typeof(T) vs new T().GetType() 可以翻译为: typeof(T) 与 new T().GetType()

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typeof(T) vs new T().GetType()




在泛型方法Foo<T> where T : new()中,这个表达式是否始终为true

typeof(T) == new T().GetType()




Are the two expressions guaranteed to be identical?

In a generic method Foo<T> where T : new() ... is this expression always true?

typeof(T) == new T().GetType()

I don't see how it could be false, but perhaps I'm missing an edge-case.

I don't think this is addressed in any of the following related questions:


得分: 7

typeof(T)new T().GetType() 不完全相同。实际上,new T().GetType() 不是“安全”的。

考虑当 Tint? 或类似的类型时,new T() 将导致 null - 实际上是一个具有 HasValue = falseint? 实例,它实际上是一个结构体。对一个没有值的可空值类型进行装箱会导致 null,并且调用继承自 object 的方法将首先装箱该值。因此,在这种情况下,new T().GetType() 会引发空引用异常。

typeof(T) == new T().GetType()



typeof(T) and new T().GetType() are not quite identical. In fact, new T().GetType() is not "safe".

Consider when T is an int? or something similar, then new T() will result in null - actually an instance of int? with HasValue = false, which is actually a struct. Boxing a nullable value type that has no value results in null, and calling a method on it that is inherited from object will box the value first. So new T().GetType() throws a null reference exception in this case.

> is this expression always true
> typeof(T) == new T().GetType()

It might be that it is never false (ie either true or does not evaluate to a value), but I may be overlooking some other strange edge case.


得分: 2


Tint?DateTime?或任何其他可空值类型时,new T()的结果是null。在null上调用GetType()当然会导致NullReferenceException异常。但让我们尝试一些其他方式:

static Type? WhichType<T>(T value) => value?.GetType();


var type1 = WhichType<int?>(0);
var type2 = WhichType((int?)0);



var targetType = typeof(T);
if (targetType.IsConstructedGenericType &&
    targetType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>)
    targetType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(targetType);



> In a generic method Foo&lt;T&gt; where T : new() ... is this expression always true?
> typeof(T) == new T().GetType()

Sadly, no. For reference types (including nullable reference types) with default constructors then yes, but this doesn't hold true for nullable value types.

Where T is int? or DateTime? or any other nullable value type, the result of new T() is null. Calling GetType() on null is of course going to result in a NullReferenceException. But let's try something else:

static Type? WhichType&lt;T&gt;(T value) =&gt; value?.GetType();

This won't throw an exception, but may return null. Now let's try it out:

var type1 = WhichType&lt;int?&gt;(0);
var type2 = WhichType((int?)0);

Since nullable value types are treated specially by the C# compiler, it's not entirely clear that the result of calling GetType() on a nullable value type will return the inner type, and it makes some sense. Sadly it doesn't help you much when someone calls your generic method with the wrong type.

And in case you're wondering, it works on any value type not just value primitives:

public struct TestType { }

var type1 = WhichType&lt;DateTime?&gt;(DateTime.Now);
var type2 = WhichType&lt;TestType?&gt;(new TestType());

Where this may be an issue is when you're trying to compare the type of a value with an expected type where T is a nullable value type. In this case you need to use a bit of code to figure things out.

var targetType = typeof(T);
if (targetType.IsConstructedGenericType &amp;&amp;
    targetType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable&lt;&gt;)
    targetType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(targetType);

This will unwrap the Nullable&lt;&gt; from the outer type if necessary, allowing you to compare it to the an object instance type.


得分: 0

这段代码的大意是讨论了在不同情况下,使用 GetType()typeof(T) 这两种方式获取类型信息可能会得到不同的结果。在代码中提到了如果 T 是一个非抽象类并且有一个子类 R,那么使用 GetType() 会返回实际运行时的类型,而 typeof(T) 返回的是编译时的类型。最后,代码展示了在不同情况下,使用这两种方式获取类型信息的结果可能会不同。


It depends what you mean. If you are instantiating T (your var x = new T();) and then immediately after writing

Type t1 =  x.GetType();


if (t1 == typeof(T)) {... } // probably always true by definition

but what if your T is say a non abstract class and has subclass R? Well that changes the picture, doesn't it? I mean GetType() is a run time type (not a static compile type like typeof(T)). So (pseudo-code here below)

var x = new T();
var t1 = x.GetType(); // T 
x = new R();
bool chk1 = t1 == typeof(T); // true;
t1 = x.GetType(); // R
bool chk2 = t1 == typeof(T); // false


得分: -1

我认为它们始终提供相同的结果。不同之处在于,对于 typeof,您不必创建一个新的 T 实例,这实际上是一件好事。此外,如果您使用 typeof 来检查类型,从语义上来说更加明显,而不是创建一个对象的实例。


I suppose they're always provide the same result. The difference is in that for typeof you don't have to create new instance of a T which is rather something good.
Also it's semantically more obvious if you go with typeof to check type rather than creating instance of an object.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月29日 20:57:34
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