which one is better – s3+cloudfront+waf OR ec2+security group when allowing a specific IP in a frontend built with React

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which one is better - s3+cloudfront+waf OR ec2+security group when allowing a specific IP in a frontend built with React





第二个选项是在EC2上部署前端。我考虑在EC2上使用Docker Compose部署Nginx和React Web应用程序。在这种情况下,我打算在安全组中管理IP白名单。



I'm planning to deploy a web frontend with React. I have two conditions: I need to allow only specific IP addresses, and I want a cost-effective solution. I have come up with two options, and I would like to know which one is better.

The first option is to use S3 and CloudFront for deployment and then block specific IP addresses using WAF (Web Application Firewall). Initially, with S3 alone, I could allow only specific IP addresses using S3 policies. However, since I need to apply HTTPS, I understand that using CloudFront allows me to configure IP whitelisting with WAF.

Additionally, I have considered another approach that does not involve S3 policies or WAF but instead involves determining the IP whitelist in the middleware of the React app. I would like to know your thoughts on this approach.

The second option is to deploy the frontend on EC2. I thought about using Docker Compose on EC2 to deploy Nginx and the React web application. In this case, I intended to manage the IP whitelist in the security group.

Which method do you think is better?


得分: 1



  • 这是一个托管服务:您无法操作服务器或选择运行的软件,但维护较少,您只需负责React应用的软件更新。
  • 定价按使用量计费。使用量越高,成本越高。对于低使用量/流量应用程序来说,这可能非常便宜。成本更难以预测。
  • 由于“无服务器”架构,容易扩展。
  • 内置CDN和缓存,开箱即用。
  • SSL/HTTPS开箱即用。


  • 这是一个未托管的服务,需要更多时间和精力。您需要设置、维护和更新。存在更高的安全问题和漏洞的机会。
  • 您可以获得更多控制权,但我看不出对于React应用有什么好处。
  • 定价具有一致的每月固定成本,可预测。
  • 扩展需要由您管理:随着流量/负载增加,您将需要更多的EC2实例和负载均衡器。
  • 需要配置CDN和缓存。您可以创建CloudFront分发,但此时您可能应该一开始就选择了CloudFront选项。
  • SSL/HTTPS需要您进行配置(例如使用LetsEncrypt)。

To host a React app with an IP whitelist I would choose S3 and CloudFront, because of the benefits of being a managed service: no maintenance or updates except the React app itself. This can also scale up without any additional effort.

S3 and CloudFront

  • This is a managed service: you don't get your hands on the server or get to choose what software it runs, but it is less maintenance and you aren't responsible for software updates except your React app.
  • Pricing is per use. The higher use the higher cost. This can be very cheap for low usage/traffic apps. The cost is more difficult to predict.
  • Scaling up is easy due to the 'serverless' architecture.
  • CDN and caching is built in or out of the box.
  • SSL/HTTPS is out of the box.


  • This an unmanaged service which requires more time and effort. You are responsible for the setup, maintenance and updates. There's a higher chance of security issues and vulnerabilities.

  • You get more control but I cannot see any benefit for a React app.

  • Pricing is predictable with a consistent cost per month.

  • Scaling needs
    to be managed by you: with enough traffic/load, you will need more EC2 instances with a load balancer.

  • CDN and caching needs to be configured. You can create a CloudFront distribution, but at this point you might as well have gone with the CloudFront option in the first place.

  • SSL/HTTPS needs to be configured by you (for example with LetsEncrypt).

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月29日 02:17:37
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76352969.html



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