如何将单节点的 ML 内容数据库恢复到 3 节点集群中

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How to restore a ML content db from single node to a 3-node-cluster





如何将单节点的 ML 内容数据库恢复到 3 节点集群中



如何将单节点的 ML 内容数据库恢复到 3 节点集群中


  1. 我曾经尝试成功将同样的数据库备份恢复到另一个单节点ML上。
  2. 在过去,我曾成功地以相反的方式执行相同的操作。我将一个3节点集群中的数据库还原到单节点上。我上次做的诀窍是在单节点上创建了三个内容数据库。
  3. 开发和QA都基于相同的ML版本。

I have a single-node ML dev environment. I already took a db backup.
My objective is to restore that db backup to a 3-node ML Cluster for qa.

In order to make the db set up the same, I have already retired the content -2 and content-3 db. Hence in 3-node ML cluster there is only one content forest same as the single-node dev environment.

However, I could see some strange messages like below.

如何将单节点的 ML 内容数据库恢复到 3 节点集群中

Moreoever I do not expect to see is-data-dir message next to the db.

Here is the error message after clicking restore.

如何将单节点的 ML 内容数据库恢复到 3 节点集群中


  1. I did try to restore the very same db backup on another single node ML successfully.
  2. In the past I did successfully do the same things before but it is the reverse way. I restore a DB back from a 3 node cluster to a single node. The trick I did last time is to create three content forests on that single node.
  3. Both dev and qa are based on the same ML version.


得分: 2



is-data-dir 表示该目录是MarkLogic数据目录。

通常最好将备份放在与森林数据分开的地方。当您看到这个信息时,我会怀疑这是否是一个备份位置,如果是的话,是否已将备份文件夹复制到 /var/opt/MarkLogic/ml-backups。您应该将备份放在不同的位置。


> 配置的备份目录与MarkLogic的数据目录相同,或者是MarkLogic的数据目录的子目录。

> 您的备份目录可能不在MarkLogic Server的安装目录或数据区域内。例如,在Unix上,您不应该将备份保存在 /var/opt/MarkLogic/opt/MarkLogic 下。


It appears that you are pointing to a directory that is not a backup directory. MarkLogic backup directories will start with a dateTime of when the backup was taken and will look something like: 20230529-1837423059969.

Maybe you are pointing to the parent directory of where a backup was taken?

is-data-dir is indicating that the directory is a MarkLogic data directory.

It's generally a good idea to put your backups in an area that is separate from the forest data. When you see that, it makes me question if this is a backup location, or if it is - whether you had copied the backup folders to /var/opt/MarkLogic/ml-backups. You should put your backups in a different location.

If you attempt to create a backup inside of the MarkLogic data directory, you will get an error: XDMP-BACKDATADIR. The error page explains that it's a bad idea to put your backups there:

> The configured backup directory is the same as, or is a sub-directory of, MarkLogic's data directory.

> Your backup directory may not be inside the MarkLogic Server installation or data area. For example, on Unix, you should not save your backups under /var/opt/MarkLogic or /opt/MarkLogic.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月29日 05:13:14
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76353622.html



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