
huangapple go评论48阅读模式

How does the JS engine collaborate with WebCore to update the DOM tree?


I curious about rendering engine (webkit) work internally... And so i get this image above

So mt problem and question is

I confused about web api, that is produced by JS engine and then JS engine will be interpreter that and will be communicate into webcore for updating DOM tree?? Its correct??
我对Web API感到困惑,它是由JS引擎生成的,然后JS引擎将对其进行解释并与WebCore进行通信以更新DOM树吗?这正确吗?

I guess DOM tree and render object is located at rendering engine (webcore) and to do manipulate that DOM tree rendering engine provide a api and JS engine also provide api in their language

Is that my guess is correct??



I curious about rendering engine (webkit) work internally... And so i get this image above

So mt problem and question is

I confused about web api, that is produced by JS engine and then JS engine will be interpreter that and will be communicate into webcore for updating DOM tree?? Its correct??

I guess DOM tree and render object is located at rendering engine (webcore) and to do manipulate that DOM tree rendering engine provide a api and JS engine also provide api in their languange

Is that my guess is correct??



得分: -1



> 渲染引擎(WebCore):渲染引擎是浏览器布局引擎的一部分(例如 WebKit),负责渲染 web 内容。它由 WebCore(核心布局和渲染组件)和其他支持模块组成。

> JavaScript 引擎:JavaScript 引擎(例如 V8)是一个独立的组件,用于执行 JavaScript 代码。它负责解释或编译 JavaScript 代码并执行计算。

> DOM 树:DOM 树表示 HTML 文档的结构化表示。它是一个基于对象的模型,允许 JavaScript 代码和其他浏览器组件与文档的元素和属性交互。


> 解析 HTML:当浏览器接收到一个 HTML 文档时,渲染引擎使用 WebCore 解析 HTML 标记。这个解析过程根据 HTML 结构创建初始的 DOM 树。

> 执行 JavaScript:当渲染引擎在解析过程中或因用户交互(例如事件处理程序)而遇到 JavaScript 代码时,它将 JavaScript 代码交给 JavaScript 引擎。然后,JavaScript 引擎执行代码并执行任何必要的计算。

> 访问 DOM:由 JavaScript 引擎执行的 JavaScript 代码可以使用 DOM API 与 DOM 树交互。DOM API 提供了方法和属性来读取、修改和操作文档的元素和结构。

> 更新 DOM 树:JavaScript 代码可以通过创建、删除或修改元素、属性和内容来动态修改 DOM 树。这些修改可以包括添加事件监听器、更新样式或更改元素的文本内容。

> 渲染和布局:随着 DOM 树的修改,JavaScript 引擎通知 WebCore 进行更改。WebCore 执行必要的更新以更新呈现树,呈现树表示文档的视觉布局。这个过程包括重新计算布局并应用任何样式更改。

> 绘制和显示:一旦呈现树更新,浏览器执行绘制过程,将呈现树转换为可以显示在用户设备上的像素。

> 因此,总结一下,JavaScript 引擎执行 JavaScript 代码并与渲染引擎(WebCore)通信,以更新 DOM 树并触发布局和渲染过程。DOM 树和呈现树都位于渲染引擎内,JavaScript 引擎和渲染引擎协作以更新和渲染 web 内容。


Let's clarify the roles of the different components involved:

> Rendering Engine (WebCore): The rendering engine, which is part of the
> browser's layout engine (such as WebKit), is responsible for rendering
> web content. It consists of WebCore (the core layout and rendering
> component) and other supporting modules.
> JavaScript Engine: The JavaScript engine (e.g., V8) is a separate
> component that executes JavaScript code. It is responsible for
> interpreting or compiling JavaScript code and performing computations.
> DOM Tree: The DOM tree represents the structured representation of the
> HTML document. It is an object-based model that allows JavaScript code
> and other browser components to interact with the document's elements
> and properties.

Now, let's explain the flow of communication between these components:

> Parsing HTML: When the browser receives an HTML document, the
> rendering engine parses the HTML markup using WebCore. This parsing
> process creates the initial DOM tree based on the HTML structure.
> Executing JavaScript: When the rendering engine encounters JavaScript
> code during parsing or as a result of user interaction (e.g., an event
> handler), it hands over the JavaScript code to the JavaScript engine.
> The JavaScript engine then executes the code and performs any
> necessary computations.
> Accessing the DOM: JavaScript code executed by the JavaScript engine
> can interact with the DOM tree using the DOM API. The DOM API provides
> methods and properties to read, modify, and manipulate the elements
> and structure of the document.
> Updating the DOM Tree: JavaScript code can dynamically modify the DOM
> tree by creating, removing, or modifying elements, attributes, and
> content. These modifications can include adding event listeners,
> updating styles, or changing the text content of elements.
> Rendering and Layout: As the DOM tree is modified, WebCore is notified
> of the changes by the JavaScript engine. WebCore performs the
> necessary updates to the rendering tree, which represents the visual
> layout of the document. This process includes recalculating the layout
> and applying any style changes.
> Painting and Display: Once the rendering tree is updated, the browser
> performs the painting process, converting the rendering tree into
> pixels that can be displayed on the user's device.
> So, in summary, the JavaScript engine executes JavaScript code and
> communicates with the rendering engine (WebCore) to update the DOM
> tree and trigger layout and rendering processes. The DOM tree and the
> rendering tree are both located within the rendering engine, and the
> JavaScript engine and the rendering engine collaborate to update and
> render the web content.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月28日 21:39:31
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76351778.html



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