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JavaDoc for Method with Multiple Signatures




在JavaDoc中是否有一种方式可以链接到完整的文档 - 或者其他一些不必一遍又一遍地重写文档的方式?

 * 用于格式化字符串的函数
 * @param s 要格式化的字符串
 * @param bold 字符串是否应为粗体?
 * @param cursive 字符串是否应为斜体?
 * @return 格式化后的字符串
public static String formatMe(String s, Boolean bold, Boolean cursive){
    String res = s;

    // 处理粗体选项
    if (bold) {
        res = "BOLD" + res + "BOLD";

    // 处理斜体选项
    if (cursive) {
        res = "KURSIVE" + res + "KURSIVE";

    // 返回结果
    return res;

public static String formatMe(){
    return formatMe("", false, false);

public static String formatMe(String s){
    return formatMe(s, false, false);

Suppose I have a method with multiple signatures (just a silly example). The method with all parameters is the actuall workhorse and all other methods are convenience shortcuts.

I have documented the workhorse method using JavaDoc.
Since all other methods work the same I do not want to duplicate the documentation.

Is there a way in JavaDoc to link to the full documentation - or some other way to not have to re-write the documentation over and over again?

     * Function to format a string
     * @param s string to be formatted
     * @param bold string should be bold?
     * @param cursive string should be cursive?
     * @return a formatted string 
    public static String formatMe(String s, Boolean bold, Boolean cursive){
        String res = s;

        // handle bold option
        if (bold) {
            res = "BOLD" + res + "BOLD";

        // handle cursive option
        if (cursive) {
            res = "KURSIVE" + res + "KURSIVE";

        // return
        return res;

    public static String formatMe(){
        return formatMe("", false, false);
    public static String formatMe(String s){
        return formatMe(s, false, false);


# 答案1
**得分**: 3


OOTB JavaDoc不提供一种在一组方法或其他元素上具有相同文档的功能但是您可以引用已经存在的文档就像这样

 * 用于格式化字符串的函数。
 * @param s 要格式化的字符串。
 * @param bold 如果字符串应该是粗体,则为{@code true},否则为{@code false}。
 * @param cursive 如果字符串应该是斜体,则为{@code true},否则为{@code false}。
 * @return 格式化后的字符串。
public static String formatMe( final String s, final boolean bold, final boolean cursive )
    var retValue = s;

    // 处理粗体选项
    if( bold ) retValue = &quot;BOLD&quot; + retValue + &quot;BOLD&quot;;

    // 处理斜体选项
    if( cursive ) retValue = &quot;KURSIVE&quot; + retValue + &quot;KURSIVE&quot;;

    // 完成!
    return retValue;

 * 用于格式化字符串的函数。
 * 调用
 * {@link #formatMe(String,boolean,boolean)}
 * 使用参数{@code &amp;quot;&amp;quot;,false,false}。
 * @return 格式化后的字符串。
public static String formatMe()
    return formatMe( &quot;&quot;, false, false );

 * 用于格式化字符串的函数。
 * 调用
 * {@link #formatMe(String,boolean,boolean)}
 * 使用参数{@code s,false,false}。
 * @param s 要格式化的字符串。
 * @return 格式化后的字符串。
public static String formatMe( String s )
    return formatMe( s, false, false );


 * 用于格式化字符串的函数。
 * @param s 要格式化的字符串。
 * @param bold 如果字符串应该是粗体,则为{@code true},否则为{@code false}。
 * @param cursive 如果字符串应该是斜体,则为{@code true},否则为{@code false}。
 * @return 格式化后的字符串。 
public static String formatMe( final String s, final boolean bold, final boolean cursive )
    var retValue = s;

    // 处理粗体选项
    if( bold ) retValue = &quot;BOLD&quot; + retValue + &quot;BOLD&quot;;

    // 处理斜体选项
    if( cursive ) retValue = &quot;KURSIVE&quot; + retValue + &quot;KURSIVE&quot;;

    // 完成!
    return retValue;

 * {@copyDoc #formatMe(String,boolean,boolean)}
public static String formatMe()
    return formatMe( &quot;&quot;, false, false );

 * {@copyDoc #formatMe(String,boolean,boolean)}
public static String formatMe( String s )
    return formatMe( s, false, false );




Yes … no …

The OOTB JavaDoc does not provide a functionality to have the same documentation for a group of methods (or other elements). But you can refer to an already existing documentation, like this:

 * Function to format a string.
 * @param s The string to be formatted.
 * @param bold {@code true} if the string should be bold, {@code false}
 *    otherwise.
 * @param cursive {@code true} if the string should be cursive, {@code false}
 *    otherwise.
 * @return A formatted string.
public static String formatMe( final String s, final boolean bold, final boolean cursive )
    var retValue = s;

    // handle bold option
    if( bold ) retValue = &quot;BOLD&quot; + retValue + &quot;BOLD&quot;;

    // handle cursive option
    if( cursive ) retValue = &quot;KURSIVE&quot; + retValue + &quot;KURSIVE&quot;;

    // Done!
    return retValue;

 * Function to format a string.
 * Calls
 * {@link #formatMe(String,boolean,boolean)}
 * with the arguments {@code &amp;quot;&amp;quot;,false,false}.
 * @return A formatted string. 
public static String formatMe()
    return formatMe( &quot;&quot;, false, false );

 * Function to format a string.
 * Calls
 * {@link #formatMe(String,boolean,boolean)}
 * with the arguments {@code s,false,false}.
 * @param s The string to be formatted.
 * @return A formatted string.
public static String formatMe( String s )
    return formatMe( s, false, false );

Alternatively, you can implement your own JavaDoc tag that works along the lines of {@inheritDoc}:

 * Function to format a string.
 * @param s The string to be formatted.
 * @param bold {@code true} if the string should be bold, {@code false}
 *    otherwise.
 * @param cursive {@code true} if the string should be cursive, {@code false}
 *    otherwise.
 * @return A formatted string. 
public static String formatMe( final String s, final boolean bold, final boolean cursive )
    var retValue = s;

    // handle bold option
    if( bold ) retValue = &quot;BOLD&quot; + retValue + &quot;BOLD&quot;;

    // handle cursive option
    if( cursive ) retValue = &quot;KURSIVE&quot; + retValue + &quot;KURSIVE&quot;;

    // Done!
    return retValue;

 * {@copyDoc #formatMe(String,boolean,boolean)}
public static String formatMe()
    return formatMe( &quot;&quot;, false, false );

 * {@copyDoc #formatMe(String,boolean,boolean)}
public static String formatMe( String s )
    return formatMe( s, false, false );

Your new tag can copy the @return tag and those @param tags that match the current signature plus the general description.

But me personally, I just use copy, paste and edit instead.


得分: 1

"More details here" 可翻译为 "更多详情请查看",链接部分不需要翻译。

{@link #member() label}

More details here:

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月30日 00:14:39
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