In Rust, 'for loops' can print all the values in a Rust range, but {:?} does not print all the values in a range

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In Rust, 'for loops' can print all the values in a Rust range, but {:?} does not print all the values in a range


我尝试使用 let myvar =1..5; 创建了一个范围,然后使用 {:?} 格式化符号和 for 循环打印出它。如果我理解正确的话,在 Rust 中,范围是迭代器,如果 {:?} 可以用于打印数组中的所有值,它应该也可以用于范围。


let myvar = 1..5;
println!("{:?}", myvar);

for i in myvar {
    println!("{}", i);




我期望的是在由 {:?} 格式化符号打印的范围值中看到 1234,而不是 1..5。我正在运行的是 Rust 版本 1.69.0(84c898d65 2023-04-16)。



I tried creating a range with let myvar =1..5;, and then printing it out with both the {:?} formatter and a for loop. If I understand correctly, ranges are iterators in Rust, if {:?} can be used to print out all the values in an array, it should be able to do the same for a range.

However, when I tried running these in my main function:

let myvar=1..5;

for i in myvar{

I got these results instead.



What I expect is to see 1234 for the range values printed out by {:?} formatter instead of 1..5. I'm running rustc 1.69.0 (84c898d65 2023-04-16).

I apologize in advance if this is a basic question, as I have searched in quite a few places and could not find an issue like this (either that, or I'm just not searching with the correct terms).


得分: 3






> if {:?} can be used to print out all the values in an array, it should be able to do the same for a range

All {:?} does is format the value using the value's implementation of the Debug trait. It is up to the value's implementation to decide how to represent the value.

Simply, the array type and range types implement this trait differently. I would argue that the implementation for ranges is more useful than printing out all of the values in the range. Consider a huge range like 1..1000000. If you are trying to inspect a range during debugging to see what it contains, displaying the endpoints of the range is substantially more useful than dumping every value the range semantically contains. More generally, during debugging you usually care more about the value's state and less about what the value does under certain circumstances.

It's also worth noting that there is no blanket implementation of Debug for all iterators -- individual iterator types can choose to implement Debug, or choose not to.


得分: 3

不要翻译的部分: "It does not make much sense for a range to print out every element for its debug output."、"For one, a range is not always used as a sequence of numbers; it is equally used to represent the some "bounds"."、"It would be annoying to debug a rectangle that exists in space between x: 10..100 and y: 40..60 if that output contained each individual number."、"Also used as bounds when passed to .range() on BTreeMaps."、"Secondly, an array represents a collection of elements and thus when debugging it would be helpful to know what those elements are."、"A range on the otherhand is not a collection and you do not need to explicitly show what all values are within that range."、"Its trivial to see it would "contain" elements larger than the starting value, and less than the ending value."、"Thirdly, Rust iterators in general are lazy and read-once; they require modification to progress and yield each element."、"It would be unexpected for a debug statement to exhaust the underlying iterator (and not possible in general without interior mutability)."、"Range could make an exception since it is trivially clonable, but that is not a property of all iterators."


首先,范围并不总是用作数字序列;它同样用于表示一些"边界"。如果输出包含每个单独的数字,那么调试存在于x: 10..100y: 40..60之间的矩形将会很烦人。它也用作传递给BTreeMap.range()时的边界。




It does not make much sense for a range to print out every element for its debug output.

For one, a range is not always used as a sequence of numbers; it is equally used to represent the some "bounds". It would be annoying to debug a rectangle that exists in space between x: 10..100 and y: 40..60 if that output contained each individual number. Also used as bounds when passed to .range() on BTreeMaps.

Secondly, an array represents a collection of elements and thus when debugging it would be helpful to know what those elements are. A range on the otherhand is not a collection and you do not need to explicitly show what all values are within that range. Its trivial to see it would "contain" elements larger than the starting value, and less than the ending value.

Thirdly, Rust iterators in general are lazy and read-once; they require modification to progress and yield each element. It would be unexpected for a debug statement to exhaust the underlying iterator (and not possible in general without interior mutability). Range could make an exception since it is trivially clonable, but that is not a property of all iterators.

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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
