Price table and fetch the data from API again. But I faced "UNIQUE constraint failed: product.barcode (code 2067 SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_UNIQUE)" error. As I understand room throws this exception because I tried to insert an already existing barcode which must be unique.


public interface ProductDao {
    long upsertData(Product product);


public interface PriceDao {
    @Query(&quot;DELETE FROM price&quot;)
    void deleteAllPrices();

    void upsertPrice(Price price);


I'm expecting if a Product item already exists in the Product table I'll get the id of it, assign this id to the Price item's product id and write to DB without increasing the primary key of the Product (Product's product id must be the same as the before deleting all the items in the Price table). Is it possible to do this without increase id of the Product?


I added this method in ProductDao.java

@Query(&quot;SELECT * FROM product WHERE barcode = :barcode&quot;)
Product getProductByBarcode(String barcode);

And updated my method like this

private void upsertProduct(Product product){
        String barcode = product.getBarcode();
        new Thread(() -&gt; {
            Product productInDB = productDao.getProductByBarcode(barcode);
            if (productInDB == null) {
                // If there is no product with given unique barcode in DB insert and get id of it.
                int insertedRowId = (int) productDao.upsertData(product);
                // After inserting the product in DB, assign its id to the product object that I&#39;ve got from API call.
            } else {
                // If product item already exists in DB fetch from the DB and set product&#39;s price list to it.


得分: 1


Is it possible to do this without increase id of Product?

Yes. However :-



为了简洁起见,这是一个@Dao抽象类,包含所有DAO(请注意,Price Daos未在演示中使用):-

abstract class AllDAOs {
    abstract long upsertData(Product product);
    @Query("DELETE FROM price")
    abstract void deleteAllPrices();
    abstract void upsertPrice(Price price);

    /* Query to return the number of matching rows according to barcode or id.
        should only return 0 (no row) or 1 (matched)
    @Query("SELECT count() FROM product WHERE id=:id OR barcode LIKE :barcode")
    abstract int ifProductExists(int id, String barcode);
    /* just in case the product name is changed then allow updating of the product */
    @Query("UPDATE product SET product_name=:productName WHERE barcode LIKE :barcode")
    abstract int updateProduct(String productName, String barcode);

    /* The equivalent of the Upsert that caters with the two UNIQUE indexes */
    long /* always want to return the id */ upsertProduct(Product product) {
        /* If the Product exists then UPDATE the product name of the existing row */
        if (ifProductExists(product.getId(),product.getBarcode()) > 0) {
            updateProduct(product.getProductName(), product.getBarcode());
            return product.getId();
        } else {
            /* If the Product does not exist then insert it using the Upsert (as that exists)
                really it would be more correct to use an `@Insert`
            return upsertData(product);




public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    TheDatabase db;
    AllDAOs dao;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        db = TheDatabase.getInstance(this);
        dao = db.geAllDAOs();

        Product prd1 = new Product();
        prd1.setProductName("Trench coat");
        prd1.setPriceList(new ArrayList<Price>());
        prd1.setProductName("Updated Trench Coat");


    void logInsertProduct(Product product) {
        String result = "Successful";
        long rowidOfInsert = dao.upsertProduct(product);
        if (rowidOfInsert < 0) result = "Unsuccessful";
        Log.d("UPSERTPRODUCT","The result of insert product " + product.getProductName() + " was " + result + "rowid returned was " + rowidOfInsert);

Demo Results


如何在Android Room中使用唯一索引来执行Upsert操作?



2023-05-30 18:13:17.325 D/UPSERTPRODUCT: The result of insert product Trench coat was Successfulrowid returned was 1
2023-05-30 18:13:17.331 D/UPSERTPRODUCT: The result of insert product Updated Trench Coat was Successfulrowid returned was 0
2023-05-30 18:13:17.346 D/UPSERTPRODUCT: The result of insert product Updated Trench Coat was Successfulrowid returned was 0




> Is it possible to do this without increase id of Product?

Yes. However:-

Room's @Upsert is a convenience method and only copes with typical/common/basic usage. As such to cater for the more complex nature of multiple UNIQUE constraints then you could have a method in an @Dao that effectively mimics an Upsert.

This would require methods that have bodies and thus an @Dao that is an abstract class as opposed to an interface.

For brevity here's an @Dao abstract class, that embodies all the DAOs (not that the Price Daos are used in the demo):-

abstract class AllDAOs {
    abstract long upsertData(Product product);
    @Query(&quot;DELETE FROM price&quot;)
    abstract void deleteAllPrices();
    abstract void upsertPrice(Price price);

    /* Query to return the number of matching rows according to barcode or id.
        should only return 0 (no row) or 1 (matched)
    @Query(&quot;SELECT count() FROM product WHERE id=:id OR barcode LIKE :barcode&quot;)
    abstract int ifProductExists(int id, String barcode);
    /* just in case the product name is changed then allow updating of the product */
    @Query(&quot;UPDATE product SET product_name=:productName WHERE barcode LIKE :barcode&quot;)
    abstract int updateProduct(String productName, String barcode);

    /* The equivalent of the Upsert that caters with the two UNIQUE indexes */
    long /* always want to return the id */ upsertProduct(Product product) {
        /* If the Product exists then UPDATE the product name of the existing row */
        if (ifProductExists(product.getId(),product.getBarcode()) &gt; 0) {
            updateProduct(product.getProductName(), product.getBarcode());
            return product.getId();
        } else {
            /* If the Product does not exist then insert it using the Upsert (as that exists)
                really it would be more correct to use an `@Insert`
            return upsertData(product);


The following demo uses the upsertProduct method to insert the same Product 3 times, without failing and also after the first also updates the Product's name (it is not specified whether or not the name could change, so just in case this feature was included).

The following is the activity code (note .alloMainThreadQueries has been used for brevity and convenience):-

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    TheDatabase db;
    AllDAOs dao;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        db = TheDatabase.getInstance(this);
        dao = db.geAllDAOs();

        Product prd1 = new Product();
        prd1.setProductName(&quot;Trench coat&quot;);
        prd1.setPriceList(new ArrayList&lt;Price&gt;(){});
        prd1.setProductName(&quot;Updated Trench Coat&quot;);


    void logInsertProduct(Product product) {
        String result = &quot;Successful&quot;;
        long rowidOfInsert = dao.upsertProduct(product);
        if (rowidOfInsert &lt; 0) result = &quot;Unsuccessful&quot;;
        Log.d(&quot;UPSERTPRODUCT&quot;,&quot;The result of insert product &quot; + product.getProductName() + &quot; was &quot; + result + &quot;rowid returned was &quot; + rowidOfInsert);

Demo Results

After running the product table:-

如何在Android Room中使用唯一索引来执行Upsert操作?

i.e. the id is 1 as per the initial upsertProduct, but the name has changed according to the 2nd and 3rd upsertProduct

And the Log includes:-

2023-05-30 18:13:17.325 D/UPSERTPRODUCT: The result of insert product Trench coat was Successfulrowid returned was 1
2023-05-30 18:13:17.331 D/UPSERTPRODUCT: The result of insert product Updated Trench Coat was Successfulrowid returned was 0
2023-05-30 18:13:17.346 D/UPSERTPRODUCT: The result of insert product Updated Trench Coat was Successfulrowid returned was 0

Another alternative would be to use the barcode as the primary key, but that then is less efficient as even though SQLite will store the value as if it were a number (iirc) as the column would be of type TEXT, it would not be an alias of the more efficient rowid (which can be up to twice as fast).

An even riskier, and more complex alternative could be to drop the index on the barcode, do the upsert and then create the index.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月30日 05:17:28
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76360363.html



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