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NumPy in Cython: compile-time type vs original type




  • 使用唯一的数据类型来实现更好的性能是否正确?还有,我应该选择哪种类型?

  • 如果使用唯一的数据类型不正确,那么在程序的不同部分如何确定使用哪种类型?


In Cython, there are corresponding compile-time types to NumPy. It seems that the compile-time type are faster than the original type. If we combine them with the C type, for example, there are three keywords that can be used to define a integer type: int,, np.int_t.

In the official tutorial, all these three types are used. This makes me feel confused. Here are my questions:

Is it correct to use the sole data type to achieve a better performance? And, which type should I choose? If using the sole data type is not correct, then how should I determine which type to use in different parts of my program?


得分: 1





It seems that this tutorial is very outdated. NumPy doesn't have int_t, and int is deprecated (, not int).

So I guess this answers the question on which of the int options to use. There's only int, which defaults to np.int64 (at least on my machine, could maybe also be np.int32).

However, note that there are different size options for int, like int32 and int64, which you may choose between if you know the size of the integers you wish to store.


得分: -7



  1. 它们是可以作为dtype=参数传递给Numpy函数的Python对象。这些指示Numpy创建什么类型的数组。从Cython的角度来看,它们与任何其他Python对象相同。然而,Numpy将它们视为特殊指示符。np.int是其中的一个示例(但现在已被弃用,建议使用普通的Python int)。特定大小的整数数据类型,如np.int32仍然可用。

    arr = np.zeros((5, 10),


  2. 第二种用法是作为C整数类型。np.int_t 确实存在(这是其他答案错误的地方)。然而,它是一个仅在包装Cython的Numpy内部的.pxd文件中暴露出来的C typedef。您从Numpy cimport 这些类型,而不是从Numpy import

    您可以在需要C类型的任何地方使用这些类型(例如,cdef int_t some_varcdef int_t[:] some_memoryview)。它们基本上与dtypes具有相同的名称,但以_t结尾。


cdef np.int32_t[:,:] mview = np.zeros((5, 10), dtype=np.int32)


cdef int[:,:] mview = np.zeros((5, 10), dtype=int)




The other answer is unfortunately partly right, and the Cython documentation looks like it's unfortunately partly outdated.

So there's essentially two contexts where you use Numpy types with Cython:

  1. The are Python objects that can be passed to Numpy functions as a dtype= argument. These indicate to Numpy what type of array to create. From Cython's point of view they're the same as any other Python object. However, Numpy treats them as special indicators. was an example of these (but has now been removed in favour of just using the normal Python int). Specificity sized integer dtypes like np.int32 are still available though.

    arr = np.zeros((5,10),

    These are not Cython-specific. They're the same as you'd use in normal Python code.

  2. The second use is as C integer types. np.int_t does exist (this is where the other answer is wrong). However, it's a C typedef that's only exposed in the .pxd file that wraps the Numpy internals for Cython. They're what you cimport from Numpy, rather than what you import from Numpy.

    You use these types anywhere that a C type would be expected (e.g. cdef int_t some_var or cdef int_t[:] some_memoryview). They largely have the same name as the dtypes but with _t on the end.

As an example of how you'd combine the two, you can create a 2D memoryview, and allocate an array for it to view with the line

cdef np.int32_t[:,:] mview = np.zeros((5, 10), dtype=np.int32)

The plain int type has two meanings in Cython. It can be used as the normal Python integer object (e.g. you can pass it as a dtype argument). However, in other contexts Python interprets it as a C integer. Therefore you could do

cdef int[:,:] mview = np.zeros((5, 10), dtype=int)

and this would also work. The first use it's used as a C type. The second as a normal Python object.

It's slightly confusing because Cython straddles Python (where types are just Python objects like any other Python object) and C (where a type is used to declare a variable, but is not an object to be passed around in its own right) and it isn't always clear which bits are C-like and which bits are Python-like.

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